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  • 自动安装驱动程序代码

    DWORD GetServiceInfFilePath_Passthru( 
    LPTSTR lpFilename,
    DWORD nSize
    // Get Path to This Module
    DWORD nResult;
    TCHAR szDrive[ _MAX_DRIVE ];
    TCHAR szDir[ _MAX_DIR ];
    nResult = GetModuleFileName( NULL, lpFilename, nSize );
    if( nResult == 0 )
    return 0;
    _tsplitpath( lpFilename, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL );
    _tmakepath( lpFilename, szDrive, szDir, _T ("netsf"), _T(".inf") );
    return (DWORD )_tcslen( lpFilename );
    DWORD GetServiceInfFilePath_PassthruMP( 
    LPTSTR lpFilename,
    DWORD nSize
    // Get Path to This Module
    DWORD nResult;
    TCHAR szDrive[ _MAX_DRIVE ];
    TCHAR szDir[ _MAX_DIR ];
    nResult = GetModuleFileName( NULL, lpFilename, nSize );
    if( nResult == 0 )
    return 0;
    _tsplitpath( lpFilename, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL );
    _tmakepath( lpFilename, szDrive, szDir, _T ("netsf_m"), _T(".inf") );
    return (DWORD )_tcslen( lpFilename );
    DWORD InstallDriver_Passthru()
    DWORD nResult;
    //_tprintf( _T("Installing %s...
    nResult = MessageBox(NULL, _T("你要安装 Passthru 网络驱动?" ), _T ("Passthru网络过滤驱动"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
    if( nResult != IDOK )
    return 0;
    // Get Path to Service INF File
    // ----------------------------
    // The INF file is assumed to be in the same folder as this application...
    TCHAR szFileFullPath[ _MAX_PATH ];
    //安装成功,但passthru miniport的部分没有安装上去,在windows 目录下 的setupapi.log文件中可以看到
    //也不会在 网络适配器 下面看到 passthru miniport项。但手动安装在'本地网络属性"->"安装"->”服务“选择
    //在网络上查了一下,这个问题应该是因为 Passthru这个驱动需要两个inf文件,而netsf_m.inf并不没有被复制到
    //系统的inf 目录(c:windowsinf)去。虽然 netsf.inf 里面有[CopyInf = netsf_m.inf]项要求复制netsf_m.inf
    //但这个不能 正常工作(The "CopyINF" directive, by design, is only observed if the original INF is 
    //not yet in the INF directory. So to work around the problem, you have to 
    //update your installation app (snetcfg) to also copy the Net class (miniport) 
    //inf using SetupCopyOEMInf when it comes to installing IM drivers. Make sure 
    //you specify a fully qualified path of the INF in the SetupCopyOEMInf 
    //所以这个问题的解决就是自己把 netsf_m.inf这个文件放到c:windowsinf目录去。这可以通过在 netsf.inf里面添加
    //copyfile项,像copy Passthru.sys一样添加一项copy netsf_m.inf的项。另一种方法就是像下面这样添加调用
    TCHAR szDrive[ _MAX_DRIVE ];
    TCHAR szDir[ _MAX_DIR ];
    TCHAR szDirWithDrive[_MAX_DRIVE+_MAX_DIR];
    nResult = GetServiceInfFilePath_PassthruMP( szFileFullPath, MAX_PATH );
    if( nResult == 0 )
    //_tprintf( _T("Unable to get INF file path.
    ") );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("获取INF文件路径失败!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    return 0;
    // Get the path where the INF file is.
    _tsplitpath( szFileFullPath, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL );
    _tcscpy( szDirWithDrive, szDrive );
    _tcscat( szDirWithDrive, szDir );
    if ( !SetupCopyOEMInfW(
    szDirWithDrive, // Other files are in the
    // same dir. as primary INF
    SPOST_PATH, // First param is path to INF
    0, // Default copy style
    NULL, // Name of the INF after
    // it's copied to %windir%inf
    0, // Max buf. size for the above
    NULL, // Required size if non-null
    NULL) // Optionally get the filename
    // part of Inf name after it is copied.
