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  • c++中CString:: Find , ReverseFind, Left, Right


    CString 是在MFC中的头文件



    // ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "iostream"
    #include "afx.h"
    using namespace std;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        CString s1("abcab");
        ASSERT(s1.ReverseFind('b') == 4);
        ASSERT(s1.Find('b') == 1);
        CString s("abcaab");
        ASSERT(s.ReverseFind('b') == 5);   // 从右往左第一个b的索引是5
        ASSERT(s.Find('a') == 0);           // 从左往右第一个a的索引是0
        ASSERT(s.Find('b') == 1);          // 从左往右第一个b的索引是1
        CString str(_T("Shop,ap"));
        str = str.Left(4);
        cout << str << endl;    // str2 = Shop  从左字符串的个数
        CString str1(_T("Shop,ap"));
        str1 = str1.Right(1);
        cout << str1 << endl;   // str1 = p   从右字符串的个数
        CString str2(_T("Shop,ap"));   
        int idex = str2.Find('S');
        cout << idex << endl;   // idex = 0   按数组的索引从0开始
        CString str3(_T("Shop,ap"));  
        str3 = str3.Right(str3.GetLength() - 1 - str3.Find(','));
        cout << str3 << endl;
        return 0;


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