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  • Useful ACM Conference

    ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems

    ASPLOS is a multi-disciplinary conference for research that spans the boundaries of hardware, computer architecture, compilers, languages, operating systems, networking, and applications. ASPLOS provides a high quality forum for scientists and engineers to present their latest research findings in these rapidly changing fields. It has captured some of the major computer systems innovations of the past two decades (e.g., RISC and VLIW processors, small and large-scale multiprocessors, clusters and networks-of-workstations, optimizing compilers, RAID, and network-storage system designs). This conference occurs at a time when computer architecture is facing great challenges, due both to the end of single-processor performance scaling and to new demands imposed by mobile and gigascale computing. Multi-disciplinary research is increasingly important as boundaries between hardware/software and local/network computing blur, as the form and capabilities of computing devices beco

    SOSP ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles

    The biennial ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles is the world's premier forum for researchers, developers, programmers, vendors and teachers of operating system technology. Academic and industrial participants present research and experience papers that cover the full range of theory and practice.

    CODASPY Data and Application Security and Privacy

    With rapid global penetration of the Internet and smart phones and the resulting productivity and social gains, the world is becoming increasingly dependent on its cyber infrastructure. Criminals, spies and predators of all kinds have learnt to exploit this landscape much quicker than defenders have advanced in their technologies. Security and Privacy has become an essential concern of applications and systems throughout their lifecycle. Security concerns have rapidly moved up the software stack as the Internet and web have matured. The security, privacy, functionality, cost and usability tradeoffs necessary in any practical system can only be effectively achieved at the data and application layers. This new conference provides a dedicated venue for high-quality research in this arena, and seeks to foster a community with this focus in cyber security.

    WISEC Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks

    As wireless networks become ubiquitous, their security gains in importance. The ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec) aims at exploring attacks on wireless networks as well as techniques to thwart them. The considered networks encompass cellular, metropolitan, local area, vehicular, ad hoc, satellite, underwater, cognitive radio, and sensor networks, as well as RFID. WiSec results from the merger of three workshops: * ESAS (European Workshop on the Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks) * SASN (ACM Workshop on the Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks) * WiSe (ACM Workshop on Wireless Security)

    SC The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

    Established in 1988, the annual SC conference has built a diverse community of participants including researchers, scientists, application developers, computing center staff and management, computing industry staff, agency program managers, journalists, and congressional staffers. This diversity is one of the conference's main strengths, making it a yearly "must attend" forum for stakeholders throughout the technical computing community. The technical program is the heart of SC. It has addressed virtually every area of scientific and engineering research, as well as technological development, innovation, and education. Its presentations, tutorials, panels, and discussion forums have included breakthroughs in many areas and inspired new and innovative areas of computing.

    HPDC High Performance Distributed Computing

    HPDC is the premier computer science conference for presenting new results relating to large scale high performance and distributed systems used in science and industry. For twenty years, HPDC has been at the center of new discoveries in clusters, grids, clouds, and parallel and multicore computers. HPDC is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery and the conference proceedings are published by the ACM Digital Library.

    PODC Principles of Distributed Computing

    PODC is a conference that focuses on research in the theory, design, specification and implementation of distributed systems. PODC is sponsored by ACM, SIGACT, and SIGOPS. PODC solicits papers on all areas of distributed systems. We encourage submissions dealing with any aspect of distributed computing from theoretical or experimental viewpoints. The common goal is to improve understanding of the principles underlying distributed computing. Topics of interest include the following subjects in distributed systems: * distributed algorithms: design and analysis * communication networks: architectures, services, protocols, applications * multiprocessor and multi-core architectures and algorithms * shared and transactional memory, synchronization protocols, concurrent programming * fault-tolerance, reliability, availability, self organization * internet applications, social networks, rec

    PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques

    The International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in parallel computing. PACT is a multi-disciplinary conference, bringing together researchers and practitioners in areas including instruction-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, multiprocessor parallelism and large scale systems.

    PPOPP Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming

    PPoPP is a forum for leading work on all aspects of parallel programming, including foundational results, techniques, tools, and practical experience. In the context of the symposium, "parallel programming" is construed to encompass work on concurrent, multithreaded, multicore, accelerated, multiprocessor, and tightly-clustered systems. Given the rise of multicore processors, PPoPP is particularly interested in work that seeks to transition parallel programming into the computing mainstream.

    SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures

    The Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) defines the term 'parallel' broadly, encompassing any computational system that can perform multiple operations or tasks simultaneously. Topics include, but are not limited to, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Data Structures, Green Computing and Power-Efficient Architectures, Management of Massive Data Sets, Parallel Complexity Theory, Parallel and Distributed Architectures, Multi-Core Architectures, Instruction Level Parallelism and VLSI, Compilers and Tools for Concurrent Programming, Supercomputer Architecture and Computing, Transactional Memory Hardware and Software, The Internet and the World Wide Web, Game Theory and Collaborative Learning, Routing and Information Dissemination, Resource Management and Awareness, Peer-to-Peer Systems, Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Robustness, Self-Stabilization and Security, Synergy of parallelism in algorithm

