Dim s$, fNm$ '定义公共变量:关键词s和文件名结果fNm Sub FindFile() Dim Arr, i&, pth$, ML, MT, MW, MH, shp Arr = [a1].CurrentRegion With Cells(2, 2) MW = .Width MH = .Height End With For i = 2 To UBound(Arr) s = Arr(i, 1) If s = "" Then Exit Sub pth = ThisWorkbook.Path & "公司图片" fNm = "" Call FindFileName(pth) If fNm = "" Then GoTo 100 With Cells(i, 2) ML = .Left MT = .Top For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If shp.Type = 13 Then If shp.TopLeftCell.Address = .Address Then shp.Delete: Exit For End If End If Next ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, ML, MT, MW, MH).Select Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.UserPicture fNm End With 100: Next End Sub Sub FindFileName(pth) If fNm <> "" Then Exit Sub '找到以后就结束递归过程(如果要找到全部则这一句注释掉) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '设置fso对象 Set fld = fso.GetFolder(pth) '设置fso对象的父文件夹fld Set fsb = fld.SubFolders '设置fso对象文件夹下的子文件夹fsb For Each fd In fsb '遍历所有子文件夹 For Each f In fd.Files '遍历每个子文件夹中的所有文件 If InStr(f.Name, s) Then fNm = fd.Path & "" & f.Name: Exit Sub '找到符合关键词的文件后退出(或者可以存入数组内然后继续查找所有符合的文件) Next Call FindFileName(fd.Path) '该子文件夹遍历结束时,继续递归进入该文件夹的子文件夹搜寻…… Next End Sub
Public Sub Q() '开始插入图片 Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim PicName$, pand&, k&, PicPath, i, p, n, PicArr, TitleRow Dim PicNameCol, PicPath2, PicPath3, TPnameCol, TPCol Set PicNameCol = Application.InputBox("请选择图片名称所在列,只能选择单列单元格!", Title:="图片名称所在列", Type:=8) '选择的图片名称所在列 PicCol = PicNameCol.Column '取图片名称所在列列列标 Set TPnameCol = Application.InputBox("请选择图片需要放置的列,只能选择单列单元格!", Title:="图片所在列", Type:=8) '选择的图片所在列 TPCol = TPnameCol.Column '取图片所在列列列标 TitleRow = Val(Application.InputBox("请输入标题行的行数")) '用户设置总表的标题行数 If TitleRow < 0 Then MsgBox "标题行必须大于等于零,请重新确认? ": Exit Sub With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) .AllowMultiSelect = False '禁止多选文件夹 If .Show Then PicPath = .SelectedItems(1) Else: Exit Sub End With If Right(PicPath, 1) <> "" Then PicPath = PicPath & "" PicArr = Array(".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".png", ".gif") '假定图片格式有5种 For i = TitleRow + 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, PicCol).End(3).Row PicPath2 = PicPath PicName = Cells(i, PicCol).Value If Len(PicName) <> 0 Then '如果PicName不为空 PicPath3 = PicPath2 & PicName pand = 0 For p = 0 To UBound(PicArr) If Len(Dir(PicPath3 & PicArr(p))) Then '如果picpath路径下存在PicName图片 ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture PicPath3 & PicArr(p), True, True, _ Cells(i, TPCol).Left, Cells(i, TPCol).Top, _ Cells(i, TPCol).Width, Cells(i, TPCol).Height pand = 1 n = n + 1 End If Next If pand = 0 Then k = k + 1 End If Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True If k <> 0 Then MsgBox "图片插入完成!共有" & k & "张图片未找到,请重新确认源文件! " Else MsgBox "所有图片插入完成!" End If End Sub