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  • Delphi快捷键

    Ctrl+F 进行搜索

    快捷键描述IDE 版本
    Escape Selects parent control in design mode. Left mouse click + Escape drags the parent control Delphi 2 and up
    Shift + Click After selecting control in form designer, click on it with Shift again to select top most parent Form Delphi 5 and up
    Tab In Object Inspector activates incremental search for properties. Press again Tab to move focus to property value Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + J Invoke code templates also called code snippets Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + T Delete text from cursor position until end of word Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + E Incremental search Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Y Delete current line Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + B Invoke buffer window when focus is on editor. The buffer window shows a list of all different tabs. Delphi 2007 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + G Insert a new GUID at the cursor position Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + I Indent the current selected block Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + U Unindent the current selected block Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + I Indent the current selected block or current line in case of no selection Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + U Unindent the current selected block or current line in case of no selection Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + J Invoke SyncEdit Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Shift + V Automatically declare variable at cursor position Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Shift + Y Delete to the end of line Delphi 5 and up
    Alt + [ Match pair forward Delphi 5 and up
    Alt + ] Match pair backward Delphi 5 and up
    Alt + RightArrow Browse forward (hotlink history) Delphi 7 and up
    Alt + LeftArrow Browse backward (hotlink history) Delphi 7 and up
    Alt + UpArrow Browse to symbol under editor cursor (invoke a hotlink and add it to the hotlink history) Borland Developer Studio 2006
    F4 Run program to current cursor position Delphi 2 and up
    F5 Toggle breakpoint Delphi 2 and up
    F7 Debugger step into Delphi 2 and up
    Shift - F7 Trace into next source line Delphi 5 and up
    F8 Debugger step over Delphi 2 and up
    Shift - F8 Run until return Delphi 5 and up
    F9 Run program under debugger Delphi 2 and up
    Ctrl + F2 Program Reset Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + F7 Evaluate/modify Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + F5 Add Watch Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + F12 View units Delphi 2 and up
    Alt + G Goto line number in editor Delphi 2 and up
    Ctrl + O + G Goto line number in editor Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + R Start/stop recording editor macro Delphi 2 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + P Play editor macro Delphi 2 and up
    Ctrl + Spacebar Invoke code completion Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Invoke code parameter hints Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Enter Open file at cursor Delphi 2 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + Enter Find all references Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + C Invoke class completion for the class that currently contains the cursor Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + UpArrow Navigate to method implementation/declaration Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + DownArrow Navigate to method implementation/declaration Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + F12 Opens the drop-down on the top-right corner of the code editor, listing all open files Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + Mouse Wheel Navigate to previous or next method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl+Q+L Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + UpArrow Navigate to previous method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl+Q+L Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow Navigate to next method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl+Q+L Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + Home Navigate to the lexically first method implementation in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl+Q+L Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + End Navigate to the lexically last method implementation in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl+Q+L Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Alt + P Activate the Tool Palette in filtering mode (start typing, press Enter to drop component) Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + / Toggle comment per line or selected block, Ctrl + ' on nordic (and perhaps other international ) keyboards Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + T Add todo list item Delphi 2005 and up
    Alt + F12 Toggle between Form as text mode of design mode Delphi 5 and up
    Alt + F11 Invoke Use unit dialog Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + F11 Invoke Open Project Dialog Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + F11 Invoke Project manager window Delphi 2005 and up
    F11 Invoke Object Inspector window Delphi 5 and up
    F12 Toggle between code view and design view Delphi 5 and up
    Alt + 0 Invoke Window list Delphi 2005 and up
    Shift + Alt + F11 Invoke Structure window Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + B Invoke Browser window Delphi 5
    Ctrl + Alt + B Invoke Breakpoint window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + S Invoke Call Stack window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + W Invoke Watches window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + L Invoke Local Variables window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + T Invoke Threads window Delphi 7 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + F Invoke FPU window Delphi 2005(removed from Delphi 2006)
    Ctrl + Alt + C Invoke CPU window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + V Invoke Event window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Alt + M Invoke Modules window Delphi 2005 and up
    Shift + F12 Invoke Forms window Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + A Invoke Add to uses clause(Find unit in Delphi 2006) window (Refactoring) Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + Shift + F11 Invoke Project Options window Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + F9 Compile Project Delphi 5 and up
    Shift + F9 Build Project Delphi 5 and up
    Shift + F11 Invoke Add to project window Delphi 5 and up
    Shift + Ctrl + F9 Run without debugging Delphi 2005 and up
    Ctrl + F Find Delphi 3 and up
    Shift + Ctrl + F Find in Files Delphi 3 and up
    Alt + F7/F8 Previous/next result (for Find in Files and Messages) Delphi 7 and up
    Ctrl+K+E Changes a word to lowercase and deselects selection Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl+K+F Changes a word to uppercase and deselects selection Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl+K+O Changes a word to lowercase Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl+K+N Changes a word to uppercase Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl+O+U Toggles case Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+O Toggles Code folding between On and Off Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+A Code folding: Expands All blocks of code Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+E Code folding: Collapse current block of code Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+U Code folding: Expand current block of code Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+T Code folding: Toggle Current block (expand & collapse)  
    Ctrl+Shift+K+R Code folding: Collapses all regions {$region 'comment'}..{$endregion} Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+P Code folding: Collapse nested procedures  
    Ctrl+Shift+K+M Code folding: Collapse all methods  
    Ctrl+Shift+K+C Code folding: Collapse all classes  
    Ctrl+Shift+K+G Code folding: Collapses down to primary Groups [Interface/Implementation] Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+K+N Code folding: Collapses Namespace/Unit Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next open file in the editor Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous open file in the editor Delphi 2006 and up
    Ctrl + K + P Invokes print selection dialog Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + W Invokes Write block to file(selected text) Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + R Invokes Read block from file(inserts text at cursor) Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + C Copies selected text at the end of the selection Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + K + T Select word at cursor position Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + O + L Selects current line Delphi 5 and up
    Ctrl + Q + L Toggles between limiting the Ctrl+Alt navigation shortcuts to the current class, or limiting it to the current unit Borland Developer Studio 2006
    Ctrl + Q + W Go to next item of Messages window Delphi 5 and up

