使用Cordova进行iOS开发 (环境配置及基本用法)
安装Cordova CLI
1. cordova的安装:
- 1.1 安装cordova需要先安装node.js。
- 1.2 如果你没有安装git client,需要下载并安装一个git客户端,只是对项目文件进行管理的。
- 1.3 使用node.js的依赖包管理工具npm来进行cordova安装。
打开终端输入如下命令:sudo npm install -g cordova
Installing the Requirements
There are two ways to download Xcode:
from the App Store, available by searching for "Xcode" in the App Store application.
from Apple Developer Downloads, which requires registration as an Apple Developer.
Once Xcode is installed, several command-line tools need to be enabled for Cordova to run. From the command line, run:
$ xcode-select --install
Deployment Tools
The ios-sim and ios-deploy tools - allows you to launch iOS apps into the iOS Simulator and iOS Device from the command-line.
To install them, run the following from command-line terminal:
$ npm install -g ios-sim
$ npm install -g ios-deploy --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
(需要加上后面这两个参数才能够正常安装 )
到此 ios 的cordova 环境搭建完成。