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  • 使用Json.Net处理json序列化和反序列化接口或继承类

    以前一直没有怎么关注过Newtonsoft的Json.Net这个第三方的.NET Json框架,主要是我以前在开发项目的时候大多数使用的都是.NET自带的Json序列化类JavaScriptSerializer,但是最近在项目中需要序列化和反序列化一个实现接口的类,而如果使用JavaScriptSerializer的话就会出现问题,我们来看看如下场景。


    interface IPeople
        string Name { get; set; }
        int Age { get; set; }
    class Man : IPeople
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }


    IPeople poeple = new Man();
    poeple.Age = 25;
    poeple.Name = "Scott";
    JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    string textJson = jsSerializer.Serialize(poeple);
    poeple = jsSerializer.Deserialize<IPeople>(textJson);





    IPeople poeple = new Man();
    poeple.Age = 25;
    poeple.Name = "Scott";
    JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
    jsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All;//这一行就是设置Json.NET能够序列化接口或继承类的关键,将TypeNameHandling设置为All后,Json.NET会在序列化后的json文本中附加一个属性说明json到底是从什么类序列化过来的,也可以设置TypeNameHandling为Auto,表示让Json.NET自动判断是否需要在序列化后的json中添加类型属性,如果序列化的对象类型和声明类型不一样的话Json.NET就会在json中添加类型属性,反之就不添加,但是我发现TypeNameHandling.Auto有时候不太好用。。。
    string textJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(poeple, jsonSerializerSettings);//将JsonSerializerSettings作为参数传入序列化函数,这样序列化后的Json就附带类型属性
    poeple = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IPeople>(textJson, jsonSerializerSettings);//将JsonSerializerSettings作为参数传入反序列化函数,这样Json.NET就会读取json文本中的类型属性,知道应该反序列化成什么类型

    这里IPeople接口能被成功序列化和返序列化的关键就是jsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All这行代码,我们来看看Json.NET序列化后的json文本信息

    {"$type":"Json.Man, Json","Name":"Scott","Age":25}




    Json.Net has a setting that intelligently adds type information - declare it like this:

    new JsonSerializer { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto };

    This will determine whether type embedding is required and add it where necessary. Lets say I had the following classes:

    public class Message
        public object Body { get; set; }
    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
    public class Manager : Person
    public class Department
        private List<Person> _employees = new List<Person>();
        public List<Person> Employees { get { return _employees; } }

    Notice the Message Body is of type object, and that Manager subclasses Person. If I serialize a Message with a Department Body that has a single Manager I get this:

            "$type":"Department, MyAssembly",
                    "$type":"Manager, MyAssembly",

    Notice how it's added the $type property to describe the Department and Manager types. If I now add a Person to the Employees list and change the Message Body to be of type Department like this:

    public class Message
        public Department Body { get; set; }

    then the Body type annotation is no longer needed and the new Person is not annotated - absence of annotation assumes the element instance is of the declared array type. The serialized format becomes:

                    "$type":"Manager, MyAssembly",

    This is an efficient approach - type annotation is only added where required. While this is .NET specific, the approach is simple enough to handle that deserializers/message types on other platforms should be fairly easily extended to handle this.

    I'd be reticent about using this in a public API though, as it is non-standard. In that case you'd want to avoid polymorphism, and make versioning and type information very explicit properties in the message.



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/OpenCoder/p/4524786.html
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