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  • 用Tablediff把表數據生成SQL腳本

    use tempdb
    if object_id('test') is not null
        drop table test
    create table Test(ID int identity(1,1) constraint PK_Test primary key,Name nvarchar(100) constraint U_Test_Name unique,Memo nvarchar(max),CreateDate datetime)
    insert Test select 'TestName1','備注1','2008-01-15 12:00'
    insert Test select 'TestName2','備注2','2008-01-15 13:00'
    create table Tmp_Test(ID int identity(1,1) primary key,Name nvarchar(100) unique,Memo nvarchar(max),CreateDate datetime)


    --運行——cmd——"cd C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/COM" --指定tablediff.exe文件路徑
    --tablediff -sourceserver "Roy" -sourcedatabase "tempdb" -sourceschema "dbo" -sourcetable "test" -sourceuser "sa" -sourcepassword "sa密碼" -destinationserver "Roy" -destinationdatabase "tempdb" -destinationschema "dbo" -destinationtable "Tmp_Test" -destinationuser "sa" -destinationpassword "sa密碼" -f "E:/TestData.sql" -o "E:/Testlog.txt"



    -- Host: Roy
    -- Database: [tempdb]
    -- Table: [dbo].[Tmp_Test]
    -- Column(s) Memo are not included in this script because they are of type(s) text, ntext, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), image, timestamp, or xml. Columns of these types cannot be updated by tablediff utility scripts; therefore non-convergence of data can still occur after this script has been applied. If the tablediff utility output references any of these columns, you must update the columns manually if you want them to converge.
    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ON
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ([CreateDate],[ID],[Name]) VALUES ('2008-01-15 12:00:00.000',1,'TestName1')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ([CreateDate],[ID],[Name]) VALUES ('2008-01-15 13:00:00.000',2,'TestName2')
    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Tmp_Test] OFF


    Table [tempdb].[dbo].[test] on Roy and Table [tempdb].[dbo].[Tmp_Test] on Roy have 2 differences.
    Fix SQL written to E:/TestData.sql.
    Err    ID    Col
    Src. Only    1   
    Src. Only    2   
    The requested operation took 0.2187038 seconds.


    DECLARE @Test table(SQL varchar(max))
    INSERT @Test EXEC xp_cmdshell 'Type E:/TestData.sql'
    SELECT  SQL FROM @Test WHERE SQL IS NOT NULL AND SQL not like N'--%' and  SQL not like 'nce%'


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ON
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ([CreateDate],[ID],[Name]) VALUES ('2008-01-15 12:00:00.000',1,'TestName1')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Tmp_Test] ([CreateDate],[ID],[Name]) VALUES ('2008-01-15 13:00:00.000',2,'TestName2')
    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Tmp_Test] OFF

    drop table Test,Tmp_Test

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Roy_88/p/5463093.html
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