Rikka with Graph
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Problem Description
As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them:
For an undirected graph G with n nodes and m edges, we can define the distance between (i,j) (dist(i,j)) as the length of the shortest path between i and j. The length of a path is equal to the number of the edges on it. Specially, if there are no path between i and j, we make dist(i,j) equal to n.
Then, we can define the weight of the graph G (wG) as ∑ni=1∑nj=1dist(i,j).
Now, Yuta has n nodes, and he wants to choose no more than m pairs of nodes (i,j)(i≠j) and then link edges between each pair. In this way, he can get an undirected graph G with n nodes and no more than m edges.
Yuta wants to know the minimal value of wG.
It is too difficult for Rikka. Can you help her?
In the sample, Yuta can choose (1,2),(1,4),(2,4),(2,3),(3,4).
For an undirected graph G with n nodes and m edges, we can define the distance between (i,j) (dist(i,j)) as the length of the shortest path between i and j. The length of a path is equal to the number of the edges on it. Specially, if there are no path between i and j, we make dist(i,j) equal to n.
Then, we can define the weight of the graph G (wG) as ∑ni=1∑nj=1dist(i,j).
Now, Yuta has n nodes, and he wants to choose no more than m pairs of nodes (i,j)(i≠j) and then link edges between each pair. In this way, he can get an undirected graph G with n nodes and no more than m edges.
Yuta wants to know the minimal value of wG.
It is too difficult for Rikka. Can you help her?
In the sample, Yuta can choose (1,2),(1,4),(2,4),(2,3),(3,4).
The first line contains a number t(1≤t≤10), the number of the testcases.
For each testcase, the first line contains two numbers n,m(1≤n≤106,1≤m≤1012).
For each testcase, the first line contains two numbers n,m(1≤n≤106,1≤m≤1012).
For each testcase, print a single line with a single number -- the answer.
Sample Input
4 5
Sample Output
1.当m<=n-1时,我们尽可能每一条边都把不同的点连通,我们可以把 ① 点作为根节点,每加入一条边,就从这个根节点连接到另一个不在连通块里的点(见下图,虚线代表下一条连接的边)。
对于被连接的点来说,它到根节点的距离从 n -> 1, 到其他在子节点的距离从 n -> 2, 所以加入第 i 个点后,原先总距离之和减少了 2*[(n-1)+(i-1)*(n-2)]。由于m=0(即没有边)时总距离和为 n*n*(n-1), 此时总距离和为
2.当m>n-1时,剩余的点两两相连,由于每两个子节点之间距离都是2,每连一条边都只有一对点的距离从2变为1,所以每多连一条边,总距离减少 2*1,所以在上式的基础上减去 2*(m-(n-1)) 即可。注意当m > n*(n-1)/2时最多能取n*(n-1)/2对点, res=n*(n-1)。
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int main() { LL n,m; int T; cin>>T; while(T--) { scanf("%lld %lld", &n, &m); LL res=n*n*(n-1); if(m>0){ if(m<=n-1){ res=res-m*(m-1)*(n-2)-2*m*(n-1); } else if(m>n*(n-1)/2) res=n*(n-1); else{ res=res-(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-2)-2*(n-1)*(n-1)-2*(m-n+1); } } printf("%lld ", res); } return 0; }