import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Taro from '@tarojs/taro' import { View, Image, Text, Label, CheckboxGroup, Checkbox, MovableArea, MovableView } from '@tarojs/components' import classnames from 'classnames' import find from 'lodash/find' import includes from 'lodash/includes' import api from '@services/api' import app from '@services/request' import './index.scss' interface ISandState { value: string text: string checked: boolean } const INIT_SAND_STATE: ISandState[] = [ { value: '1', text: '在售', checked: true }, { value: '2', text: '待售', checked: true }, { value: '3', text: '售完', checked: true } ] interface IShowState { show: boolean text: string } const INIT_SAND_DATA = { sandBuilding: [] } const INIT_SHOW_STATE = { show: true, text: '收起' } interface IProps { houseId: string, outerWidth?: number, outerHeight: number, currentBuilding?: any, setCurrentBuilding: (any) => void, updateSandBuilding: (any) => void } let lastPointX: number = 0 let lastPointY: number = 0 let imgTop: number = 0 let imgLeft: number = 0 let maxLeft: number = 0 let maxTop: number = 0 const SandCommon = (props: IProps) => { const { houseId, outerHeight, currentBuilding = {} } = props const [movableView, setMovableView] = useState<any>({}) const [showState, setShowState] = useState<IShowState>(INIT_SHOW_STATE) const [sandState, setSandState] = useState<ISandState[]>(INIT_SAND_STATE) const [sandData, setSandData] = useState<any>(INIT_SAND_DATA) const [sandBuilding, setSandBuilding] = useState<any>(INIT_SAND_DATA.sandBuilding) const [current, setCurrent] = useState<any>({}) const screenWidth = Taro.getSystemInfoSync().screenWidth const outerWidth = props.outerWidth ? props.outerWidth : screenWidth useEffect(() => { fetchSand() }, [houseId]) useEffect(() => { setCurrent(currentBuilding) }, [currentBuilding]) const setImageRealSize = (fang_sand_pic: string) => { Taro.getImageInfo({ src: fang_sand_pic, success: (result: any) => { setMovableView({ result.width, height: result.height, centerX: (outerWidth - result.width) / 2, centerY: (outerHeight - result.height) / 2 }) } }) } const fetchSand = () => { app.request({ url: app.areaApiUrl(api.getHouseSand), data: { id: houseId } }, { loading: false }).then((result: any) => { setSandData(result) setImageRealSize(result.fang_sand_pic) showSandBuilding(INIT_SAND_STATE, result.sandBuilding) props.updateSandBuilding(result.sandBuilding) }) } const toggleShowState = () => { setShowState({ show: !, text: ? '展开' : '收起' }) } const handleCheckboxChange = (e: any) => { const values = e.detail.value for (const item of sandState) { if (includes(values, item.value)) { item.checked = true } else { item.checked = false } } setSandState(sandState) showSandBuilding(sandState, sandData.sandBuilding) } const showSandBuilding = (sandState, allSandBUilding) => { let sandBuilding: any[] = [] for (const item of allSandBUilding) { const target = find(sandState, { value: item.sale_status }) if (target.checked) { sandBuilding.push(item) } } setSandBuilding(sandBuilding) } const switchCurrent = (item: any) => { props.setCurrentBuilding(item) } const handleTouchStart = (e: any) => { const sandView: any = document.getElementsByClassName('sand-view')[0] maxLeft = outerWidth - movableView.width maxTop = outerHeight - movableView.height lastPointX = e.touches[0].clientX; lastPointY = e.touches[0].clientY; imgLeft = parseFloat( imgTop = parseFloat( } const handleTouchMove = (e: any) => { e.preventDefault(); let changeX = e.touches[0].clientX - lastPointX; let changeY = e.touches[0].clientY - lastPointY; let disX = imgLeft + changeX; let disY = imgTop + changeY; setMovableView({ ...movableView, centerX: Math.max(Math.min(disX, 0), maxLeft), centerY: Math.max(Math.min(disY, 0), maxTop) }) } const renderSandBuilding = () => { return any, index: number) => ( <View key={index} style={} className={classnames('sand-item', `sale-status-${item.sale_status}`, === && 'actived')} onClick={() => switchCurrent(item)} > <Text>{}</Text> <Text className="triangle-down"></Text> </View> )) } const renderMovableView = () => { const { width, height, centerX, centerY } = movableView return IS_H5 ? ( <View className="sand-area"> <View className="sand-view" style={{ `${width}px`, height: `${height}px`, left: `${centerX}px`, top: `${centerY}px` }} onTouchStart={handleTouchStart} onTouchMove={handleTouchMove} > <Image className="taro-image" src={sandData.fang_sand_pic} /> {renderSandBuilding()} </View> </View> ) : ( <MovableArea className="sand-area"> <MovableView x={centerX} y={centerY} style={{ width, height }} className="sand-view" direction="all" animation={false} > <Image className="taro-image" src={sandData.fang_sand_pic} /> {renderSandBuilding()} </MovableView> </MovableArea> ) } return ( <View className="sand-card" style={{ '100%', height: `${outerHeight}px` }}> {renderMovableView()} <View className="sand-state"> <CheckboxGroup onChange={handleCheckboxChange} className={classnames('sand-state-box', ! && 'hide')} > { any, index: any) => ( <Label key={index} for={index} className={classnames('check-label', `sale-status-${item.value}`)} > <Checkbox id={index} className="check-box" value={item.value} checked={item.checked} > </Checkbox> <Text className="check-text">{item.text}</Text> </Label> )) } </CheckboxGroup> <View className="sand-state-btn" onClick={toggleShowState}>{showState.text}</View> </View> </View> ) } export default SandCommon