【治标不治本】:Some of the treatments being used are considered 【short-term solutions】.用防火剂的手段是治标不治本的。
【效果非常有限】:If you have heart disease, your doctor might tell you, eat more vegetables. A tactic that 【has limited success】.如果你患有心脏病,医生可能会告诉你多吃蔬菜。但这种策略的效果有限。
【容易反噬】:Witchcraft has its limits. If I push too hard, 【it pushes back】.巫术也有极限。如果我使用过度,就遭到反噬。
【强扭的瓜注定不甜】:They believe that 【fate is doomed】, 【forced love does not last】, 【demand】 is not the result of what happiness:他们相信缘分是天注定的,强扭的瓜不甜,强求是不会有什么幸福的结果的。
【两情相悦】:And 【two lovers】 realize they are better off as...:两情相悦的两个人意识到自己要好过。
所有的【爱情】,【其实】都【是两情相悦的】,【强扭注定不甜】:All 【love】 is 【actually】 shared by two,【forced love does not last】。
【以用为主】:In the age of network, the library should provide open-shelf service by setting up the concept "with human as basis and 【utility as core】":在网络化的时代,图书馆要树立以人为本、以用为主的观念,搞好图书的开架服务。
【the concept "utility as core" is efficient】, Based on learning theory, the learning methods "utility as core" is very efficient
【基于学习理论】:Support vector machine (SVM) is a new generation machine learning technique 【based on the statistical learning theory】:支持向量机(SVM)是基于统计学习理论的新一代机器学习技术。
【Appropriate communication】 is very 【beneficial】. In the process of question and answer, you will discover 【the essence of the problem】
【极度要强】:【Extremely strong personality】:Perhaps it's because we're both such 【strong personalities】.或许跟我们各自的要强个性有关。
【本质特点】:Computer distinguishes calculator the 【essential features】 of can store data and control is program.计算机区别于计算器的本质特点是能存储数据和控制程序。
【悟】:He is very quick to 【catch on】 to things. 他领悟能力很强。
【坚持的意义】:In this process, we began to understand, failure and success of the component, 【the significance of adhering to and giving up】.而在这个过程中,我们开始懂得,失败与成功的分量,坚持与放弃的意义。
【在工作之余】:I think he boxed a little 【in his spare time】.我猜想思特里克兰德在工作之余可能还练习练习击拳; spare:/speə/:spare time n. 消遣时间