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  • 英语小记

    1. East,west,home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。
    2. This is the IT industry. Never too old to learn! 这是IT行业,千万不要到太老以至于不能学习
    3. a habit of reading English article    养成良好的阅读英语文章的习惯
    4. I'am just an ordinary person 我是一个普通人
    5. It's been a long time 好久不见
    6. Why Do ASP.NET Programmers Need to Learn CSS?
    7. American Chinese Not Enough 美中不足
    8. PS指postscript,“备注”的意思
    9. Sorry,I didn't follow, Can you say again what you mean?(对不起,我没跟上,可以再说一遍你的意思吗?)
    10. For the sake of  为了。比如:For the sake of demonstration 为了演示
    11. once upon a time adv.从前
    12. IDE:Integrated  Development Environment 集成开发环境
    13. Window 7 is snappy and responsive Window 7 是爽快和相应的
    14. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 我讲英语有时会说错。
    15. Beauty actually starts from the inside  漂亮其实来源与内心。
    16. I don't get what you are talking about. Can you describe in detail?  我没有明白您的意思,您能说得详细点吗?
    17. I'll Be in touch with you 保持联络
    18. ITTA - Idea Team Timing Action 成功的要素:想法、团队、时机、行动
    19. That's Sichuan chinese life  这就是我们的川菜生活
    20. Zany 小丑、愚蠢、荒唐可笑的、傻瓜
    21. To Be your personal best 做最好的自己
    22. Don't show this at starup 不要在启动的时候显示它
    23. I wish that you could know how much I love you 我希望你能知道我爱你
    24. grow a pair 直白的翻译就是 "长出一对" , 口语的意思是叫他长两颗蛋,有点男人样...
    25. 谢谢浏览...
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Music/p/1785587.html
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