有向图模版(直接拿bzoj1179: [Apio2009]Atm,题解后空再写(反正是水题反正写了也没人看))

type arr=record next,toward:longint; end; const maxm=1000000; maxn=600000; mm=600000; var edge:array[0..maxm]of arr; f1,f2,value,num,scc,p,dfn,low,d:array[0..maxn]of longint; chose:array[0..maxn]of boolean; n,m,tot,tail,ss,time,sum:longint; procedure add1(j,k:longint); begin inc(tot); edge[tot].toward:=k; edge[tot].next:=f1[j]; f1[j]:=tot; end; procedure add2(j,k:longint); begin inc(tot); edge[tot].toward:=k; edge[tot].next:=f2[j]; f2[j]:=tot; end; procedure tarjan(x:longint); var i,too,j:longint; begin inc(time); dfn[x]:=time; low[x]:=time; chose[x]:=true; inc(tail); p[tail]:=x; i:=f1[x]; while i>0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if dfn[too]=0 then begin tarjan(too); if low[too]<low[x] then low[x]:=low[too]; end else if chose[too] and (dfn[too]<low[x]) then low[x]:=dfn[too]; i:=edge[i].next; end; if low[x]=dfn[x] then begin inc(sum); num[sum]:=0; repeat j:=p[tail]; dec(tail); chose[j]:=false; scc[j]:=sum; num[sum]:=value[j]+num[sum]; until j=x; end; end; procedure spfa; var head,tail,x,i,too:longint; begin tail:=1; head:=0; fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); fillchar(chose,sizeof(chose),false); p[1]:=scc[ss]; d[p[1]]:=num[p[1]]; chose[p[1]]:=true; while head<>tail do begin inc(head); if head>mm then head:=1; x:=p[head]; i:=f2[x]; // writeln(x); while i>0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if d[x]+num[too]>d[too] then begin d[too]:=d[x]+num[too]; if not chose[too] then begin inc(tail); if tail>mm then tail:=1; p[tail]:=too; chose[too]:=true; end; end; i:=edge[i].next; end; chose[x]:=false; end; end; procedure into; var i,j,k,x,too:longint; begin read(n,m); tot:=0; for i:=1 to m do begin read(j,k); add1(j,k); end; for i:=1 to n do read(value[i]); for i:=1 to n do if dfn[i]=0 then tarjan(i); for x:=1 to n do begin i:=f1[x]; while i>0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if scc[too]<>scc[x] then add2(scc[x],scc[too]); i:=edge[i].next; end; end; end; procedure work; var ans,i,j,total:longint; begin read(ss,total); spfa; ans:=0; for i:=1 to total do begin read(j); if ans<d[scc[j]] then ans:=d[scc[j]]; end; writeln(ans); end; begin into; work; end.
无向图模版(bzoj1123: [POI2008]BLO)

type arr=record toward,next:longint; end; const maxn=300000; var edge:array[0..maxn*5]of arr; dfn,low,first,size:array[0..maxn]of longint; sum:array[0..maxn]of int64; n,m,time,tot,i:longint; procedure addedge(j,k:longint); begin inc(tot); edge[tot].toward:=k; edge[tot].next:=first[j]; first[j]:=tot; end; procedure tarjan(x:longint); var i,too,son:longint; begin inc(time); dfn[x]:=time; low[x]:=time; son:=0; size[x]:=1; i:=first[x]; while i>0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if dfn[too]=0 then begin tarjan(too); size[x]:=size[x]+size[too]; if low[too]<low[x] then low[x]:=low[too]; if dfn[x]<=low[too] then begin sum[x]:=sum[x]+int64(son)*size[too]; son:=son+size[too]; end; end else if dfn[too]<low[x] then low[x]:=dfn[too]; i:=edge[i].next; end; sum[x]:=sum[x]+int64(son)*(n-son-1); end; procedure into; var i,j,k:longint; begin read(n,m); tot:=0; for i:=1 to m do begin read(j,k); addedge(j,k); addedge(k,j); end; tarjan(1); end; begin into; for i:=1 to n do writeln((sum[i]+n-1)<<1); end.