    ICPE ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering

    The goal of the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) is to integrate theory and practice in the field of performance engineering by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia. ICPE is an annual conference that originated from the merger of the ACM Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP) with the SPEC International Performance Engineering Workshop (SIPEW) in 2010. Nowadays, complex systems of all types, like Web-based systems, data centers and cloud infrastructures, social networks, peer-to-peer, mobile and wireless systems, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, real-time and embedded systems, have increasingly distributed and dynamic system architectures that provide high flexibility, however, also increase the complexity of managing end-to-end application performance. ICPE brings together researchers and industry practitioners to share and present their experiences, discuss challenges, and report

    IDEAS International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium

    The aim of the IDEAS series of symposiums is to address the engineering and application aspects of databases. The symposium provides an international forum for discussion of the problems of engineering database systems involving not only database technology but the related areas of information retrieval, multimedia, human machine interface and communication. The goal of IDEAS is to foster closer interaction among the industrial, research and user communities and provides an excellent opportunity for them to meet, discuss ideas, examine the current ones and develop new solutions and research directions. Along with the technical sessions, the symposium also features prominent invited speakers. IDEAS series of symposiums are scheduled annually and have been held since 1997 in North America, Europe and Asia. It has attracted participants from governmental and non-governmental agencies, industries, and academia to exchange ideas and share experiences.

    MOD International Conference on Management of Data

    The annual ACM SIGMOD/PODS conference is a leading international forum for database researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences.

    MIDDLEWARE Middleware Conference

    The Middleware Conference is a forum for the discussion of important innovations and recent advances in the design, construction and uses of middleware. Middleware is a distributed-system software that resides between applications and underlying platforms (operating systems; databases; hardware), and/or ties together distributed applications, databases or devices. Its primary role is to coordinate and enable communication between different layers or components while isolating much of the complexity of distribution into a single, well tested and well understood system abstraction.

    RECSYS ACM Conference On Recommender Systems

    The 5th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems builds on the success of the Recommenders 06 Summer School in Bilbao, Spain and the series of four successful conference events from 2007 to 2010 in Minneapolis (2007), Lausanne (2008), New York(2009) and Barcelona (2010). In addition to a regular technical program, there will be several tutorials covering the state-of-the-art of this domain, different workshops, a doctoral consortium, and an industrial program comprising of panel discussions and a practice/industry-paper track. We also expect to have keynote speakers who will address the major applications of recommendation technologies in industry.

    WSDM Web Search and Data Mining

    WSDM (pronounced "wisdom") is a young ACM conference intended to be the publication venue for research in the areas of search and data mining. Indeed, the pace of innovation in these areas prevents proper coverage by conferences of broader scope.

    K-CAP Knowledge Capture

    In today's knowledge-driven world, effective access to and use of information is a key enabler for progress. Modern technologies not only are themselves knowledge-intensive technologies, but also produce enormous amounts of new information that we must process and aggregate. These technologies require knowledge capture, which involve the extraction of useful knowledge from vast and diverse sources of information as well as its acquisition directly from users. Driven by the demands for knowledge-based applications and the unprecedented availability of information on the Web, the study of knowledge capture has a renewed importance. Researchers that work in the area of knowledge capture traditionally belong to several distinct research communities, including knowledge engineering, machine learning, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and the Semantic Web. K-CAP provides a forum that brings together members of disparate research com

    KDD Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

    The annual ACM SIGKDD conference is the premier international forum for data mining researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to share their ideas, research results and experiences. The KDD conferences feature keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, and the KDD Cup competition.

    HRI ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

    Robots are becoming part of people's everyday social lives - and will increasingly become so. In future years, robots may become caretaking assistants for the elderly, or academic tutors for our children, or medical assistants, day care assistants, or psychological counsellors. Robots may become our co-workers in factories and offices, or maids in our homes. They may become our friends. As we move to create our future with robots, hard problems in human-robot interaction (HRI) exist, both technically and socially. The Fifth Annual Conference on HRI seeks to take up grand technical and social challenges in the field - and speak to their integration. HRI is a single-track, highly selective annual conference that seeks to showcase the very best research in human-robot interaction with roots in robotics, psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, organizational behavior, anthropology, and many other fields. We invite broad participation.

    VRST Virtual Reality Software and Technology

    The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with virtual reality software and technology. VRST will provide an opportunity for VR researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions for the field.

    ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing

    The ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) includes topics of interest such as: algorithms and data structures, computational complexity, cryptography, privacy, computational geometry, algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics, optimization, randomness in computing, approximation algorithms, parallel and distributed computation, machine learning, applications of logic, algorithmic algebra and coding theory, computational biology, computational game theory, quantum computing, and theoretical aspects of areas such as robotics, databases, information retrieval, and networks. Papers that broaden the reach of theory, or raise important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis, are encouraged.

    SODA Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

    This symposium focuses on research topics related to efficient algorithms and data structures for discrete problems. In addition to the design of such methods and structures, the scope also includes their use, performance analysis, and the mathematical problems related to their development or limitations. Performance analyses may be analytical or experimental and may address worst-case or expected-case performance. Studies can be theoretical or based on data sets that have arisen in practice and may address methodological issues involved in performance analysis.

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