1 第一个问题
Unexpected version format: 10.0.2
Unexpected version format: 10.0.2
Unexpected version format: 10.0.2
Could not initialize class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ClassSize
2 第二个问题 dbeaver can't connect HBase1.2 using phoenix driver #1863
It‘s solved.
1.I can't use the own driver packages.
2.I only use the one dirver jar with "phoenix-4.9.0-cdh5.9.1-client.jar", save the connection info.
(must restart dbeaver, otherwise can't connect the hbase with the above error message, I feeling is that it's dbeaver bug)
3.Restart the dbeaver, the you can find that dbeaver connect the hbase.
这个问题比较傻逼,加载本地驱动后,出现这个错误,关掉DBeaver,重启一下,就好了,这个是在Stack Overflow上面看到老外这么解决的。我也ok了
3 第三个问题 一直在连接没有反应,原因自己hbase集群没有起来