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  • 使用win2d实现萤火虫粒子效果










    Public Class FireflyParticle
        Inherits Particle
        Public Property Radius As Single
        Public Property CenterColor As Color
        Public Property Opacity As Single = 1
        Public Property Parent As FireFlyParticleSystem
        Public Sub New(acceleration As Vector2, lifeTime As Integer, location As Vector2, velocity As Vector2, radius As Single, centerColor As Color, parent As FireFlyParticleSystem)
            MyBase.New(acceleration, lifeTime, location, velocity)
            Me.Radius = radius
            Me.Parent = parent
            Me.CenterColor = centerColor
            delta = 0.3 + 0.12 * Rndf()
        End Sub
        Dim delta!
        Public Overrides Sub Update()
            Opacity -= delta!
            Dim ub = Math.Max(0, 1 - Age / LifeTime)
            If Opacity < 0 OrElse Opacity > ub Then
                delta = -delta
                If Opacity < 0 Then
                    Opacity = 0
                ElseIf Opacity > ub Then
                    Opacity = ub
                End If
            End If
            Radius -= Radius / LifeTime
            Velocity += New Vector2(Rndf() - 0.5, Rndf() - 0.5).WithLength(0.5)
            Const bound = 20
            Dim lx = Location.X, ly = Location.Y, vx = Velocity.X, vy = Velocity.Y
            If lx < -bound Then
                lx = -bound
                vx = -vx
            ElseIf lx - bound > Parent.Width Then
                lx = Parent.Width + bound
                vx = -vx
            End If
            If ly < -bound Then
                ly = -bound
                vy = -vy
            ElseIf ly - bound > Parent.Height Then
                ly = Parent.Height + bound
                vy = -vy
            End If
            Location = New Vector2(lx, ly)
            Velocity = New Vector2(vx, vy).WithLength(Parent.MaxSpeed)
        End Sub
    End Class



    Public Class FireFlyParticleSystem
        Inherits ParticleSystem(Of FireflyParticle)
        Public Sub New(spawnInterval As Integer, initialCount As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer, baseColor As Color)
            Me.InitialCount = initialCount
            Me.SpawnInterval = spawnInterval
            Me.Width = width
            Me.Height = height
            Me.BaseColor = baseColor
            For i = 0 To initialCount - 1
                Dim part = CreateParticle()
                part.Age = part.LifeTime - i / initialCount * part.LifeTime
        End Sub
        Protected Overrides Sub OnParticleRemoved()
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Property Particles As New Queue(Of FireflyParticle)
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Presenter As GameVisualView = New FireFlyParticleSystemView(Me)
        Public Overrides Property SpawnCount As Integer = 1
        Public Overrides Property SpawnDuration As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
        Public Property InitialCount As Integer
        Public Overrides Property SpawnInterval As Integer = Integer.MaxValue
        Public Property Width As Integer
        Public Property Height As Integer
        Public Property BaseColor As Color
        Public Property MaxSpeed As Double = 1.4
        Protected Overrides Function CreateParticle() As FireflyParticle
            Return New FireflyParticle(New Vector2, (SpawnInterval * (0.6 + 0.4 * Rndf())), New Vector2(Rndf() * Width, Height * Rndf()), New Vector2(Rndf() - 0.5, Rndf() - 0.5).WithLength(MaxSpeed), 5 + Rndf(), BaseColor, Me)
        End Function
    End Class


    Public Class ImTheBossTitleScreenN2ViewModel
        Inherits GamePanel
        Public Sub New(SpaceSize As Size)
        End Sub
        Dim FireflySys As FireFlyParticleSystem
        Protected Overrides Sub InitializeGameVisuals()
            FireflySys = New FireFlyParticleSystem(10000, 20, SpaceSize.Width, SpaceSize.Height, Colors.YellowGreen)
        End Sub
        Private Sub ImTheBossTitleScreenN2ViewModel_SizeChanged(NewSize As Size) Handles Me.SizeChanged
            FireflySys.Width = NewSize.Width
            FireflySys.Height = NewSize.Height
        End Sub
    End Class



    Friend Class FireFlyParticleSystemView
        Inherits TypedGameVisualPresenter(Of FireFlyParticleSystem)
        Public Sub New(Target As FireFlyParticleSystem)
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Sub OnDraw(sender As GamePanelView, DrawingSession As CanvasDrawingSession, Canvas As ICanvasResourceCreator)
            For Each fireFly In Target.Particles
                Using cl As New CanvasCommandList(DrawingSession), ds = cl.CreateDrawingSession
                    Using glow As New GlowEffectGraph
                        Dim color = fireFly.CenterColor
                        color.A = CByte(fireFly.Opacity * 255)
                        ds.FillCircle(fireFly.Location + Target.Location, fireFly.Radius, color)
                        glow.Setup(cl, fireFly.Radius)
                    End Using
                End Using
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Sub OnGlobalQualityChanged(Quality As GraphicQualityManager)
        End Sub
    End Class
    Class GlowEffectGraph
        Implements IDisposable
        Public ReadOnly Property Output() As ICanvasImage
                Return blur
            End Get
        End Property
        Private morphology As New MorphologyEffect() With {
            .Mode = MorphologyEffectMode.Dilate,
            .Width = 1,
            .Height = 1
        Private blur As New GaussianBlurEffect() With {
            .BlurAmount = 0,
            .BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Soft
        Public Sub New()
            blur.Source = morphology
        End Sub
        Public Sub Setup(source As ICanvasImage, amount As Single)
            morphology.Source = source
            Dim halfAmount = Math.Min(amount / 2, 100)
            morphology.Width = CInt(Math.Truncate(Math.Ceiling(halfAmount)))
            morphology.Height = CInt(Math.Truncate(Math.Ceiling(halfAmount)))
            blur.BlurAmount = halfAmount
        End Sub
    #Region "IDisposable Support"
        Private disposedValue As Boolean ' 要检测冗余调用
        ' IDisposable
        Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
            If Not disposedValue Then
                If disposing Then
                    ' TODO: 释放托管状态(托管对象)。
                End If
                ' TODO: 释放未托管资源(未托管对象)并在以下内容中替代 Finalize()。
                ' TODO: 将大型字段设置为 null。
            End If
            disposedValue = True
        End Sub
        ' TODO: 仅当以上 Dispose(disposing As Boolean)拥有用于释放未托管资源的代码时才替代 Finalize()。
        'Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        '    ' 请勿更改此代码。将清理代码放入以上 Dispose(disposing As Boolean)中。
        '    Dispose(False)
        '    MyBase.Finalize()
        'End Sub
        ' Visual Basic 添加此代码以正确实现可释放模式。
        Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
            ' 请勿更改此代码。将清理代码放入以上 Dispose(disposing As Boolean)中。
            ' TODO: 如果在以上内容中替代了 Finalize(),则取消注释以下行。
            ' GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class

    这里我纠正了win2d gallery示例代码的错误:GlowEffectGraph类最好实现IDisposable,这样可以避免内存释放不及时带来应用闪退,或者产生性能问题。




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Nukepayload2/p/uwp_fireflyparticlesys_vbnet.html
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