<?php abstract class Customer { public function addBill($date, $amount) { echo "addBill()".'<br>'; } public function CreateBill($date) { echo "CreateBill()".'<br>'; $this->chargeFor(); } abstract protected function chargeFor(); // 将子类不同的函数部分抽象为抽象方法,让子类去实现 } class RegularCustomer extends Customer { protected function chargeFor() { echo "go to north area, buy some food!".'<br>'; echo "find a small shop eat noondles!".'<br>'; } } class PreferredCustomer extends Customer { protected function chargeFor() { echo "buy drinks!!!".'<br>'; echo "go to bank!!!".'<br>'; } } $jack = new RegularCustomer(); $mike = new PreferredCustomer(); $jack->CreateBill("2013-08-12"); $jack->addBill("2013-08-12", 35); echo "<br>".'<br>'.'<br>'; $mike->CreateBill("2013-09-11"); $mike->addBill("2013-09-11", 55); ?>