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  • 用代码操控另一台电脑








    1. socket通讯即可完成
    2. 用psexec,(psexec是pstools中的一个程序)
    3. 用ManagementClass类







    • step 1: create sub direcotry on remtoeMachine
    • step 2: create a share folder on remoteMachine
    • step 3: get full control of share folder
    • step 4: copy tool to share folder
    • step 5: start tool with argument to do special operation on remote machine



    Class Library 'MachineControl.dll'

    'MachineControl.dll':(引用到了System.Management.dll)是负责对被操控的机器进行控制的类,主要就两个类'WindowsShare', 'ExecuteCommand':

    Class 'WindowsShare':该类负责在被操控的机器上创建share folder,设置权限

      1 using System.Management;
      2 using System.Security.Principal;
      3 using System.Collections.Generic;
      4 using System;
      6 namespace MachineControl
      7 {
      8     public class WindowsShare
      9     {
     10         public enum MethodStatus : uint
     11         {
     12             Success = 0,     //Success            
     13             AccessDenied = 2,     //Access denied          
     14             UnknownFailure = 8,     //Unknown failure            
     15             InvalidName = 9,     //Invalid name           
     16             InvalidLevel = 10,     //Invalid level            
     17             InvalidParameter = 21,     //Invalid parameter       
     18             DuplicateShare = 22,     //Duplicate share           
     19             RedirectedPath = 23,     //Redirected path           
     20             UnknownDevice = 24,     //Unknown device or directory           
     21             NetNameNotFound = 25     //Net name not found     
     22         }
     23         public enum ShareType : uint
     24         {
     25             DiskDrive = 0x0,     //Disk Drive           
     26             PrintQueue = 0x1,     //Print Queue        
     27             Device = 0x2,     //Device      
     28             IPC = 0x3,     //IPC           
     29             DiskDriveAdmin = 0x80000000,     //Disk Drive Admin     
     30             PrintQueueAdmin = 0x80000001,     //Print Queue Admin         
     31             DeviceAdmin = 0x80000002,     //Device Admin        
     32             IpcAdmin = 0x80000003     //IPC Admin       
     33         }
     34         public enum AccessMaskTypes
     35         {
     36             FullControl = 2032127, Change = 1245631,
     37             ReadOnly = 1179817
     38         }
     39         #region field and property
     40         private ManagementObject _winShareObject;
     41         private WindowsShare(ManagementObject obj) { _winShareObject = obj; }
     42         public ManagementObject ManagementObject { get { return _winShareObject; } }
     43         public uint AccessMask { get { return Convert.ToUInt32(_winShareObject["AccessMask"]); } }        
     44         public bool AllowMaximum { get { return Convert.ToBoolean(_winShareObject["AllowMaximum"]); } }
     45         public string Caption{ get { return Convert.ToString(_winShareObject["Caption"]); } }        
     46         public string Description { get { return Convert.ToString(_winShareObject["Description"]); } }
     47         public DateTime InstallDate { get { return Convert.ToDateTime(_winShareObject["InstallDate"]); } }
     48         public uint MaximumAllowed
     49         {
     50             get { return Convert.ToUInt32(_winShareObject["MaximumAllowed"]); }
     51         }        public string Name { get { return Convert.ToString(_winShareObject["Name"]); } }        public string Path { get { return Convert.ToString(_winShareObject["Path"]); } }        public string Status { get { return Convert.ToString(_winShareObject["Status"]); } }        public ShareType Type { get { return (ShareType)Convert.ToUInt32(_winShareObject["Type"]); } }        public MethodStatus Delete() { object result = _winShareObject.InvokeMethod("Delete", new object[] { }); uint r = Convert.ToUInt32(result); return (MethodStatus)r; }
     52         #endregion
     53         #region static method
     54         public static MethodStatus Create(string path, string name, ShareType type, uint? maximumAllowed, string description, string password)
     55         {
     56             ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_Share");
     57             ManagementBaseObject shareParams = mc.GetMethodParameters("Create");
     58             shareParams["Path"] = path; 
     59             shareParams["Name"] = name;
     60             shareParams["Type"] = (uint)type;
     61             shareParams["Description"] = description;
     62             if (maximumAllowed != null)
     63                 shareParams["MaximumAllowed"] = maximumAllowed;
     64             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
     65                 shareParams["Password"] = password;
     66             ManagementBaseObject result = mc.InvokeMethod("Create", shareParams, null);
     67             return (MethodStatus)(result.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value);
     68         }
     70         public static MethodStatus CreateShareFolder(string FolderPath, string ShareName, ShareType type, string Description, string remoteMachine, string userName, string passWord)