    Ctrl+PageUp 将光标移至本屏的第一行,屏幕不滚动。

    Ctrl+PageDown 将光标移至本屏的最后一行,屏幕不滚动。

    Ctrl+↓ 向下滚动屏幕,光标跟随滚动不出本屏。

    Ctrl+↑ 向上滚动屏幕,光标跟随滚动不出本屏。

    Ctrl+Shift+NUM 在光标行设置最多九个临时标志号,对临时切换非常有用。行的左边将出现一本书,封面有NUM,再按一次取消设置。 

    Ctrl+NUM 直接将光标跳到NUM处,NUM是用Ctrl+Shift+NUM设置的标号。 NUM不能用小键盘。

    Ctrl+Home 将光标移至文件头。

    Ctrl+End 将光标移至文件尾。

    Ctrl+B Buffer List窗口。

    Ctrl+I 同Tab键。

    Ctrl+M 同Enter键。

    Ctrl+N 同Enter键,但光标位置保持不变。

    Ctrl+T 删除光标右边的一个单词。

    Ctrl+Y 删除光标所在行。

    Ctrl+Shift+↑ 光标在函数体内时,将光标快速移至当前函数声明处。

    Ctrl+Shift+↓ 光标在函数声明行时,将光标快速移至函数定义处。

    Ctrl+Shift+C 声明一个过程或函数后,直接生成过程或函数的名称、begin、end;

