documentclass{beamer} setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text] mode<presentation> { % The Beamer class comes with a number of default slide themes which change the colors and layouts of slides. Below this is a list of all the themes, uncomment each in turn to see what they look like. % usetheme{default} %usetheme{AnnArbor} %usetheme{Antibes} %usetheme{Bergen} %usetheme{Berkeley} %usetheme{Berlin} %usetheme{Boadilla} %usetheme{CambridgeUS} %usetheme{Copenhagen} %usetheme{Darmstadt} %usetheme{Dresden} %usetheme{Frankfurt} %usetheme{Goettingen} %usetheme{Hannover} %usetheme{Ilmenau} %usetheme{JuanLesPins} %usetheme{Luebeck} %usetheme{Madrid} %usetheme{Malmoe} %usetheme{Marburg} %usetheme{Montpellier} %usetheme{PaloAlto} %usetheme{Pittsburgh} %usetheme{Rochester} %usetheme{Singapore} %usetheme{Szeged} %usetheme{Warsaw} % As well as themes, the Beamer class has a number of color themes % for any slide theme. Uncomment each of these in turn to see how it % changes the colors of your current slide theme. %usecolortheme{albatross} %usecolortheme{beaver} %usecolortheme{beetle} %usecolortheme{crane} %usecolortheme{dolphin} %usecolortheme{dove} %usecolortheme{fly} %usecolortheme{lily} %usecolortheme{orchid} %usecolortheme{rose} %usecolortheme{seagull} %usecolortheme{seahorse} %usecolortheme{whale} %usecolortheme{wolverine} %setbeamertemplate{footline} % To remove the footer line in all slides uncomment this line %setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number] % To replace the footer line in all slides with a simple slide count uncomment this line %setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % To remove the navigation symbols from the bottom of all slides uncomment this line } %usepackage{bookman} % the used font usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of oprule, midrule and ottomrule in tables usepackage[UTF8,noindent]{ctexcap} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itle[Differential Cryptanalysis] %optional {this is title name} subtitle{A basic introduction} author[z] % (optional, for multiple authors) {Z} %institute[VFU] % (optional) %{ % inst{1}% % Faculty of Physics\ % Very Famous University % and % inst{2}% % Faculty of Chemistry\ % Very Famous University %} date[November 20, 2020] % (optional) {November 20, 2020} %logo{includegraphics[height=0.5cm]{logo.png}} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Highlight the title of the current section %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AtBeginSection[] { egin{frame} frametitle{Contents} ableofcontents[currentsection] end{frame} } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % All pages in the slides %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- egin{document} % insert title page--------------------------- frame{ itlepage} %insert contents------------------------------ egin{frame} frametitle{Contents} ableofcontents %目录??? end{frame} section{Introduction} % insert a sample frame without animation-------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Sample frame title without animation} %不带动画的样本帧标题 This is a text in second frame. For the sake of showing an example. egin{itemize} item Text visible on slide 1 item Text visible on slide 2 item Text visible on slide 3 % pay attention to this line, you can omit the content by omit the '-' item Text visible on slide 4 end{itemize} end{frame} % insert a sample frame with animation 1 ---------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Sample frame title with animation} This is a text in second frame. For the sake of showing an example. egin{itemize} item<1-> Text visible on slide 1 item<2-> Text visible on slide 2 item<3> Text visible on slide 3 % pay attention to this line, you can omit the content by omit the '-' item<4-> Text visible on slide 4 end{itemize} end{frame} % insert a sample frame with animation 2 ----------------------------------- egin{frame} In this slide pause %slide 幻灯片 the text will be partially visible pause And finally everything will be there end{frame} section{Related work} % insert a sample frame with highlighe ----------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Sample frame title} In this slide, some important text will be alert{highlighted} because it's important. Please, don't abuse it. %不要滥用alert{something} egin{block}{Remark} Sample text end{block} egin{alertblock}{Important theorem} Sample text in red box end{alertblock} egin{examples} Sample text in green box. The title of the block is ``Examples". end{examples} end{frame} section{Proposed method} % insert a sample frame with formula ----------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Sample frame with formula} In this slide, we insert an equation ( ef{E1}), which is the definition of $y$. egin{equation} label{E1} y= egin{cases}%case自动带左大括号 frac{1}{f(x)}, f(x) eq 0 \ f(x), f(x)=0 end{cases} end{equation} end{frame} section{Experiments} % insert a sample frame with a figure ----------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Dataset} The dataset information is shown in Fig. ef{dataset}. egin{figure}[ht] centering includegraphics[width=0.8 extwidth]{dataset.png} caption{A picture downloaded from the Internet} label{dataset} end{figure} end{frame} % insert a sample frame with a table ----------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{A sample frame with a table} egin{table}[ht] caption{A sample table} label{T1} %centering egin{tabular}{p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}} hline Metrics & M1 & M2 \ hline Accuracy & 87\% & 88\% \ Precision & 91\% & 90\% \ Recall & 75\% & 77\% \ hline end{tabular} end{table} end{frame} section{Conclusion} egin{frame} frametitle{Two-column slide} %分栏的幻灯片 egin{columns} % insert a sample frame with two columns -------------------------------- column{0.5 extwidth} This is a text in first column. $$E=mc^2$$ egin{itemize} item First item item Second item end{itemize} column{0.5 extwidth} This text will be in the second column and on a second tought this is a nice looking layout in some cases. end{columns} end{frame} % insert a sample frame with citation -------------------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{Literature review} egin{itemize} item You can cite a paper like this cite{team2015common,eiram2013cvssv2}. end{itemize} end{frame} % insert a reference frame before the 'thank you' frame ---------------------- egin{frame} frametitle{References} egin{thebibliography}{99} % Beamer does not support BibTeX so references must be inserted manually as below ibitem{team2015common} Team, C.: Common vulnerability scoring system v3. 0: Specification document. First. org (2015) ibitem{eiram2013cvssv2} Eiram, C., Martin, B.: The cvssv2 shortcomings, faults, and failures formulation. In: Technical report, Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) (2013) end{thebibliography} end{frame} % Insert a thank your frame ------------------------------------------------ egin{frame} Huge{centerline{Thank you!}} end{frame} end{document}