用(with)B代替(replace)A ;
replace by和replace with的区别:
1、在多数情况下replace by... = replace... with ... 用(以)......代替(取代,替代)...。
2、而replace with 却不等于replace by,(replace by 常有“取而代之”的味道),因为replace by代指范围较小。
replace by
1、Which parts of the system could we replace by existing services?
2、Now it is replace by a supermarket.
3、The monarchy be overthrow in the revolution, and the king replace by a president.
replace with
1、This is any maintaining taste what cannot replace with cordial place.
2、If you want to replace the text, enter the replacement text in the replace with box.
3、To replace the quotation marks with another value, enter that value in the Replace With box.