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  • duilib Combo 支持 编辑


    #ifndef __UICOMBOEDIT_H__
    #define __UICOMBOEDIT_H__
    #pragma once
    namespace DuiLib
        class CComboEditWnd;
        class DUILIB_API CComboEditUI:public CComboUI
            LPCTSTR GetClass() const;
            LPVOID GetInterface(LPCTSTR pstrName);
            CDuiString GetText() const;
            void DoEvent(TEventUI& event);
            int  GetFont();
            void SetFont(int iFont);
            UINT GetTextStyle();
            void SetTextStyle(UINT iTextStyle);
            int  GetMaxChar();
            void SetMaxChar(int iMaxChar);
            DWORD  GetNativeEditBkColor();
            void SetNativeEditBkColor(DWORD dwColor);
            DWORD GetTextColor();
            void SetTextColor(DWORD dwColor);
            CDuiString m_sText;
            CComboEditWnd* m_pEditWnd;
            BOOL SelectItem(int iIndex, BOOL bTakeFocus = FALSE, BOOL bTriggerEvent = TRUE);
            void PaintText(HDC hDC);
            int GetCurSel() const;
            int m_iMaxChar;
            int m_iFont;
            UINT m_uTextStyle;
            DWORD m_dwNativeEditBkColor;
            DWORD m_dwTextColor;
            DWORD m_dwDisabledTextColor;
    }// end Duilib
    #endif // __UICOMBOEDIT_H__


    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "UIComboEdit.h"
    #include <olectl.h>
    namespace DuiLib
    	class DUILIB_API CComboEditWnd : public CWindowWnd
    		void Init(CComboEditUI* pOwner);
    		RECT CalPos();
    		LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName() const;
    		LPCTSTR GetSuperClassName() const;
    		void OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd);
    		LRESULT HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
    		LRESULT OnKillFocus(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled);
    		LRESULT OnEditChanged(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled);
    		enum {
    			DEFAULT_TIMERID = 20,
    		CComboEditUI* m_pOwner;
    		HBRUSH m_hBkBrush;
    		BOOL m_bInit;
    		BOOL m_bDrawCaret;
    	CComboEditWnd::CComboEditWnd() : m_pOwner(NULL), m_hBkBrush(NULL), m_bInit(FALSE), m_bDrawCaret(FALSE)
    	void CComboEditWnd::Init(CComboEditUI* pOwner)
    		m_pOwner = pOwner;
    		RECT rcPos = CalPos();
    		UINT uTextStyle = m_pOwner->GetTextStyle();
    		if (uTextStyle & DT_LEFT) uStyle |= ES_LEFT;
    		else if (uTextStyle & DT_CENTER) uStyle |= ES_CENTER;
    		else if (uTextStyle & DT_RIGHT) uStyle |= ES_RIGHT;
    		Create(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), NULL, uStyle, 0, rcPos);
    		HFONT hFont = NULL;
    		int iFontIndex = m_pOwner->GetFont();
    		if (iFontIndex != -1)
    			hFont = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetFont(iFontIndex);
    		if (hFont == NULL)
    			hFont = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetDefaultFontInfo()->hFont;
    		SetWindowFont(m_hWnd, hFont, TRUE);
    		Edit_LimitText(m_hWnd, m_pOwner->GetMaxChar());
    		Edit_SetText(m_hWnd, m_pOwner->GetText());
    		Edit_SetModify(m_hWnd, FALSE);
    		Edit_Enable(m_hWnd, m_pOwner->IsEnabled() == TRUE);
    		::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
    		int nSize = GetWindowTextLength(m_hWnd);
    		Edit_SetSel(m_hWnd, nSize, nSize);
    		m_bInit = TRUE;
    	RECT CComboEditWnd::CalPos()
    		CDuiRect rcPos = m_pOwner->GetPos();
    		RECT rcInset = m_pOwner->GetTextPadding();
    		rcPos.left += rcInset.left;
    		rcPos.top += rcInset.top;
    		rcPos.right -= rcInset.right;
    		rcPos.bottom -= rcInset.bottom;
    		LONG lEditHeight = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetFontInfo(m_pOwner->GetFont())->tm.tmHeight;
    		if (lEditHeight < rcPos.GetHeight()) {
