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  • [转]通过脚本添加登陆/注销/开机/关机脚本


    添加完脚步如果要马上生效需要刷新组策略,通过RefreshPolicy/RefreshPolicyEx/gpupdate 都可以

    ' This script is used to add Logon and Logoff scripts to a local Group Policy.
    ' It modifies/creates the following two files needed to run logon and logoff scripts:
    ' - "%SystemRoot%system32GroupPolicygpt.ini"
    ' - "%SystemRoot%system32GroupPolicyUserScriptsscripts.ini"
    ' Notes:
    '        - This script will modify the existing gpt.ini file, but overwrites an existing scripts.ini file.
    '          It does NOT append or modify the scripts.ini file.
    '        - This script does not copy the actual logon/logoff scripts into place.
    ' The motivation to write this script was to overcome some challenges in a Novell environment due to a
    ' limitation of the integration with Novell Zen Policies, where logoff scripts are NOT supported on
    ' Terminal Servers.
    ' Release 1.1 Modified by Jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com on 27th October 2010.
    ' Written by Jeremy@jhouseconsulting.com on 25th August 2008.
    ' When managing the policy versions you should adhere to the Microsoft standards. The version numbering
    ' differs for changes made to the User and Computer configuration. In order to track changes to each
    ' configuration, the GPO must track a version number for each configuration. With only one version number,
    ' the way two versions are tracked is to split the version number into two numbers.
    ' The top 16 bits of the version number corresponds to the user configuration version. The lower 16 bits
    ' of the version number corresponds to the computer configuration version. When looking at the version
    ' entry in the gpt.ini file what you are then seeing is:
    ' Version = [user version number top 16 bits] [computer version number lower 16 bits]
    ' Esentially, each change to the User policy will increment the version by 131072, whilst each change to
    ' the Computer policy will increment the version by 1.
    ' http://blogs.technet.com/grouppolicy/archive/2007/12/14/understanding-the-gpo-version-number.aspx
    ' For example: In this script we are making a change to the User portion of the policy by adding a
    ' logon and logoff script. Therefore we will be incrementing the version number by 131072.
    ' We also need to add the Client Side Extension (CSE) GUIDs to instructs the winlogon process
    ' to run the Startup/Shutdown/Logon/Logoff scripts.
    ' CSE GUID for script processing = {42B5FAAE-6536-11D2-AE5A-0000F87571E3}
    ' Tool extension GUID for user and computer policy mode settings = {40B66650-4972-11D1-A7CA-0000F87571E3}
    ' gPCUserExtensionNames - includes a list of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that tells the client-side
    ' engine which client-side extensions have User data in the Group Policy object. The format is the following:
    ' [{<GUID of client-side extension>}{<GUID of MMC extension>}{<GUID of second MMC extension if appropriate>}]
    ' For example: In this script we are adding logon and logoff scripts. Therefore the gPCUserExtensionNames
    ' will be set to the following at minimum:
    ' gPCUserExtensionNames=[{42B5FAAE-6536-11D2-AE5A-0000F87571E3}{40B66650-4972-11D1-A7CA-0000F87571E3}]
    ' gPCMachineExtensionNames - includes a list of GUIDs that tells the client side engine which Client Side
    ' Extensions have Machine data in the GPO.
    ' The default GUIDs are as follows.
    ' gPCMachineExtensionNames=[{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{0F6B957D-509E-11D1-A7CC-0000F87571E3}]
    ' gPCFunctionalityVersion - The Version number of the Group Policy extension tool that created the Group
    ' Policy object.
    ' The default version is 2.
    ' The Option setting has 4 values.
    ' 0 = Enable User and Computer Configurations
    ' 1 = Disable User Configuration ONLY
    ' 2 = Disable Computer Configuration ONLY
    ' 3 = Disable User and Computer Configurations
    ' If the Option value is not present, the User and Computer Configurations are both enabled.
    Option Explicit
    Dim WshShell, strSystemRoot, strGPOLocation, objFSO, objFile, blnOption, strLine, strContents
    Dim arrLogonScripts, arrLogoffScripts, strValue, intUserPolicy, intComputerPolicy, blnUserPolicy
    Dim blnComputerPolicy, strCSEUserGUID, strToolextensionUserGUID, blnSection, blnUserExtensionNames
    Dim blnVersion, blnFunctionality, blnMachineExtensionNames, i
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    strSystemRoot = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%")
    strGPOLocation = strSystemRoot & "system32GroupPolicy"
    '********** These are the script variables that can be changed **********
    ' Setup the arrays for the location and names of the logon and logoff scripts.
    ' Note that if you don't want to use either one or the other, just leave the
    ' array blank, or comment the line out altogether.