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("复制 PasstruMP 的inf安装文件到系统目录失败!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    nResult = GetServiceInfFilePath_Passthru( szFileFullPath, MAX_PATH );
    if( nResult == 0 )
    // _tprintf( _T("Unable to get INF file path.
    ") );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("获取INF文件路径失败!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    return 0;
    //_tprintf( _T("INF Path: %s
    "), szFileFullPath );
    HRESULT hr=S_OK;
    //_tprintf( _T("PnpID: %s
    "), _T( "ms_passthru"));
    hr = InstallSpecifiedComponent(
    szFileFullPath, //驱动安装的inf文件路径 , 适当修改吧
    _T ("ms_passthru"), // NDISPROT_SERVICE_PNP_DEVICE_ID, //这个也要适当修改的
    if( hr != S_OK )
    /*ErrMsg( hr, L"InstallSpecifiedComponent
    " );*/
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("安装驱动失败!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("成功安装驱动!"),_T("安装程序提示"),MB_OK);
    return 0;
    DWORD UninstallDriver_Passthru()
    //_tprintf( _T("Uninstalling %s...
    int nResult = MessageBox(NULL, _T("你要卸载Passthru网络驱动?" ), _T ("Passthru网络过滤驱动"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
    if( nResult != IDOK )
    return 0;
    INetCfg *pnc;
    INetCfgComponent *pncc;
    INetCfgClass *pncClass;
    INetCfgClassSetup *pncClassSetup;
    LPTSTR lpszApp;
    GUID guidClass;
    OBO_TOKEN obo;
    HRESULT hr;
    hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp );
    if ( hr == S_OK ) {
    // Get a reference to the network component to uninstall.
    hr = pnc->FindComponent( _T ("ms_passthru"), &pncc );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
    // Get the class GUID.
    hr = pncc->GetClassGuid( &guidClass );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
    // Get a reference to component's class.
    hr = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass( &guidClass,
    (PVOID *)&pncClass );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
    // Get the setup interface.
    hr = pncClass->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgClassSetup,
    (LPVOID *)&pncClassSetup );
    if ( hr == S_OK )
    // Uninstall the component.
    ZeroMemory( &obo,
    sizeof(OBO_TOKEN) );
    obo.Type = OBO_USER;
    hr = pncClassSetup->DeInstall( pncc,
    NULL );
    if ( (hr == S_OK) || (hr == NETCFG_S_REBOOT) )
    hr = pnc->Apply();
    if ( (hr != S_OK) && (hr != NETCFG_S_REBOOT) )
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Couldn't apply the changes after"
    // L" uninstalling %s.",
    // _T ("ms_passthru" ));
    MessageBox(NULL, _T ("卸载驱动之后无法成功应用!"),_T ("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("成功卸载驱动!"),_T("安装程序提示"),MB_OK);
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Failed to uninstall %s.",
    // _T("ms_passthru" ));
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("卸载网络组件失败!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    ReleaseRef( pncClassSetup );
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Couldn't get an interface to setup class." );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("无法得到安装类接口!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    ReleaseRef( pncClass );
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Couldn't get a pointer to class interface "
    // L"of %s.",
    // _T ("ms_passthru") );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("无法得到安装类接口!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Couldn't get the class guid of %s.",
    // _T("ms_passthru") );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("无法得到安装类接口的 GUID !"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    ReleaseRef( pncc );
    //ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"Couldn't get an interface pointer to %s.",
    // _T ("ms_passthru") );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("无法得到一个接口指针!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc,
    TRUE );
    if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp )
    // ErrMsg( hr,
    // L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.",
    // lpszApp );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("碰到死锁问题,稍后再试!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp );
    // ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the notify object interface." );
    MessageBox(NULL, _T("无法得到通知对象接口!"),_T("安装程序错误提示"),MB_OK);
    return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MaxWoods/p/4156654.html
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