    Ctrl+Shift+E 光标在Edit窗口和Explorer窗口间切换。

    Ctrl+Shift+G 插入GUID。

    Ctrl+Shift+J 弹出Delphi语句提示窗口,选择所需语句将自动完成一条语句。

    Ctrl+Shift+T 在光标行加入To-Do注释。

    Ctrl+Shift+Y 删除光标之后至本行末尾之间的文本。

    Ctrl+F3 Call Stack窗口。

    Ctrl+F4 等于File菜单中的Close项。

    Ctrl+鼠标转轮 加速滚屏。

    Shift+F8 调试时弹出CPU窗口。

    Shift+F10 等于鼠标右键(Windows快捷键)。

    Alt+F4 关闭所有编辑框中打开的源程序文件,但不关闭项目。 

    设置Code Insight 模板,begin...end,以后只要输入be,然后按ctrl+j就可以匹配begin,end;但是从begin到相应的end,就不知道了,匹配括号之类的可以用alt+[,Alt+]

    搜索editor keyboard shortcuts可能可以找到,你自己看帮助吧。

    在编程序时 unit 右键菜单的properties /Code Insight  设置你喜欢的任何东东 ctr+j即可。

    DELPHI IDE中部分操作快捷方式(大部分在Delphi 5.0的菜单中找不到,其中有一些还是非常有用的)

      1 代码模板:CTRL+J 

      2 代码整块移动:CTRL+SHIFT+I(右移) CTRL+SHIFT+U(左移)

      3 选中窗体 : 先选中任一控件,SHIFT+鼠标左键

      4 将鼠标指向变量名、单元名、类名,再用 CTRL+鼠标左键 可找到相应的说明

      5 在过程、函数、事件内部, SHIFT+CTRL+向上的方向键 可跳跃到相应的过程、函数、事件的定义

      6 相反,在过程、函数、事件的定义处,SHIFT+CTRL+向下的方向键 可跳跃到具体过程、函数、事件内部

      7 CTRL+ SHIFT + C:编写申明或者补上函数


      9 Ctrl+ shift + n (n=1,2,3,4......)定义书签

      10 Ctrl+ n (n=1,2,3,4......)跳到书签n

      11 ALT+鼠标左键可以块选代码,删除对齐的重复代码非常有用

      12 Ctrl+PageUp 将光标移至本屏的第一行,屏幕不滚动。

      13 Ctrl+PageDown 将光标移至本屏的最后一行,屏幕不滚动。

      14 Ctrl+↓ 向下滚动屏幕,光标跟随滚动不出本屏。

      15 Ctrl+↑ 向上滚动屏幕,光标跟随滚动不出本屏。

      16 Ctrl+Home 将光标移至文件头。

      17 Ctrl+End 将光标移至文件尾。

      18 Ctrl+B Buffer List窗口。

      19 Ctrl+I 同Tab键。

      20 Ctrl+M 同Enter键。

      21 Ctrl+N 同Enter键,但光标位置保持不变。

      22 Ctrl+T 删除光标右边的一个单词。

      23 Ctrl+Y 删除光标所在行。

      24 Ctrl+Shift+↑ 光标在函数体内时,将光标快速移至当前函数声明处。

      25 Ctrl+Shift+↓ 光标在函数声明行时,将光标快速移至函数定义处。

      26 Ctrl+Shift+C 声明一个过程或函数后,直接生成过程或函数的名称、begin、end;

      27 Ctrl+Shift+E 光标在Edit窗口和Explorer窗口间切换。

      28 Ctrl+Shift+G 插入GUID。

      29 Ctrl+Shift+J 弹出Delphi语句提示窗口,选择所需语句将自动完成一条语句。

      30 Ctrl+Shift+T 在光标行加入To-Do注释。

      31 Ctrl+Shift+Y 删除光标之后至本行末尾之间的文本。

      32 Ctrl+F3 Call Stack窗口。

      33 Ctrl+F4 等于File菜单中的Close项。

      34 Ctrl+鼠标转轮 加速滚屏。

      35 Shift+F8 调试时弹出CPU窗口。

      36 Shift+F10 等于鼠标右键(Windows快捷键)。

      37 Alt+F4 关闭所有编辑框中打开的源程序文件,但不关闭项目

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MaxWoods/p/1987544.html
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