#’filename.txt'处指定文件路径,可以使用绝对路径和相对路径 #mode='w'指定文件的打开方式 #encoding='utf-8'指定文件编码 f = open('filename.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') f.close() #关闭文件,使用上面句柄打开文件后,文件会一直在内存中运行,在对文件进行操作后,应记得关闭文件 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #使用with关键字+open打开文件后,不用再使用close对文件进行关闭,并且可以同时打开多个文件,打开多个文件需要用逗号隔开,最后的句柄名称后需要加冒号 with open('filename.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f:#打开一个文件 with open('filename.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f,with open('filename.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f1:#打开多个文件
# 此处filename.txt文件中原始内容为:人生苦短,我用python # ①r——只读,不存在报错 with open('filename.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() print(content) >>> 人生苦短,我用python # ②rb——以bytes类型读 with open('filename.txt', mode='rb') as f: content = f.read() print(content) >>> b'xe4xbaxbaxe7x94x9fxe8x8bxa6xe7x9fxadxefxbcx8cxe6x88x91xe7x94xa8python' # ③r+——读写,不存在不会创建,写会覆盖之前内容 with open('filename.txt', mode='r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.read() f.write(' 新添加:Life is short , I use python') print(content) >>> 人生苦短,我用python # ④target_file.txt中的内容为: >>> 人生苦短,我用python >>> 新添加:Life is short , I use python # ⑤r+b——以bytes类型读写 with open('filename.txt', mode='r+b') as f: content = f.read() f.write(' 新添加:Life is short , I use python'.encode('utf-8')) print(content) >>> b'xe4xbaxbaxe7x94x9fxe8x8bxa6xe7x9fxadxefxbcx8cxe6x88x91xe7x94xa8python' # target_file.txt中的内容为: >>> 人生苦短,我用python >>> 新添加:Life is short , I use python
# 此处filename.txt文件中原始内容为空,需要向其中写入:人生苦短,我用python # ①w——只写,不存在则创建,存在则清空再写 with open('filename.txt', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.write('人生苦短,我用python') # target_file.txt中的内容为: >>> 人生苦短,我用python # ②x——只写,不存在则创建,存在则报错 with open('filename.txt', mode='x', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.write('人生苦短,我用python') # target_file.txt存在: >>> Traceback (most recent call last): >>> File "D:/python_fullstack_s9/day8/practice.py", line 94, in <module> >>> with open('target_file.txt', mode='x', encoding='utf-8') as f: >>> FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'target_file.txt' # filename.txt不存在: >>> 人生苦短,我用python # # ③wb——以bytes类型写 with open('filename.txt', mode='wb') as f: content = f.write('人生苦短,我用python'.encode('utf-8')) >>> 人生苦短,我用python # # ④w+——写读,不存在则创建,写会覆盖之前的内容 with open('filename.txt', mode='w+') as f: content = f.write('hello,world') date = f.read() print(date) >>> # filename.txt中的内容为: >>> hello,world # # ⑤w+b——以bytes类型写读 with open('filename.txt', mode='w+b') as f: content = f.write('hello,world'.encode('utf-8')) date = f.read() print(date) >>> b'' # filename.txt中的内容为: >>> hello,world
# 此处filename.txt文件中原始内容为:人生苦短,我用python,需要在后面添加'谁用谁知道'内容 # ①a——追加,不存在则创建,存在则追加 with open('filename.txt', mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.write('谁用谁知道') filename.txt中的内容为: >>> 人生苦短,我用python谁用谁知道 # ②ab——以bytes类型追加 with open('filename.txt', mode='ab') as f: content = f.write('谁用谁知道'.encode('utf-8')) >>> 人生苦短,我用python谁用谁知道 # ③a+——可读可写,不存在则创建,写则追加 with open('filename.txt', mode='a+',encoding='utf-8') as f: content = f.write('谁用谁知道') f.seek(0) date = f.read() print(date) >>> 人生苦短,我用python谁用谁知道 # ④a+b——以bytes类型可读可写 with open('filename.txt', mode='a+b') as f: content = f.write('谁用谁知道'.encode('utf-8')) f.seek(0) date = f.read() print(date) >>> b'xe4xbaxbaxe7x94x9fxe8x8bxa6xe7x9fxadxefxbcx8cxe6x88x91xe7x94xa8pythonxe8xb0x81xe7x94xa8xe8xb0x81xe7x9fxa5xe9x81x93' # filename.txt中的内容为: >>> 人生苦短,我用python谁用谁知道
① seek() 移动光标指针位置
② tell() 返回当前指针所在的位置
③ truncate() 截断文件
④ readline() 读取一行
⑤ readlines() 读取多行,返回为列表
⑥ readable() 文件是否可读
⑦ writeline() 写入一行
⑧ writelines() 写入多行
⑨ writable() 文件是否可读
⑩ closed() 文件是否关闭
⑪ encoding=’utf-8’ 如果文件打开模式为b,则没有该属性
⑫ flush() 立刻将文件内容从内存刷到硬盘
⑬ for循环文件句柄
with open('filename.txt', mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in f: print(i) >>> 人生苦短,我用python >>> 谁用谁知道