    arrLogonScripts = Array("%SystemRoot%LoadQAT.cmd","%SystemRoot%RestoreDesktopIconPositions.Cmd")
    arrLogoffScripts = Array("%SystemRoot%SaveQAT.cmd","%SystemRoot%SaveDesktopIconPositions.Cmd")
    strCSEUserGUID = "{42B5FAAE-6536-11D2-AE5A-0000F87571E3}"
    strToolextensionUserGUID = "{40B66650-4972-11D1-A7CA-0000F87571E3}"
    blnUserPolicy = True
    blnComputerPolicy = False
    intUserPolicy = 131072
    intComputerPolicy = 1
    blnSection = False
    blnFunctionality = False
    blnMachineExtensionNames = False
    blnVersion = False
    blnUserExtensionNames = False
    blnOption = False
    If objFSO.FileExists(strGPOLocation & "gpt.ini") Then
      Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strGPOLocation & "gpt.ini", ForReading)
      Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream = False
        strLine = objFile.ReadLine
        If Instr(strLine,"[General]") > 0 Then
          blnSection = True
        End If
        If Len(strLine) > 0 AND Instr(strLine,";") <> 1 AND Instr(strLine,"[General]") <> 1 Then
          Select Case strValue(0)
            Case "gPCFunctionalityVersion"
              blnFunctionality = True
            Case "gPCMachineExtensionNames"
              blnMachineExtensionNames = True
            Case "Version"
              If blnUserPolicy Then
                strValue(1)=strValue(1) + intUserPolicy
              End If
              blnVersion = True
            Case "gPCUserExtensionNames"
              If trim(strValue(1))="" Then
                strValue(1)="[" & strCSEUserGUID & strToolextensionUserGUID & "]"
                blnUserExtensionNames = True
              End If
              If instr(strValue(1),strCSEUserGUID) > 0 AND instr(strValue(1),strToolextensionUserGUID) > 0 Then
                blnUserExtensionNames = True
                If instr(strValue(1),strCSEUserGUID) = 0 Then
                  If Right(trim(strValue(1)),1) = "]" Then
                  End If
                  strValue(1)=strValue(1) & strCSEUserGUID & "]"
                  blnUserExtensionNames = True
                End If
                If instr(strValue(1),strToolextensionUserGUID) = 0 Then
                  If Right(trim(strValue(1)),1) = "]" Then
                  End If
                  strValue(1)=strValue(1) & strToolextensionUserGUID & "]"
                  blnUserExtensionNames = True
                End If
              End If
            Case "Options"
              If strValue(1)="0" Then
                blnOption = True
              End If
              If strValue(1)="1" Then
                blnOption = True
              End If
              If strValue(1)="2" Then
                blnOption = True
              End If
              If strValue(1)="3" Then
                blnOption = True
              End If
          End Select
          strContents = strContents & trim(strValue(0)) & "=" & trim(strValue(1)) & VbCrLf
          strContents = strContents & strLine & VbCrLf
        End If
    End If
    If blnSection = False Then
      strContents="[General]" & VbCrLf & strContents
    End If
    If blnFunctionality = False Then
      strContents=strContents & "gPCFunctionalityVersion=2" & VbCrLf
    End If
    If blnMachineExtensionNames = False Then
      strContents=strContents & "gPCMachineExtensionNames=[{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{0F6B957D-509E-11D1-A7CC-0000F87571E3}]" & VbCrLf
    End If
    If blnVersion = False Then
      If blnUserPolicy Then
        strContents=strContents & "Version=131073" & VbCrLf
        strContents=strContents & "Version=1" & VbCrLf
      End If
    End If
    If blnUserExtensionNames = False Then
      strContents=strContents & "gPCUserExtensionNames=[" & strCSEUserGUID & strToolextensionUserGUID & "]" & VbCrLf
    End If
    If blnOption = False Then
      strContents=strContents & "Options=0" & VbCrLf
    End If
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strGPOLocation & "gpt.ini", ForWriting, True)
    Set objFile = Nothing
    WScript.Echo "Local GPO Updated (gpt.ini): " & chr(34) & strGPOLocation & "gpt.ini" & chr(34)
    If NOT objfso.FolderExists(strGPOLocation & "User") Then
      objfso.CreateFolder(strGPOLocation & "User")
    End If
    If NOT objfso.FolderExists(strGPOLocation & "UserScripts") Then
      objfso.CreateFolder(strGPOLocation & "UserScripts")
    End If
    If NOT objfso.FolderExists(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsLogoff") Then
      objfso.CreateFolder(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsLogoff")
    End If
    If NOT objfso.FolderExists(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsLogon") Then
      objfso.CreateFolder(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsLogon")
    End If
    ' Need to unhide the scripts.ini file to prevent any "permission denied" errors.
    If objfso.FileExists(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsscripts.ini") Then
      Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsscripts.ini")
      If objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes AND 2 Then
        objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes XOR 2
      End If
      Set objFile = Nothing
    End If
    strContents = "[Logon]" & VbCrLf
    If IsArray(arrLogonScripts) Then
      For i = 0 to ubound(arrLogonScripts)
        strContents = strContents & i & "CmdLine=" & arrLogonScripts(i) & VbCrLf
        strContents = strContents & i & "Parameters=" & VbCrLf
    End If
    strContents = strContents & "[Logoff]" & VbCrLf
    If IsArray(arrLogoffScripts) Then
      For i = 0 to ubound(arrLogoffScripts)
        strContents = strContents & i & "CmdLine=" & arrLogoffScripts(i) & VbCrLf
        strContents = strContents & i & "Parameters=" & VbCrLf
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsscripts.ini", ForWriting, True)
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
      Set objFile = Nothing
      WScript.Echo "Scripts Added (scripts.ini): " & chr(34) & strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsscripts.ini" & chr(34)
    ' Hide the scripts.ini file.
      Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strGPOLocation & "UserScriptsscripts.ini")
      objFile.Attributes = objFile.Attributes XOR 2
      Set objFile = Nothing
      wscript.echo "Error: " & Err.Description & ". The scripts.ini file has not been set."
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
    Set WshShell = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    wscript.quit (0)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Quincy/p/5018383.html
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