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  • 2878: [Noi2012]迷失游乐园



    第一行是两个整数n和m,分别表示景点数和道路数。 接下来行,每行三个整数Xi, Yi, Wi,分别表示第i条路径的两个景点为Xi, Yi,路径长Wi。所有景点的编号从1至n,两个景点之间至多只有一条道路。

    Sample Input
    4 3
    1 2 3
    2 3 1
    3 4 4
    Sample Output

    【样例解释】样例数据中共有6条不同的路径: 路径 长度 概率
    1-->4 8 1/4
    2-->1 3 1/8
    2-->4 5 1/8
    3-->1 4 1/8
    3-->4 4 1/8
    4-->1 8 1/4
    因此期望长度 = 8/4 + 3/8 + 5/8 + 4/8 + 4/8 + 8/4 = 6.00
    【数据规模和约定】对于100%的数据,1 <= Wi <= 100。 测试点编号 n m 备注
    1 n=10 m = n-1 保证图是链状
    2 n=100 只有节点1的度数大于2
    3 n=1000 /
    4 n=100000 /
    5 n=100000 /
    6 n=10 m = n /
    7 n=100 环中节点个数<=5
    8 n=1000 环中节点个数<=10
    9 n=100000 环中节点个数<=15
    10 n=100000 环中节点个数<=20






      1 const
      2     maxn=100100;
      3 var
      4     first,d,fa:array[0..maxn]of longint;
      5     up,down:array[0..maxn]of double;
      6     vis,cir:array[0..maxn]of boolean;
      7     last,next,w:array[0..maxn*2]of longint;
      8     huan,len:array[0..maxn]of longint;
      9     n,m,tot,cnt:longint;
     10     ans:double;
     11     flag:boolean;
     13 procedure insert(x,y,z:longint);
     14 begin
     15     inc(tot);
     16     last[tot]:=y;
     17     next[tot]:=first[x];
     18     first[x]:=tot;
     19     w[tot]:=z;
     20     inc(d[y]);
     21 end;
     23 procedure dfs(x:longint);
     24 var
     25     i,j:longint;
     26 begin
     27     vis[x]:=true;
     28     i:=first[x];
     29     while i<>0 do
     30         begin
     31             if flag then exit;
     32             if (vis[last[i]])and(fa[x]<>last[i]) then
     33             begin
     34                 len[last[i]]:=w[i];
     35                 j:=x;
     36                 while j<>fa[last[i]] do
     37                     begin
     38                         inc(cnt);cir[j]:=true;
     39                         huan[cnt]:=j;
     40                         j:=fa[j];
     41                     end;
     42                 flag:=true;exit;
     43             end;
     44             if not vis[last[i]] then
     45             begin
     46                 fa[last[i]]:=x;len[last[i]]:=w[i];
     47                 dfs(last[i]);
     48             end;
     49             i:=next[i];
     50         end;
     51 end;
     53 procedure dfs1(x:longint);
     54 var
     55     i:longint;
     56 begin
     57     vis[x]:=true;
     58     i:=first[x];
     59     while i<>0 do
     60         begin
     61             if not vis[last[i]] then
     62             begin
     63                 dfs1(last[i]);
     64                 down[x]:=down[x]+w[i]+down[last[i]]/(d[last[i]]-1+longint(d[last[i]]=1));
     65             end;
     66             i:=next[i];
     67         end;
     68 end;
     70 procedure dfs2(x:longint);
     71 var
     72     i:longint;
     73 begin
     74     if (not cir[x]) and (fa[x]<>0) then up[x]:=len[x]+(up[fa[x]]+down[fa[x]]-len[x]-down[x]/(d[x]-1+longint(d[x]=1)))/(d[fa[x]]-1+longint(d[fa[x]]=1));
     75     vis[x]:=true;
     76     i:=first[x];
     77     while i<>0 do
     78         begin
     79             if not vis[last[i]] then
     80             begin
     81                 fa[last[i]]:=x;len[last[i]]:=w[i];
     82                 dfs2(last[i]);
     83             end;
     84             i:=next[i];
     85         end;
     86 end;
     88 procedure main;
     89 var
     90     i,x,y,z:longint;
     91     s:double;
     92 begin
     93     read(n,m);cnt:=-1;
     94     for i:=1 to m do
     95         begin
     96             read(x,y,z);
     97             insert(x,y,z);
     98             insert(y,x,z);
     99         end;
    100     if m=n-1 then
    101         begin
    102             dfs1(1);
    103             for i:=1 to n do vis[i]:=false;
    104             dfs2(1);
    105             for i:=1 to n do ans:=ans+(up[i]+down[i])/d[i];
    106         end
    107     else
    108         begin
    109             dfs(1);
    110             for i:=1 to n do vis[i]:=false;
    111             for i:=0 to cnt do vis[huan[i]]:=true;
    112             for i:=0 to cnt do dfs1(huan[i]);
    113             for i:=0 to cnt do
    114                 begin
    115                     x:=(i+1)mod(cnt+1);s:=1;
    116                     while x<>i do
    117                         begin
    118                             if (x+1)mod(cnt+1)=i then up[huan[i]]:=up[huan[i]]+s*len[huan[(x+cnt)mod(cnt+1)]]+s*down[huan[x]]/(d[huan[x]]-2+longint(d[huan[x]]=2))
    119                             else up[huan[i]]:=up[huan[i]]+s*len[huan[(x+cnt)mod(cnt+1)]]+s*down[huan[x]]/(d[huan[x]]-1);
    120                             s:=s/(d[huan[x]]-1);
    121                             x:=(x+1)mod(cnt+1);
    122                         end;
    123                     x:=(i+cnt)mod(cnt+1);s:=1;
    124                     while x<>i do
    125                         begin
    126                             if (x+cnt)mod(cnt+1)=i then up[huan[i]]:=up[huan[i]]+s*len[huan[x]]+s*down[huan[x]]/(d[huan[x]]-2+longint(d[huan[x]]=2))
    127                             else up[huan[i]]:=up[huan[i]]+s*len[huan[x]]+s*down[huan[x]]/(d[huan[x]]-1);
    128                             s:=s/(d[huan[x]]-1);
    129                             x:=(x+cnt)mod(cnt+1);
    130                         end;
    131                 end;
    132             for i:=1 to n do vis[i]:=false;
    133             for i:=0 to cnt do vis[huan[i]]:=true;
    134             for i:=0 to cnt do dfs2(huan[i]);
    135             for i:=1 to n do ans:=ans+(up[i]+down[i])/d[i];
    136         end;
    137     writeln(ans/n:0:5);
    138 end;
    140 begin
    141     main;
    142 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Randolph87/p/3794198.html
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