    			rcPos.top += (rcPos.GetHeight() - lEditHeight) / 2;
    			rcPos.bottom = rcPos.top + lEditHeight;
    		CControlUI* pParent = m_pOwner;
    		RECT rcParent;
    		while (pParent = pParent->GetParent()) {
    			if (!pParent->IsVisible()) {
    				rcPos.left = rcPos.top = rcPos.right = rcPos.bottom = 0;
    			rcParent = pParent->GetClientPos();
    			if (!::IntersectRect(&rcPos, &rcPos, &rcParent)) {
    				rcPos.left = rcPos.top = rcPos.right = rcPos.bottom = 0;
    		return rcPos;
    	LPCTSTR CComboEditWnd::GetWindowClassName() const
    		return _T("ComboEditWnd");
    	LPCTSTR CComboEditWnd::GetSuperClassName() const
    		return WC_EDIT;
    	void CComboEditWnd::OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd)
    		// Clear reference and die
    		if (m_hBkBrush != NULL) ::DeleteObject(m_hBkBrush);
    		m_pOwner->m_pEditWnd= NULL;
    		delete this;
    	LRESULT CComboEditWnd::HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    		LRESULT lRes = 0;
    		BOOL bHandled = TRUE;
    		if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) {
    			m_pOwner->GetManager()->AddNativeWindow(m_pOwner, m_hWnd);
    			if (m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsLayered()) {
    				::SetTimer(m_hWnd, DEFAULT_TIMERID, ::GetCaretBlinkTime(), NULL);
    			bHandled = FALSE;
    		else if (uMsg == WM_KILLFOCUS) lRes = OnKillFocus(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
    		else if (uMsg == OCM_COMMAND) {
    			if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) lRes = OnEditChanged(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled);
    			else if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_UPDATE) {
    				RECT rcClient;
    				::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient);
    				::InvalidateRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient, FALSE);
    		else if (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && TCHAR(wParam) == VK_RETURN) {
    			m_pOwner->GetManager()->SendNotify(m_pOwner, DUI_MSGTYPE_RETURN);
    		else if (uMsg == OCM__BASE + WM_CTLCOLOREDIT || uMsg == OCM__BASE + WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC) {
    			if (m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsLayered() && !m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsPainting()) {
    				m_pOwner->GetManager()->AddNativeWindow(m_pOwner, m_hWnd);
    			DWORD clrColor = m_pOwner->GetNativeEditBkColor();
    			if (clrColor == 0xFFFFFFFF) return 0;
    			::SetBkMode((HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT);
    			DWORD dwTextColor = m_pOwner->GetTextColor();
    			::SetTextColor((HDC)wParam, RGB(GetBValue(dwTextColor), GetGValue(dwTextColor), GetRValue(dwTextColor)));
    			if (clrColor < 0xFF000000) {
    				if (m_hBkBrush != NULL) ::DeleteObject(m_hBkBrush);
    				RECT rcWnd = m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetNativeWindowRect(m_hWnd);
    				HBITMAP hBmpEditBk = CRenderEngine::GenerateBitmap(m_pOwner->GetManager(), rcWnd, m_pOwner, clrColor);
    				m_hBkBrush = ::CreatePatternBrush(hBmpEditBk);
    			else {
    				if (m_hBkBrush == NULL) {
    					m_hBkBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(GetBValue(clrColor), GetGValue(clrColor), GetRValue(clrColor)));
    			return (LRESULT)m_hBkBrush;
    		else if (uMsg == WM_PAINT) {
    			if (m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsLayered()) {
    				m_pOwner->GetManager()->AddNativeWindow(m_pOwner, m_hWnd);
    			bHandled = FALSE;
    		else if (uMsg == WM_PRINT) {
    			if (m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsLayered()) {
    				lRes = CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
    				if (m_pOwner->IsEnabled() && m_bDrawCaret) { // todo:判断是否enabled
    					RECT rcClient;
