--一个用以打印table的函数 function print_r (t, name) print(pr(t,name)) end function pr (t, name, indent) local tableList = {} function table_r (t, name, indent, full) local id = not full and name or type(name)~="number" and tostring(name) or '['..name..']' local tag = indent .. id .. ' = ' local out = {} -- result if type(t) == "table" then if tableList[t] ~= nil then table.insert(out, tag .. '{} -- ' .. tableList[t] .. ' (self reference)') else tableList[t]= full and (full .. '.' .. id) or id if next(t) then -- Table not empty table.insert(out, tag .. '{') for key,value in pairs(t) do table.insert(out,table_r(value,key,indent .. ' ',tableList[t])) end table.insert(out,indent .. '}') else table.insert(out,tag .. '{}') end end else local val = type(t)~="number" and type(t)~="boolean" and '"'..tostring(t)..'"' or tostring(t) table.insert(out, tag .. val) end return table.concat(out, ' ') end return table_r(t,name or 'Value',indent or '') end
(a and {b} or {c})[1] --如果a为true的话,那么返回b,否则返回c
function ui_jchd_list.AddToSet(set, key) set[key] = true end function ui_jchd_list.RemoveFromSet(set, key) set[key] = nil end function ui_jchd_list.SetContains(set, key) return set[key] ~= nil end
local ctime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", os.time())
local function getTimeZone( ) local now = os.time() local zone= os.difftime(now, os.time(os.date("!*t", now))) return zone end local function getLocalTime( time,zone ) local localTime = time-zone*3600+getTimeZone() return localTime end --北京为东八区 local time1 = getLocalTime(os.time(),8) print(os.date('%H:%M',time1)) --不能简简单单通过下面的方式获取,自己可以通过改变电脑的时间时区来测试就知道了(但是客户端应该有个getServerTime函数来获取服务器的本地时间,而不是拿客户端的本地时间去计算,服务端时间每隔一分钟应该同步到客户端一次) print(os.date("%H:%M",os.time()))
function copy_table(ori_tab) if type(ori_tab) ~= "table" then return end local new_tab = {} for k,v in pairs(ori_tab) do local vtype = type(v) if vtype == "table" then new_tab[k] = copy_table(v) else new_tab[k] = v end end return new_tab end function deepcopy(object) local lookup_table = {} local function _copy(object) if type(object) ~= "table" then return object elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table for index, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value) end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object)) end return _copy(object) end
--总秒数格式化 传总秒数 function ConfigHelpers.FormatSecond( senconds ) local hour = math.modf(senconds / 3600) local min = math.modf((senconds - hour * 3600) / 60) local sec = math.modf((senconds - hour * 3600) % 60) if sec < 10 then sec = '0'..sec end if min < 10 then min = '0'..min end if hour < 10 then hour = '0'..hour end return hour..':'..min..':'..sec end
for i = 1, 10 do while true do if i % 2 == 0 then --这里写continue到的代码 break end --这里写没有continue到的代码 break end
--今天距离星期几还有几天(tday[0-6 = Sunday-Saturday]) local function mondayDays( tday ) local today = os.date("%w", os.time()) --今天星期几 %w weekday (3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday] local weeks = {[1]=0,[2]=6,[3]=5,[4]=4,[5]=3,[6]=2,[0]=1}--这是距离星期一所对应的天数集合 local span = tday - 1 for k,v in pairs(weeks) do local t = v + span weeks[k] = t >= 7 and (t - 7) or t end return weeks[tonumber(today)] end
function RemoveTableItem( tableList , func , removeAll ) local i = 1 while i <= #tableList do if func(tableList[i]) then table.remove(tableList, i) if removeAll == false then return end else i = i + 1 end end end --------------------------测试方法------------------------------- local list = {2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 100, 20, 13, 15, 7, 11} RemoveTableItem(list,function ( v ) if v%2 == 0 then return true else return false end end,true) for i,v in ipairs(list) do print(i..' = '..v) end
10、判断字符串中 汉字、字母、数字、其他字符 的个数
--判断字符串中 汉字、字母、数字、其他字符 的个数 M2.util.getCharCount = function(content) local chineseCount = 0 local englishCount = 0 local numberCount = 0 local otherCount = 0 local contentArray = string.gmatch(content, ".[128-191]*") for w in contentArray do local ascii = string.byte(w) if (ascii >= 65 and ascii <= 90) or (ascii>=97 and ascii <=122) then englishCount = englishCount + 1 elseif ascii >= 48 and ascii <= 57 then numberCount = numberCount + 1 elseif (ascii >= 0 and ascii <= 47) or (ascii >= 58 and ascii <= 64) or (ascii >= 91 and ascii <= 96) or (ascii >= 123 and ascii <= 127) then otherCount = otherCount + 1 else --ios输入法上可以输入系统表情,而此表情的ascii码值正好在这个区间,所以要用字节数来判断是否是中文 --226 227 239 240 为ios系统表情的ascii码值 if string.len(w) == 3 and ascii ~= 226 and ascii ~= 227 and ascii ~= 239 and ascii ~= 240 then chineseCount = chineseCount + 1 else otherCount = otherCount + 1 end end end return chineseCount,englishCount,numberCount,otherCount end --判断输入的字符串个数(2个英文字母算一个,1个汉字算一个,如果含特殊字符,返回-1,否则返回正确个数) M2.util.checkNameCount = function(content) local chineseCount,englishCount,numberCount,otherCount = M2.util.getCharCount(content) if otherCount > 0 then return -1 else local eCount = englishCount / 2 return chineseCount+eCount+numberCount end end
function formatDiffTime( endtime , nowtime ) local overtime=0 day=0 hour=0 minu=0 sec=0 local diffSeconds = os.difftime(endtime,nowtime) --os.difftime (t2, t1) 返回t1到t2相差的秒数 if diffSeconds <= 0 then --如果diffSeconds<=0,那么表示结束时间小于现在的时间(已经超时) overtime = 1 else overtime = 0 end diffSeconds = math.abs(diffSeconds) if diffSeconds <= 60 then sec = diffSeconds day=0 hour=0 minu=0 else hour = diffSeconds / (60*60) -- 总共多少小时 day = hour / 24 if day >= 1 then local t1 , t2 = math.modf(day) day = t1 hour = t2 * 24 local r1 , r2 = math.modf(hour) hour = r1 minu = r2 * 60 local k1 , k2 = math.modf(minu) minu = k1 sec = math.ceil(k2 * 60) else day = 0 if hour >= 1 then local t1 , t2 = math.modf(hour) hour = t1 minu = t2 * 60 local r1 , r2 = math.modf(minu) minu = r1 sec = math.ceil(r2 * 60) else minu = hour * 60 hour = 0 local t1 , t2 = math.modf(minu) minu = t1 sec = math.ceil(t2 * 60) end end end return overtime,day,hour,minu,sec end