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  • 线段树(多维+双成段更新) UVA 11992 Fast Matrix Operations




    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define lson l, mid, o << 1
    #define rson mid + 1, r, o << 1 | 1
    typedef long long ll;
    const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    const int N = 20 + 5;
    const int M = 5e4 + 5;
    struct Segment_Tree	{
    	struct Node	{
    		int sum, mx, mn, add, setv;
    	void _max(int &a, int b)	{
    		if (a < b)	a = b;
    	void _min(int &a, int b)	{
    		if (a > b)	a = b;
    	void push_up(int o)	{
    		node[o].sum = node[o<<1].sum + node[o<<1|1].sum;
    		node[o].mx = max (node[o<<1].mx, node[o<<1|1].mx);
    		node[o].mn = min (node[o<<1].mn, node[o<<1|1].mn);
    	void push_down(int l, int r, int o)	{
    		int len = r - l + 1;
    		if (node[o].setv != -1 && l < r)	{					//先set,然后再add
    			node[o<<1].setv = node[o<<1|1].setv = node[o].setv;
    			node[o<<1].add = node[o<<1|1].add = 0;				//很重要的地方,有set的清除add,意思是set前的add都不要了
    			node[o<<1].sum = node[o].setv * (len - (len >> 1));
    			node[o<<1].mx = node[o<<1].mn = node[o].setv;
    			node[o<<1|1].sum = node[o].setv * (len >> 1);
    			node[o<<1|1].mx = node[o<<1|1].mn = node[o].setv;
    			node[o].setv = -1;
    		if (node[o].add != 0 && l < r)	{
    			node[o<<1].add += node[o].add;	node[o<<1|1].add += node[o].add;
    			node[o<<1].sum += node[o].add * (len - (len >> 1));
    			node[o<<1].mx += node[o].add;	node[o<<1].mn += node[o].add;
    			node[o<<1|1].sum += node[o].add * (len >> 1);
    			node[o<<1|1].mx += node[o].add;	node[o<<1|1].mn += node[o].add;
    			node[o].add = 0;
    	void build(int l, int r, int o)	{
    		node[o].add = 0;	node[o].setv = -1;
    		if (l == r)	{
    			node[o].sum = 0;	node[o].mx = 0;	node[o].mn = 0;
    			return ;
    		int mid = l + r >> 1;
    		build (lson);	build (rson);
    		push_up (o);
    	void updata(int ql, int qr, int op, int c, int l, int r, int o)	{
    		if (ql <= l && r <= qr)	{
    			if (op == 1)	{
    				node[o].sum += c * (r - l + 1);	node[o].mx += c;	node[o].mn += c;
    				node[o].add += c;	return ;
    			else if (op == 2)	{
    				node[o].sum = c * (r - l + 1);	node[o].mx = node[o].mn = c;
    				node[o].add = 0;
    				node[o].setv = c;	return ;
    		push_down (l, r, o);
    		int mid = l + r >> 1;
    		if (ql <= mid)	updata (ql, qr, op, c, lson);
    		if (qr > mid)	updata (ql, qr, op, c, rson);
    		push_up (o);
    	void query(int ql, int qr, int &_sum, int &_mn, int &_mx, int l, int r, int o)	{
    		if (ql <= l && r <= qr)	{
    			_sum += node[o].sum;
    			_max (_mx, node[o].mx);
    			_min (_mn, node[o].mn);
    			return ;
    		push_down (l, r, o);
    		int mid = l + r >> 1;
    		if (ql <= mid)	query (ql, qr, _sum, _mn, _mx, lson);
    		if (qr > mid)	query (ql, qr, _sum, _mn, _mx, rson);
    int n, m, q;
    int main(void)	{
    	while (scanf ("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q) == 3)	{
    		for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i)	{
    			st[i].build (1, m, 1);
    		int x1, y1, x2, y2, v, op;
    		while (q--)	{
    			scanf ("%d%d%d%d%d", &op, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    			if (op <= 2)	{
    				scanf ("%d", &v);
    				for (int i=x1; i<=x2; ++i)	{
    					st[i].updata (y1, y2, op, v, 1, m, 1);
    			else	{
    				int sum = 0, mx = 0, mn = INF;
    				for (int i=x1; i<=x2; ++i)	{
    					st[i].query (y1, y2, sum, mn, mx, 1, m, 1);
    				printf ("%d %d %d
    ", sum, mn, mx);
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Running-Time/p/5048016.html
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