bodies = {}#存放所有数据 def panDuanHeFa(height,weight):#判断身高体重输入是否合法的函数 if '.' in height and '.' in weight: a, b = height.split('.') c, d = weight.split('.') if a.isdigit() and b.isdigit() and c.isdigit() and d.isdigit(): if float(height) > 0.00 and float(height) <= 3.00 and float(weight) > 0.00 and float(weight) <= 200.00: return 1 else: return '身高或者体重数值超出合理范围,请重新输入' else: return '身高或者体重不合法!!!请重新输入' else: return '身高或者体重不合法!!!请重新输入' def show():#首页显示的函数 menus = ("1, 录入", "2, 查询", "3, 删除", "4, 修改", "5, 退出") print('*'*15) for el in menus: print( print('*'*15) def luru():#循环录入的函数 while 1: dic = {} name=input('请输入姓名>>>').replace(' ','') height = input('请输入身高(m)至少保留小数点后一位>>>').replace(' ', '') weight = input('请输入体重(kg)至少保留小数点后一位>>>').replace(' ', '') result=panDuanHeFa(height,weight) if result==1: dic['name']=name dic['height']=float(height) dic['weight']=float(weight) dic['BMI']=round(float(weight)/(float(height)**2),2) if len(bodies)==0: bodies.setdefault(1,dic) print('录入成功') else: keys = [] for key in bodies: keys.append(key) xuhao = max(keys) + 1 bodies.setdefault(xuhao, dic) print('录入成功') else: print(result) content=input('是否继续录入?输入Q结束,任意键继续>>>').replace(' ', '') if content.upper()=='Q': break else: pass def find():#查找的函数 while 1: content_id=input('请输入要查询的ID号>>>').replace(' ','') if content_id.isdigit(): content_id=int(content_id) if bodies.get(content_id)==None: print('不存在此ID') elif bodies.get(content_id)=={}: print('内容为空') else: print('姓名:%s 身高:%s m 体重:%s kg BMI:%s '%( bodies[content_id]['name'],bodies[content_id]['height'], bodies[content_id]['weight'],bodies[content_id]['BMI'])) else: print('输入的查询序号不合法') content=input('是否继续查询,退出按Q,继续按任意键>>>').replace(' ', '') if content.upper()=='Q': break else: pass def dele():#删除函数 while 1: content_id = input('请输入要删除的ID号>>>').replace(' ','') if content_id.isdigit(): content_id=int(content_id) if bodies.get(content_id)==None: print('不存在此ID') else: bodies[content_id]={} print('删除成功!!!') else: print('输入的删除序号不合法') content = input('是否继续删除,退出按Q,继续按任意键>>>').replace(' ', '') if content.upper() == 'Q': break else: pass def edit(): #修改函数 while 1: dicc = {} content_id = input('请输入要修改的ID号>>>').replace(' ','') if content_id.isdigit(): content_id=int(content_id) if bodies.get(content_id)==None: print('不存在此ID') elif bodies.get(content_id)=={}: while 1: # 判断字符是否合法 name = input('请输入修改的姓名>>>') height = input('请输入修改的身高>>>') weight = input('请输入修改的体重>>>') result = panDuanHeFa(height, weight) if result == 1: BMI = round(float(weight) / (float(height) ** 2), 2) dicc['name'] = name dicc['height'] = height dicc['weight'] = weight dicc['BMI'] = BMI bodies[content_id] = dicc print('姓名:%s 身高:%s m 体重:%s kg BMI:%s ' % ( bodies[content_id]['name'], bodies[content_id]['height'], bodies[content_id]['weight'], bodies[content_id]['BMI'])) break else: print('姓名:%s 身高:%s m 体重:%s kg BMI:%s ' % ( bodies[content_id]['name'], bodies[content_id]['height'], bodies[content_id]['weight'], bodies[content_id]['BMI'])) while 1:#判断字符是否合法 name=input('请输入修改的姓名>>>') height=input('请输入修改的身高>>>') weight=input('请输入修改的体重>>>') result=panDuanHeFa(height,weight) if result==1: BMI = round(float(weight) / (float(height) ** 2), 2) dicc['name']=name dicc['height']=height dicc['weight']=weight dicc['BMI']=BMI bodies[content_id]=dicc print('姓名:%s 身高:%s m 体重:%s kg BMI:%s ' % ( bodies[content_id]['name'], bodies[content_id]['height'], bodies[content_id]['weight'], bodies[content_id]['BMI'])) break else: print(result) else: print('输入的修改序号不合法') content = input('是否继续修改,退出按Q,继续按任意键>>>').replace(' ', '') if content.upper() == 'Q': break else: pass def Main(): #主函数 while 1: show() chice=input('请输入要执行的操作编号>>>>').replace(' ','') if chice=='1': luru() elif chice=='2': find() elif chice=='3': dele() elif chice=='4': edit() elif chice=='5': break else: print('输入了非法编号,请重新输入!!!!') Main()