' Hardlinks.vbs
' 示范 NTFS 卷上的硬链接
' --------------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
' 一些常量
Const L_NoHardLinkCreated = "Unable to create hard link"
Const L_EnterTarget = "Enter the file name to hard-link to"
Const L_HardLinks = "Creating hard link"
Const L_EnterHardLink = "Name of the hard link you want to create"
Const L_CannotCreate = "Make sure that both files are on the same volume and the volume is NTFS"
Const L_NotExist = "Sorry, the file doesn't exist"
Const L_SameName = "Target file and hard link cannot have the same name"
' 确定要(硬)链接的现有文件
dim sTargetFile
if WScript.Arguments.Count >0 then
sTargetFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
sTargetFile = InputBox(L_EnterTarget, L_HardLinks, "")
if sTargetFile = "" then WScript.Quit
end if
' 该文件存在吗?
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not fso.FileExists(sTargetFile) then
MsgBox L_NotExist
end if
' 主循环
while true
QueryForHardLink sTargetFile
' 关闭
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' // Helper 函数
' 创建硬链接
function QueryForHardLink(sTargetFile)
' 如果在命令行上指定了硬链接名,则提取它
dim sHardLinkName
if WScript.Arguments.Count >1 then
sHardLinkName = WScript.Arguments(1)
dim buf
buf = L_EnterHardLink & " for" & vbCrLf & sTargetFile
sHardLinkName = InputBox(buf, L_HardLinks, sTargetFile)
if sHardLinkName = "" then WScript.Quit
if sHardLinkName = sTargetFile then
MsgBox L_SameName
exit function
end if
end if
' 验证两个文件均在同一个卷上,且
' 该卷是 NTFS
if Not CanCreateHardLinks(sTargetFile, sHardLinkName) then
MsgBox L_CannotCreate
exit function
end if
' 创建硬链接
dim oHL
set oHL = CreateObject("HardLink.Object.1")
oHL.CreateNewHardLink sHardLinkName, sTargetFile
end function
' 验证两个文件均在同一个 NTFS 磁盘上
function CanCreateHardLinks(sTargetFile, sHardLinkName)
CanCreateHardLinks = false
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' 同一个驱动器?
dim d1, d2
d1 = fso.GetDriveName(sTargetFile)
d2 = fso.GetDriveName(sHardLinkName)
if d1 <> d2 then exit function
' NTFS 驱动器?
CanCreateHardLinks = IsNTFS(sTargetFile)
end function
' IsNTFS() — 验证文件的卷是否为 NTFS
' --------------------------------------------------------
function IsNTFS(sFileName)
dim fso, drv
IsNTFS = False
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set drv = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(sFileName))
set fso = Nothing
if drv.FileSystem = "NTFS" then IsNTFS = True
end function