1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#第一种导入方式 2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt#第二种导入方式
1 plt.plot(x,y) 2 plt.show

1 # Imports 2 import numpy as np 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 4 5 # Create a new figure of size 8x6 points, using 100 dots per inch 6 plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi=80) 7 8 # Create a new subplot from a grid of 1x1 9 plt.subplot(111) 10 11 X = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 256,endpoint=True) 12 C,S = np.cos(X), np.sin(X) 13 14 # Plot cosine using blue color with a continuous line of width 1 (pixels) 15 plt.plot(X, C, color="blue", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") 16 17 # Plot sine using green color with a continuous line of width 1 (pixels) 18 plt.plot(X, S, color="green", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") 19 20 # Set x limits 21 plt.xlim(-4.0,4.0) 22 23 # Set x ticks 24 plt.xticks(np.linspace(-4,4,9,endpoint=True)) 25 26 # Set y limits 27 plt.ylim(-1.0,1.0) 28 29 # Set y ticks 30 plt.yticks(np.linspace(-1,1,5,endpoint=True)) 31 32 # Save figure using 72 dots per inch 33 # savefig("../figures/exercice_2.png",dpi=72) 34 35 # Show result on screen 36 plt.show()
1 plt.plot(x,c,label='cosine') 2 plt.plot(x,s,label='sine') 3 plt.legend(loc='upper left',frameon=False)
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(*args, **kwargs)