     71         {
     73             ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass(string.Format(@"\{0}
    ootcimv2:Win32_Share", remoteMachine));
     74             mc.Scope.Options.Username = userName;
     75             mc.Scope.Options.Password = passWord;
     77             // Get the parameter for the Create Method for the folder
     78             ManagementBaseObject shareParams = mc.GetMethodParameters("Create");
     79             // Assigning the values to the parameters
     80             shareParams["Description"] = Description;
     81             shareParams["Name"] = ShareName;
     82             shareParams["Path"] = FolderPath;
     83             shareParams["Type"] = (int)type;
     84             // Finally Invoke the Create Method to do the process
     85             ManagementBaseObject result = mc.InvokeMethod("Create", shareParams, null);
     86             return (MethodStatus)(result.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value);
     88         }
     90         public static IList<WindowsShare> GetAllShareFolders(string remoteMachine, string userName, string passWord)
     91         {
     92             IList<WindowsShare> result = new List<WindowsShare>();
     93             ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass(string.Format(@"\{0}
    ootcimv2:Win32_Share", remoteMachine));
     94             mc.Scope.Options.Username = userName;
     95             mc.Scope.Options.Password = passWord;
     97             ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
     99             foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
    100             {
    101                 WindowsShare share = new WindowsShare(mo);
    102                 result.Add(share);
    103             }
    104             return result;
    105         }
    107         public static IList<WindowsShare> GetAllShares()
    108         {
    109             IList<WindowsShare> result = new List<WindowsShare>();
    110             ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_Share"); 
    111             ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances(); 
    112             foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
    113             {
    114                 WindowsShare share = new WindowsShare(mo);
    115                 result.Add(share);
    116             } 
    117             return result;
    118         }
    119         public static WindowsShare GetShareByName(string name)
    120         {
    121             name = name.ToUpper();
    122             IList<WindowsShare> shares = GetAllShares();
    123             foreach (WindowsShare s in shares)
    124                 if (s.Name.ToUpper() == name)
    125                     return s; return null;
    126         }
    127         public static WindowsShare GetShareByName(string remoteMachine, string userName, string passWord,string name)
    128         {
    129             name = name.ToUpper();
    130             IList<WindowsShare> shares = GetAllShareFolders(remoteMachine, userName, passWord);
    131             foreach (WindowsShare s in shares)
    132                 if (s.Name.ToUpper() == name)
    133                     return s; return null;
    134         }
    135         public static WindowsShare GetShareByPath(string path)
    136         {
    137             path = path.ToUpper();
    138             IList<WindowsShare> shares = GetAllShares();
    139             foreach (WindowsShare s in shares)
    140                 if (s.Path.ToUpper() == path)
    141                     return s; return null;
    142         }
    143         #endregion
    144         #region method
    145         public MethodStatus SetPermission(string domain, string userName, AccessMaskTypes amtype)
    146         {
    147             NTAccount account = new NTAccount(domain, userName); 
    148             SecurityIdentifier sid = (SecurityIdentifier)account.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
    149             byte[] sidArray = new byte[sid.BinaryLength]; sid.GetBinaryForm(sidArray, 0);
    150             ManagementObject trustee = new ManagementClass(new ManagementPath("Win32_Trustee"), null);
    151             trustee["Domain"] = domain; 
    152             trustee["Name"] = userName; 
    153             trustee["SID"] = sidArray; 
    154             ManagementObject adminACE = new ManagementClass(new ManagementPath("Win32_Ace"), null); 
    155             adminACE["AccessMask"] = (int)amtype; adminACE["AceFlags"] = 3;
    156             adminACE["AceType"] = 0; 
    157             adminACE["Trustee"] = trustee; 
    158             ManagementObject secDescriptor = new ManagementClass(new ManagementPath("Win32_SecurityDescriptor"), null);
    159             secDescriptor["ControlFlags"] = 4; //SE_DACL_PRESENT          
    160             secDescriptor["DACL"] = new object[] { adminACE };
    161             object result = _winShareObject.InvokeMethod("SetShareInfo", new object[] 
    162             { Int32.MaxValue, this.Description, secDescriptor }); 
    163             uint r = Convert.ToUInt32(result); return (MethodStatus)r;
    164         }
    165         #endregion
    166     }
    167 }
    View Code

