\App_GlobalResources Folder
Resource files are string tables that can serve as data dictionaries for your applications when these applications require changes to content based on things such as changes in culture. You can add Assembly Resource Files (.resx) to this folder, and they are dynamically compiled and made part of the solution for use by all your .aspx pages in the application. In addition to strings, you can also add images and other files to your resource files.
Name | Value |
Button1Caption | Caption of Button 1 |
Name | Value |
Button1Caption | 按钮1标题 |
You can add resource files that are page-specific to the \App_LocalResources folder by constructing the name of the .resx file in the following manner:
❑ Default.aspx.resx
Name | Value |
Label1.Text |
Text of Label1 |
❑ Default.aspx.zh-CN.resx
Name | Value |
Label1.Text | 标签1文本 |
Now, the resource declarations used on the Default.aspx page will be retrieved from the appropriate file found in the \App_LocalResources folder. By default, the Default.aspx.resx resource file will be used if another match is not found. If the client is using a culture specification of fi-FI (Finnish), however, the Default.aspx.fi.resx file will be used instead.
To use implicit localization
Make sure that you have local resource files (.resx files) that meet the following criteria:
1. They are in an App_LocalResources folder.
2. The base name matches the page name. For example, if you are working with the page named Default.aspx, the resource files are named Default.aspx.resx (for the default resources), Default.aspx.es.resx, Default.aspx.es-mx.resx, and so on.
3. The resources in the file use the naming convention resourcekey."property". For example, key name Button1."Text".
In the control markup, add an implicit localization attribute.
To use explicit localization
In the markup for a control, use a resource expression to set the value for each property that you want to replace with a resource. The syntax is as follows:
<%$ Resources:Class, ResourceKey %>
Class is the resource file class, which is based on the .resx file name.
A resource file named WebResources.resx uses the class name WebResources. All culture variant resource files use the same class name as the culture neutral resource file. If you want to obtain a resource from the local resource file that is associated with a page, Class is optional.
ResourceKey is the name of a resource in the specified class.
To retrieve resource values programmatically
To retrieve global resources using strong typing
How to: Set the Culture and UI Culture for ASP.NET Web Page Globalization
In an ASP.NET Web page, you can set to two culture values, the Culture and UICulture properties. The Culture value determines the results of culture-dependent functions, such as the date, number, and currency formatting, and so on. The UICulture value determines which resources are loaded for the page.
To set the culture and UI culture for an ASP.NET Web page declaratively
To set the culture and UI culture for an ASP.NET Web page programmatically
Select an Encoding for ASP.NET Web Page Globalization