one manufacturing order so that can be production or process order depends on your industry
if you are using pp as
take the process order
once you created the production order so we are going to
preliminary cost
we are going to issue the goods
partially confirm
semi finish stock includes 半成品库存
planning plant
we are using expenditure
schedule i don't have
this is your costing seat that is linked with here
cost determine
total plant quantity total plant cost
if we are going to manufacture five items then this will be your cost
do all the calculations on the basis of this production
one triple zero three four three
accordingly we need to perform or we need to confirm the activities also
you will analyze the cost
we just give them the costing seat job
we are going to issue some materials any question up to this
if you don't have access to this settlement profile or let's say to production
so this data we got it from the production order and we are going to
it's a consumption with reference to production order
in fact this type is not required if you don't want to separately issue the raw materials
there we will take the wip
let me process the other production order so we issue some production order like
add your storage location
so in confirmation screen alse we have the production goods movement is there
we need to receive that one
how many quantities four quantities
accounting document is five triple zero two
with reference to this production order we have received the goods
as we did some logistic transactions so we have some accounting entries are there
we have three activities
we did some activity type movement some quantities
we moved from cost center to production order
let me add the business transaction