    Class 'ExecuteCommand' :该类负责在被操控的机器上执行cmd命令

     1 using System.Management;
     2 using System.Security.Principal;
     3 using System.Collections.Generic;
     4 using System;
     6 namespace MachineControl
     7 {
     8     public class ExecuteCommand
     9     {
    10         public static void Execute(string remoteMachine, string username, string password, string cmd)
    11         {
    12             ConnectionOptions connOptions = new ConnectionOptions
    13             {
    14                 Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate,
    15                 EnablePrivileges = true,
    16                 Username = username,
    17                 Password = password
    18             };
    20             ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\" + remoteMachine + @"
    ootcimv2", connOptions);
    21             scope.Connect();
    23             ObjectGetOptions options = new ObjectGetOptions();
    25             // Getting the process class and the process startup class
    26             ManagementPath processClassPath = new ManagementPath("Win32_Process");
    28             ManagementClass processClass = new ManagementClass(scope, processClassPath, options);
    30             // Settings the parameters for the Create method in the process class
    31             ManagementBaseObject inArgs = processClass.GetMethodParameters("Create");
    32             inArgs["CommandLine"] = cmd;
    34             // Invoking the method
    35             ManagementBaseObject returnValue = processClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inArgs, null);
    36             if ((uint)(returnValue.Properties["ReturnValue"].Value) != 0)
    37                 throw new Exception("Folder might be already in share or unable to share the directory");
    38         }
    39     }
    40 }
    View Code

    Tool 'Tool.exe'


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace Tool
     7 {
     8     class Program
     9     {
    10         static void Main(string[] args)
    11         {
    12             if (args.Length == 1)
    13             {
    14                 if (args[0] == @"/?")
    15                     Console.WriteLine("if arg = 'Creat', Create a txt file; if arg ='Delete', Delete the txt file.");
    16                 else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "CREATE")
    17                     System.IO.File.Create(@"c:qmCreateWithTool.txt");
    18                 else if (args[0].ToUpper() == "DELETE")
    19                     System.IO.File.Delete(@"c:qmCreateWithTool.txt");
    20             }
    21         }
    22     }
    23 }
    View Code

    Client 'Client.exe'


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     5 using System.Net;
     6 using System.Net.Sockets;
     7 using System.Threading;
     8 using System.Management;
    10 using MachineControl;
    12 namespace Client
    13 {
    14     class Program
    15     {
    16         static bool isConnected = false;
    17         static void Main(string[] args)
    18         {
    19             string shareFolderDirectory = @"c:qm";
    20             string shareFolderName = "qm";
    21             string remoteMachine = "machineName";
    22             string remoteMachineUserName = @"yonghuming(inclue domain)";
    23             string remoteMachinePassWord = "password";
    25             string myMachineDomain = "yuming";
    26             string myMachineUserName = "yonghuming";
    27             string toolName = "Tool.exe";
    28             string cmdCreateFolder = string.Format(@"cmd /c md {0}", shareFolderDirectory);
    29             string cmdExecuteTool = string.Format(@"{0}{1} {2}", shareFolderDirectory, toolName, "create");
    31             //step 1: create sub direcotry on remtoeMachine           
    32             ExecuteCommand.Execute(remoteMachine, remoteMachineUserName, remoteMachinePassWord, cmdCreateFolder);
    34             //step 2: create a share folder on remoteMachine
    35             WindowsShare.MethodStatus status = WindowsShare.CreateShareFolder(shareFolderDirectory, shareFolderName, WindowsShare.ShareType.DiskDrive, "ShareFolder", remoteMachine, remoteMachineUserName, remoteMachinePassWord);
    36             if (WindowsShare.MethodStatus.Success != status)
    37             {
    38                 Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Can't create shareFolder, the status is'{0}'.", status.ToString()));
    39             }
    41             WindowsShare ws = WindowsShare.GetShareByName(remoteMachine, remoteMachineUserName, remoteMachinePassWord, shareFolderName);
    42             //step 3: get full control of share folder
    43             ws.SetPermission(myMachineDomain, myMachineUserName, WindowsShare.AccessMaskTypes.FullControl);
    45             //step 4: copy tool to share folder
    46             System.IO.File.Copy(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"" + toolName, @"\" + remoteMachine + @"" + shareFolderName + @"" + toolName);
    48             //step 5: start tool with argument to do special operation on remote machine
    49             ExecuteCommand.Execute(remoteMachine, remoteMachineUserName, remoteMachinePassWord, cmdExecuteTool);
    50         }
    52     }
    53 }
    View Code



    执行到step 3: get full control of share folder时,


    执行到step 5: start tool with argument to do special operation on remote machine时,'Tool.exe'会根据命令"c:qmTool.exe create",创建‘CreateWithTool.txt’



    [1] 局域网内一台机器控制另一台机器上的.EXE程序运行

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Ming8006/p/4332076.html
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