    					::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient);
    					POINT ptCaret;
    					RECT rcCaret = { ptCaret.x, ptCaret.y, ptCaret.x, ptCaret.y + rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top };
    					CRenderEngine::DrawLine((HDC)wParam, rcCaret, 1, 0xFF000000);
    				return lRes;
    			bHandled = FALSE;
    		else if (uMsg == WM_TIMER) {
    			if (wParam == DEFAULT_TIMERID) {
    				m_bDrawCaret = !m_bDrawCaret;
    				RECT rcClient;
    				::GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient);
    				::InvalidateRect(m_hWnd, &rcClient, FALSE);
    				return 0;
    			bHandled = FALSE;
    		else bHandled = FALSE;
    		if (!bHandled) return CWindowWnd::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);
    		return lRes;
    	LRESULT CComboEditWnd::OnKillFocus(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)
    		LRESULT lRes = ::DefWindowProc(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
    		if ((HWND)wParam != m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow()) {
    			::SendMessage(m_pOwner->GetManager()->GetPaintWindow(), WM_KILLFOCUS, wParam, lParam);
    		return lRes;
    	LRESULT CComboEditWnd::OnEditChanged(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/)
    		if (!m_bInit) return 0;
    		if (m_pOwner == NULL) return 0;
    		// Copy text back
    		int cchLen = ::GetWindowTextLength(m_hWnd) + 1;
    		LPTSTR pstr = static_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca(cchLen * sizeof(TCHAR)));
    		if (pstr == NULL) return 0;
    		::GetWindowText(m_hWnd, pstr, cchLen);
    		m_pOwner->m_sText = pstr;
    		m_pOwner->GetManager()->SendNotify(m_pOwner, DUI_MSGTYPE_TEXTCHANGED);
    		if (m_pOwner->GetManager()->IsLayered()) m_pOwner->Invalidate();
    		return 0;
    		m_iMaxChar = -1;
    		m_pEditWnd = NULL;
    		m_iFont = 1;
    		m_uTextStyle = DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE;
    		m_dwNativeEditBkColor = 0x00000000;
    		m_dwTextColor = 0x00000000;
    		m_dwDisabledTextColor = 0;
    	LPCTSTR CComboEditUI::GetClass() const
    		return DUI_CTR_COMBOEDIT;
    	LPVOID CComboEditUI::GetInterface(LPCTSTR pstrName)
    		if (_tcscmp(pstrName, DUI_CTR_COMBO) == 0) return static_cast<CComboEditUI*>(this);
    		return CComboUI::GetInterface(pstrName);
    	DuiLib::CDuiString CComboEditUI::GetText() const
    		return m_sText;
    	void CComboEditUI::DoEvent(TEventUI& event)
    		if (!IsMouseEnabled() && event.Type > UIEVENT__MOUSEBEGIN && event.Type < UIEVENT__MOUSEEND) {
    			if (m_pParent != NULL) m_pParent->DoEvent(event);
    			else CComboUI::DoEvent(event);
    		if (event.Type == UIEVENT_KILLFOCUS)
    			if (m_pEditWnd)
    				m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(FALSE, FALSE);
    		if ( event.Type == UIEVENT_DBLCLICK || event.Type== UIEVENT_RBUTTONDOWN)
    			if (m_pEditWnd)
    				m_pEditWnd->ShowWindow(TRUE, TRUE);
    			if (m_pEditWnd) return;
    			m_pEditWnd = new CComboEditWnd();
    	int CComboEditUI::GetFont()
    		return m_iFont;
    	void CComboEditUI::SetFont(int iFont)
    		m_iFont = iFont;
    	UINT CComboEditUI::GetTextStyle()
    		return m_uTextStyle;
    	void CComboEditUI::SetTextStyle(UINT iTextStyle)
    		m_uTextStyle = iTextStyle;
    	int CComboEditUI::GetMaxChar()
    		return m_iMaxChar;
    	void CComboEditUI::SetMaxChar(int iMaxChar)
    		m_iMaxChar = iMaxChar;
    	DWORD CComboEditUI::GetNativeEditBkColor()
    		return m_dwNativeEditBkColor;
    	void CComboEditUI::SetNativeEditBkColor(DWORD dwColor)
    		m_dwNativeEditBkColor = dwColor;
    	DWORD CComboEditUI::GetTextColor()
    		return m_dwTextColor;
    	void CComboEditUI::SetTextColor(DWORD dwColor)
    		m_dwTextColor = dwColor;
