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  • 再论Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe)

    The Type Library Importer converts the type definitions found within a COM type library into equivalent definitions in a common language runtime assembly. The output of Tlbimp.exe is a binary file (an assembly) that contains runtime metadata for the types defined within the original type library. You can examine this file with tools such as Ildasm.exe.

    tlbimp tlbFile [options]




    The name of any file that contains a COM type library.


    The following command generates an assembly with the same name as the type library found in myTest.tlb and with the .dll extension.

    tlbimp myTest.tlb 

    The following command generates an assembly with the name myTest.dll.

    tlbimp  myTest.tlb  /out:myTest.dll

    The following command generates an assembly with the same name as the type library specified by MyModule.dll\1 and with the .dll extension. MyModule.dll\1 must be located in the current directory.

    tlbimp MyModule.dll\1

    The following command generates an assembly with the name myTestLib.dll for the type library TestLib.dll. The /transform:dispret option transforms any [out, retval] parameters of methods on dispinterfaces in the type library into return values in the managed library.

    tlbimp TestLib.dll /transform:dispret /out:myTestLib.dll

    The type library TestLib.dll, in the preceding example, includes a dispinterface method named SomeMethod that returns void and has an [out, retval] parameter. The following code is the input type library method signature for SomeMethod in TestLib.dll.

    void SomeMethod([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL*);

    Specifying the /transform:dispret option causes Tlbimp.exe to transform the [out, retval] parameter of SomeMethod into a bool return value. The following is the method signature that Tlbimp.exe produces for SomeMethod in the managed library myTestLib.dll when the /transform:dispret option is specified.

    bool SomeMethod();

    If you use Tlbimp.exe to produce a managed library for TestLib.dll without specifying the /transform:dispret, the tool produces the following method signature for SomeMethod in the managed library myTestLib.dll.

    void SomeMethod(out bool x);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/MayGarden/p/1714638.html
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