snax是一个方便实现skynet服务的简单框架,对服务的接口(比如, skynet.send等)做了进一步的封装,编写snax服务比较容易,详情参考官方wiki
-- print("xxx")
1 function response.f1(msg) 2 return a .. msg 3 end 4 5 function response.f2(msg) 6 return a .. msg 7 end 8 9 function accept.g1(...) 10 print(...) 11 end 12 13 function accept.g2(...) 14 print(...) 15 end 16 17 function init() 18 print("test start!!!") 19 end 20 21 function exit() 22 print("test exit!!!") 23 end
1. snax框架如何分析Lua代码
response.f1 -> env.reponse -> func_id -> count,把接口信息保存在func里(第37行)
response.f2, accept.g1, accept.g2流程同上
init -> init_system,把函数原型保存在接口信息第4个索引位置(第72行),前3个位置是{1, "system", "init"}
exit -> init_system,把函数原型保存在接口信息第4个索引位置(第72行),前3个位置是{1, "system", "exit"}
1 -- lualib/snax/interface.lua 2 local skynet = require "skynet" 3 4 local function dft_loader(path, name, G) 5 local errlist = {} 6 7 for pat in string.gmatch(path,"[^;]+") do 8 local filename = string.gsub(pat, "?", name) 9 local f , err = loadfile(filename, "bt", G) 10 if f then 11 return f, pat 12 else 13 table.insert(errlist, err) 14 end 15 end 16 17 error(table.concat(errlist, " ")) 18 end 19 20 return function (name , G, loader) 21 loader = loader or dft_loader 22 local mainfunc 23 24 local function func_id(id, group) 25 local tmp = {} 26 local function count( _, name, func) 27 if type(name) ~= "string" then 28 error (string.format("%s method only support string", group)) 29 end 30 if type(func) ~= "function" then 31 error (string.format("%s.%s must be function"), group, name) 32 end 33 if tmp[name] then 34 error (string.format("%s.%s duplicate definition", group, name)) 35 end 36 tmp[name] = true 37 table.insert(id, { #id + 1, group, name, func} ) 38 end 39 return setmetatable({}, { __newindex = count }) 40 end 41 42 do 43 assert(getmetatable(G) == nil) 44 assert(G.init == nil) 45 assert(G.exit == nil) 46 47 assert(G.accept == nil) 48 assert(G.response == nil) 49 end 50 51 local temp_global = {} 52 local env = setmetatable({} , { __index = temp_global }) 53 local func = {} 54 55 local system = { "init", "exit", "hotfix", "profile"} 56 57 do 58 for k, v in ipairs(system) do 59 system[v] = k 60 func[k] = { k , "system", v } 61 end 62 end 63 64 env.accept = func_id(func, "accept") 65 env.response = func_id(func, "response") 66 local function init_system(t, name, f) 67 local index = system[name] 68 if index then 69 if type(f) ~= "function" then 70 error (string.format("%s must be a function", name)) 71 end 72 func[index][4] = f 73 else 74 temp_global[name] = f 75 end 76 end 77 78 local pattern 79 80 local path = assert(skynet.getenv "snax" , "please set snax in config file") 81 mainfunc, pattern = loader(path, name, G) 82 83 setmetatable(G, { __index = env , __newindex = init_system }) 84 local ok, err = xpcall(mainfunc, debug.traceback) 85 setmetatable(G, nil) 86 assert(ok,err) 87 88 for k,v in pairs(temp_global) do 89 G[k] = v 90 end 91 92 return func, pattern 93 end
{{1, "system", "init", f}, {2, "system", "exit", f}, {3, "system", "hotfix", f}, {4, "system", "profile", f}, {5, "response", "f1", f}, {6, "response", "f2", f}, {7, "accept", "g1", f}, {8, "accept", "g2", f},}
snax.interface api是将snax_interface返回的一维表转化成key-value形式。即:
name = "test",
system = {init=1, exit=2, hotfix=3, profile=4},
reponse = {f1=5, f2=6},
accept = {g1=7, g2=8},
1 -- lualib/skynet/snax.lua 2 function snax.interface(name) 3 if typeclass[name] then 4 return typeclass[name] 5 end 6 7 local si = snax_interface(name, G) 8 9 local ret = { 10 name = name, 11 accept = {}, 12 response = {}, 13 system = {}, 14 } 15 16 for _,v in ipairs(si) do 17 local id, group, name, f = table.unpack(v) 18 ret[group][name] = id 19 end 20 21 typeclass[name] = ret 22 return ret 23 end
2. snaxd服务
1 -- lualib/skynet/snax.lua 2 function snax.newservice(name, ...) 3 local handle = snax.rawnewservice(name, ...) 4 return snax.bind(handle, name) 5 end 6 7 function snax.rawnewservice(name, ...) 8 local t = snax.interface(name) 9 local handle = skynet.newservice("snaxd", name) 10 assert(handle_cache[handle] == nil) 11 if t.system.init then 12, "snax", t.system.init, ...) 13 end 14 return handle 15 end
第15行,通过id获取接口信息,此时method={1, "system", "init", f},然后执行24行分支
