zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • taro+vue3 引入 taro-ui-vue3


     npm install taro-ui-vue3

    2、app.js 引入所有样式

    // 引用全部组件样式
    import 'taro-ui-vue3/dist/style/index.scss'


    在项目的 config 目录下增加一个 h5 构建脚本: h5-building-script.js

    const path = require('path')
    const fs = require('fs')
    const distH5Vue3IndexPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/@tarojs/components/dist-h5/vue3/index.js')
    const distH5vue3IndexNew = `
    // This file is generated by config/h5-building-script.js
    import createComponent from './createComponent'
    import { simpleComponents } from '../vue/simpleComponents'
    import createFormsComponent from './createFormsComponent'
    import Text from './components/text'
    import Image from './components/image'
    import Icon from './components/icon'
    import ScrollView from './components/scroll-view'
    function genSimpleComponents(components) {
      const componentMap = {}
      components.map(component => {
        if (typeof component === 'string') {
          componentMap[component] = createComponent(component)
        } else {
          const { name, classNames } = component
          componentMap[name] = createComponent(name, classNames)
      return componentMap
    const componentMap = genSimpleComponents(simpleComponents)
    // simple components
    export const View = componentMap['taro-view']
    export const RichText = componentMap['taro-rich-text']
    export const Button = componentMap['taro-button']
    export const CheckboxGroup = componentMap['taro-checkbox-group']
    export const Editor = componentMap['taro-editor']
    export const Form = componentMap['taro-form']
    export const Label = componentMap['taro-label']
    export const PickerView = componentMap['taro-picker-view']
    export const PickerViewColumn = componentMap['taro-picker-view-column']
    export const CoverImage = componentMap['taro-cover-image']
    export const CoverView = componentMap['taro-cover-view']
    export const MoveableArea = componentMap['taro-moveable-area']
    export const MoveableView = componentMap['taro-moveable-view']
    export const Swiper = componentMap['taro-swiper']
    export const FunctionalPageNavigator = componentMap['taro-functional-page-navigator']
    export const Navigator = componentMap['taro-navigator']
    export const Audio = componentMap['taro-audio']
    export const Camera = componentMap['taro-camera']
    export const LivePlayer = componentMap['taro-live-player']
    export const Map = componentMap['taro-map']
    export const Ad = componentMap['taro-ad']
    export const OfficialAccount = componentMap['taro-official-account']
    export const OpenData = componentMap['taro-open-data']
    export const WebView = componentMap['taro-web-view']
    export const NavigationBar = componentMap['taro-navigation-bar']
    export const Block = componentMap['taro-block']
    export const Canvas = componentMap['taro-canvas']
    // simple components with classNames
    export const Checkbox = componentMap['taro-checkbox']
    export const Progress = componentMap['taro-progress']
    export const RadioGroup = componentMap['taro-radio-group']
    export const Radio = componentMap['taro-radio']
    export const SwiperItem = componentMap['taro-swiper-item']
    export const Video = componentMap['taro-video']
    // Form components
    export const Input = createFormsComponent('taro-input', 'input')
    export const Textarea = createFormsComponent('taro-textarea', 'input')
    export const Picker = createFormsComponent('taro-picker', 'change')
    export const Switch = createFormsComponent('taro-switch', 'change', 'checked')
    export const Slider = createFormsComponent('taro-slider', 'change', 'value', ['weui-slider-box'])
    export function initVue3Components(app) {
      app.config.isCustomElement = tag => /^taro-/.test(tag) || tag === 'root' || tag === 'block'
      for (const [name, component] of Object.entries(componentMap)) {
        app.component(name, component)
      app.component('taro-input', Input)
      app.component('taro-textarea', Textarea)
      app.component('taro-picker', Picker)
      app.component('taro-switch', Switch)
      app.component('taro-slider', Slider)
      app.component('taro-text', Text)
      app.component('taro-image', Image)
      app.component('taro-icon', Icon)
      app.component('taro-scroll-view', ScrollView)
    export {
      // others
    fs.writeFileSync(distH5Vue3IndexPath, distH5vue3IndexNew, { encoding: 'utf-8' })

    将 package.json 下的 build:h5 命令修改为: 

    "build:h5": "node ./config/h5-building-script.js && taro build --type h5"

    在 config/index.js 中的 h5 下添加 webpack alias 设置:

    h5: {
      webpackChain(chain) {

    cnpm run dev:h5

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    【积累】如何优雅关闭SpringBoot Web服务进程
    SpringCloud Eureka Client和Server侧配置及Eureka高可用配置
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Mvloveyouforever/p/15070839.html
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