UPDATE: On some phones with EMUI 9+ (Android P+) Huawei introduced a new task killer app called PowerGenie which kills everything not whitelisted by Huawei and does not give users any configuration options. See below how to uninstall it. We have mixed reviews on Huawei - the PowerGenie app is present on some EMUI 9+ systems, while on others it isn't. Traditionally Huawei and their Android customization called EMUI belongs to the most troubled on the market with respect to non-standard background process limitations. There are no APIs and no documentation for those extensions. On default settings, background processing simply does not work right and apps working in background will break.In some of the EMUI versions (we know about EMUI 4 at and we have some reports about EMUI 5 and now the latest EMUI 9) no user accessible settings can prevent the system to break background processing longer than 60 minutes. This is done by an evil custom service called HwPFWService (and in EMUI 9 this is called PowerGenie) developed and bundled with EMUI by Huawei.
- 电池优化下允许节点精灵。只有所有应用与不允许,不允许——可能更快耗尽电池,则指是否允许电池优化。
- 应用启动管理(电池)(等效于应用启动管理(应用))(搜索应用)手动管理允许后台活动(可在后台运行)。自动管理开关状态为关。
- 需求:安卓 闲时 屏幕变暗 保持唤醒/不休眠
- 用了谷歌市场的Wakey,模式设置为普通(而非变暗,会自动使用系统的显示和亮度休眠)。可以额外设置Wakey的最大屏幕亮起时间及口袋模式。
- 同样为Wakey设置了如上的,不允许系统的电池优化及允许后台活动。