1 -- service/snaxd.lua 2 local snax_name = tostring(...) 3 local loaderpath = skynet.getenv"snax_loader" 4 local loader = loaderpath and assert(dofile(loaderpath)) 5 local func, pattern = snax_interface(snax_name, _ENV, loader) 6 local snax_path = pattern:sub(1,pattern:find("?", 1, true)-1) .. snax_name .. "/" 7 package.path = snax_path .. "?.lua;" .. package.path 8 9 SERVICE_NAME = snax_name 10 SERVICE_PATH = snax_path 11 12 skynet.start(function() 13 local init = false 14 local function dispatcher( session , source , id, ...) 15 local method = func[id] 16 17 if method[2] == "system" then 18 local command = method[3] 19 if command == "hotfix" then 20 local hotfix = require "snax.hotfix" 21 skynet.ret(skynet.pack(hotfix(func, ...))) 22 elseif command == "profile" then 23 skynet.ret(skynet.pack(profile_table)) 24 elseif command == "init" then 25 assert(not init, "Already init") 26 local initfunc = method[4] or function() end 27 initfunc(...) 28 skynet.ret() 29 skynet.info_func(function() 30 return profile_table 31 end) 32 init = true 33 else 34 assert(init, "Never init") 35 assert(command == "exit") 36 local exitfunc = method[4] or function() end 37 exitfunc(...) 38 skynet.ret() 39 init = false 40 skynet.exit() 41 end 42 else 43 assert(init, "Init first") 44 timing(method, ...) 45 end 46 end 47 skynet.dispatch("snax", dispatcher) 48 49 -- set lua dispatcher 50 function snax.enablecluster() 51 skynet.dispatch("lua", dispatcher) 52 end 53 end)
3. 给snaxd服务发送消息
当我们用经典的test.req.f1()给test服务发送消息,流程是:调用req域 -> gen_req接口(第28行) -> 获取接口编号id(第31行) -> 给handle服务(snaxd)发送消息(第36行)
1 -- lualib/skynet/snax.lua 2 function snax.newservice(name, ...) 3 local handle = snax.rawnewservice(name, ...) 4 return snax.bind(handle, name) 5 end 6 7 function snax.bind(handle, type) 8 local ret = handle_cache[handle] 9 if ret then 10 assert(ret.type == type) 11 return ret 12 end 13 local t = snax.interface(type) 14 ret = wrapper(handle, type, t) 15 handle_cache[handle] = ret 16 return ret 17 end 18 19 local function wrapper(handle, name, type) 20 return setmetatable ({ 21 post = gen_post(type, handle), 22 req = gen_req(type, handle), 23 type = name, 24 handle = handle, 25 }, meta) 26 end 27 28 local function gen_req(type, handle) 29 return setmetatable({} , { 30 __index = function( t, k ) 31 local id = type.response[k] 32 if not id then 33 error(string.format("request %s:%s no exist",, k)) 34 end 35 return function(...) 36 return skynet_call(handle, "snax", id, ...) 37 end 38 end }) 39 end
snaxd服务收到消息后,因为是response/accept组的信息,最终调用timing(method, ...)。如果是accept类型,直接执行对应的函数即可(第4行);如果是response类型,执行对应的函数并返回(第17行)。至此,完成跟snax服务一次交互。
1 -- service/snaxd.lua 2 local function timing( method, ... ) 3 local err, msg 4 profile.start() 5 if method[2] == "accept" then 6 -- no return 7 err,msg = xpcall(method[4], traceback, ...) 8 else 9 err,msg = xpcall(return_f, traceback, method[4], ...) 10 end 11 local ti = profile.stop() 12 update_stat(method[3], ti) 13 assert(err,msg) 14 end 15 16 local function return_f(f, ...) 17 return skynet.ret(skynet.pack(f(...))) 18 end
4. snax服务的热更新
1 -- lualib/skynet/snax.lua 2 function snax.hotfix(obj, source, ...) 3 local t = snax.interface(obj.type) 4 return test_result(skynet_call(obj.handle, "snax", t.system.hotfix, source, ...)) 5 end 6 7 -- lualib/snax/hotfix.lua 8 return function (funcs, source, ...) 9 return pcall(inject, funcs, source, ...) 10 end
1 local function inject(funcs, source, ...) 2 local patch = si("patch", dummy_env, loader(source)) 3 local global = collect_all_uv(funcs) 4 5 for _, v in pairs(patch) do 6 local _, group, name, f = table.unpack(v) 7 if f then 8 patch_func(funcs, global, group, name, f) 9 end 10 end 11 12 local hf = find_func(patch, "system", "hotfix") 13 if hf and hf[4] then 14 return hf[4](...) 15 end 16 end 17 18 local function patch_func(funcs, global, group, name, f) 19 local desc = assert(find_func(funcs, group, name) , string.format("Patch mismatch %s.%s", group, name)) 20 _patch(global, f) 21 desc[4] = f 22 end 23 24 local function _patch(global, f) 25 local i = 1 26 while true do 27 local name, value = debug.getupvalue(f, i) 28 if name == nil then 29 break 30 elseif value == nil or value == dummy_env then 31 local old_uv = global[name] 32 if old_uv then 33 debug.upvaluejoin(f, i, old_uv.func, old_uv.index) 34 end 35 else 36 if type(value) == "function" then 37 _patch(global, value) 38 end 39 end 40 i = i + 1 41 end 42 end
1. snax.queryservice会发送rpc请求,是个阻塞调用。
2. 编写的Lua服务在loadfile过程中不能调用print,math等系统接口,因为还未设置package.path路径。当然,也可以自己设置加载器支持指定的系统接口。
3. snax热更不能增加新的远程response/accept方法。已经新增加的方法不能被snaxd服务识别。