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  • You don't know JS 读书笔记(一)


    这里记录着自己阅读You don't know JS系列丛书的一些心得体会,也算是自己对JavaScript知识的一个总结吧。 高能预警:文章较长且琐碎,请自备板凳瓜子~


    Variables don’t have types, but the values in them do。

    这句话的意思是说:变量是没有类型的,变量里面存的值才是有类型的。比如我声明一个变量var a;,此时a是不具有任何类型信息的。如果我给a赋值一个字符串a = "Hello, World", 那么typeof a得到的信息string表示的是a里面的值"Hello, World"的类型信息。如果我现在重新给a赋值,a = 0,因为a里面存的值的类型已经发生变化,那么typeof a得到的信息也变成相应的number。这和静态语言比如C/C++/Java是不一样的,C/C++/Java在定义变量就指定了变量的类型,每个变量只能存储和自己类型匹配的值。


    Many developers will assume “undefined” and “undeclared” are roughly the same thing, but in JavaScript, they’re quite different. undefined is a value that a declared variable can hold.“Undeclared”means a variable has never been declared.


    var a;


    console.log(b);//Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined(…)

    有时候为了判断某个变量(比如a)是否为undefined,一般的做法是if(a != undefined),但是这样存在一个问题,如果a没有申明过呢?这样就会造成解释器报错,为了防止这种情况发生,我们可以利用类型判断操作符typeof来进行安全的判断:if(typeof a != undefined)typeof对与没有申明的变量也能安全的处理,并返回undefined


    Using delete on an array value will remove that slot from the array, but even if you remove the final element, it does not update the length property, so be careful!

    这句话的意思是说:再利用delete操作符删除数组里面的某个元素时, 其实将那个元素里面的值给清空了(置为undefined),但是那个元素(slot)还在数组里,数组的长度并没有发生变化。 比如:

    var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
    delete arr[0];//arr => [undefined × 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i ++) {
      delete arr[i];
    }// arr => [undefined × 5]


    var array = new Array(10);

    其实是不对的。因为这样得到的数组实际上并没有10个插槽(slot),它是空的,只是它的length属性为10而已。如果在控制台里面查看,你会得到这样的结果:[undefined × 10]。想要真正得到10个元素全为undefined的数组,你应该这样做:

    var array = Array.apply(null, {length:10});

    在控制台中查看array可以发现为[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined],和上面得到的结果明显不同。

    JavaScript strings are immutable, while arrays are quite mutable. A further consequence of immutable strings is that none of the string methods that alter its contents can modify in-place, but rather must create and return new strings. By contrast, many of the array methods that change array contents actually do modify in place.


    Simple scalar primitives (strings, numbers, etc.) are assigned/passed by value-copy, but compound values (objects, etc.) are assigned/ passed by reference-copy. References are not like references/pointers in other languages—they’re never pointed at other variables/references, only at the underlying values.


    var obj = {
      x: 1
    function foo(obj) {
      obj = {x: 2};
    console.log(x); // Object {x: 1}


    Primitive values don’t have properties or methods, so to access .length or .toString() you need an object wrapper around the value. Thankfully, JS will automatically box (aka wrap) the primitive value to fulfill such accesses






    首先说一下+运算。 ECMA-262#11.6.1 对the Addition operator ( + )有如下描述:

    The addition operator either performs string concatenation or numeric addition. The production AdditiveExpression : AdditiveExpression + MultiplicativeExpression is evaluated as follows:

    1. Let lref be the result of evaluating AdditiveExpression.
    2. Let lval be GetValue(lref).
    3. Let rref be the result of evaluating MultiplicativeExpression.
    4. Let rval be GetValue(rref).
    5. Let lprim be ToPrimitive(lval).
    6. Let rprim be ToPrimitive(rval).
    7. If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) followed by ToString(rprim)
    8. Return the result of applying the addition operation to ToNumber(lprim) and ToNumber(rprim). See the Note below 11.6.3.

    9. NOTE 1 No hint is provided in the calls to ToPrimitive in steps 5 and 6. All native ECMAScript objects except Date objects handle the absence of a hint as if the hint Number were given; Date objects handle the absence of a hint as if the hint String were given. Host objects may handle the absence of a hint in some other manner.

    10. NOTE 2 Step 7 differs from step 3 of the comparison algorithm for the relational operators (11.8.5), by using the logical-or operation instead of the logical-and operation.

    上面一段话比较晦涩难懂,大概意思是当执行相加操作时,如果左操作数或右操作数不是基本数据类型(primitive)时,会对其进行ToPrimitive转换(具体转换过程可见上面的脑图),这样,左操作数和右操作数都是基本数据类型了,但是如果左右两边的数据类型不一致该怎么办呢?这就涉及到一个优先级的问题,低优先级的数据类型会主动转换为和高优先级一样的数据类型,然后再进行相加操作。它们的优先级关系为:string > num > boolean,所以就会存在两种相加操作:字符串拼接和数字相加。具体的流程可以见下图:


    1 "1" + 1;//"11"
    2 1 + true;// 2
    3 "1" + true// "1true"


    The production AdditiveExpression : AdditiveExpression - MultiplicativeExpression is evaluated as follows:

    1. Let lref be the result of evaluating AdditiveExpression.
    2. Let lval be GetValue(lref).
    3. Let rref be the result of evaluating MultiplicativeExpression.
    4. Let rval be GetValue(rref).
    5. Let lnum be ToNumber(lval).
    6. Let rnum be ToNumber(rval).
    7. Return the result of applying the subtraction operation to lnum and rnum. See the note below 11.6.3.



    "1" - 1;//0
    "1" - true //0
    1 - "true" // 0


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Natumsol/p/5022320.html
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