    	BOOL CComboEditUI::SelectItem(int iIndex, BOOL bTakeFocus /*= FALSE*/, BOOL bTriggerEvent /*= TRUE*/)
    		if (m_bSelectCloseFlag && m_pWindow != NULL) m_pWindow->Close();
    		if (iIndex == m_iCurSel) return TRUE;
    		int iOldSel = m_iCurSel;
    		if (m_iCurSel >= 0) {
    			CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[m_iCurSel]);
    			if (!pControl) return FALSE;
    			IListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(DUI_CTR_ILISTITEM));
    			if (pListItem != NULL) pListItem->Select(FALSE, bTriggerEvent);
    			m_iCurSel = -1;
    		if (iIndex < 0) return FALSE;
    		if (m_items.GetSize() == 0) return FALSE;
    		if (iIndex >= m_items.GetSize()) iIndex = m_items.GetSize() - 1;
    		CControlUI* pControl = static_cast<CControlUI*>(m_items[iIndex]);
    		if (!pControl || !pControl->IsVisible() || !pControl->IsEnabled()) return FALSE;
    		m_sText = pControl->GetText();
    		IListItemUI* pListItem = static_cast<IListItemUI*>(pControl->GetInterface(DUI_CTR_ILISTITEM));
    		if (pListItem == NULL) return FALSE;
    		m_iCurSel = iIndex;
    		if (m_pWindow != NULL || bTakeFocus) pControl->SetFocus();
    		pListItem->Select(TRUE, bTriggerEvent);
    		if (m_pManager != NULL && bTriggerEvent) m_pManager->SendNotify(this, DUI_MSGTYPE_ITEMSELECT, m_iCurSel, iOldSel);
    		return TRUE;
    	void CComboEditUI::PaintText(HDC hDC)
    		if (!m_bShowText)
    		if (m_pEditWnd && IsWindowVisible(m_pEditWnd->GetHWND()))
    		RECT rcText = m_rcItem;
    		rcText.left += m_rcTextPadding.left;
    		rcText.right -= m_rcTextPadding.right;
    		rcText.top += m_rcTextPadding.top;
    		rcText.bottom -= m_rcTextPadding.bottom;
    		if (m_iCurSel >= 0) {
    			CListLabelElementUI* pControl = static_cast<CListLabelElementUI*>(m_items[m_iCurSel]);
    			if (pControl)
    				CDuiString strIcon = pControl->GetIcon();
    				SIZE szIcon = pControl->GetIconSize();
    				if (strIcon != _T(""))
    					IListOwnerUI* pOwner = pControl->GetOwner();
    					if (pOwner == NULL) return;
    					TListInfoUI* pInfo = pOwner->GetListInfo();
    					if (pInfo == NULL) return;
    					int left, right;
    					left =0;
    					right = left + szIcon.cx;
    					TDrawInfo	diIcon;
    					CDuiString pStrImage;
    					int bottom, top = (rcText.bottom - rcText.top - szIcon.cy) / 2;
    					bottom = top + szIcon.cy;
    					pStrImage.SmallFormat(_T("file='%s' dest='%d,%d,%d,%d'"), strIcon.GetData(), left, top, right, bottom);
    					diIcon.sDrawString = pStrImage;
    					CRenderEngine::DrawImage(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, m_rcPaint, diIcon);
    					m_uTextStyle |=  pInfo->uTextStyle;
    				rcText.left += szIcon.cx;
    		if (m_dwTextColor == 0) m_dwTextColor = m_pManager->GetDefaultFontColor();
    		if (m_dwDisabledTextColor == 0) m_dwDisabledTextColor = m_pManager->GetDefaultDisabledColor();
    		if (m_sText.IsEmpty()) return;
    		if (IsEnabled()) {
    			CRenderEngine::DrawText(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, m_sText, m_dwTextColor, 
    				m_iFont, DT_SINGLELINE | m_uTextStyle);
    		else {
    			CRenderEngine::DrawText(hDC, m_pManager, rcText, m_sText, m_dwDisabledTextColor, 
    				m_iFont, DT_SINGLELINE | m_uTextStyle);
    	int CComboEditUI::GetCurSel() const
    		return -1;
    }// end duilib


    <Default name="ComboEdit"  value="normalimage=&quot;file='resuttonscombo_normal.png' corner='20,0,20,0'&quot; hotimage=&quot;file='resuttonscombo_down.png' corner='20,0,20,0'&quot; pushedimage=&quot;file='resuttonscombo_down.png' corner='20,0,20,0'&quot; vscrollbar=&quot;true&quot; textpadding=&quot;6,0,20,0&quot; itemtextpadding=&quot;6,0,0,0&quot; " />

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/M4ster/p/duilib_ComboEdit.html
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