101 Goods receipt for purchase order or order 101有关采购订单或生产订单的收货
103 Goods receipt for purchase order into GR blocked stock103有关采购订单的收货到GR冻结区
105 Release from GR blocked stock for purchase order105有关采购订单的从GR冻结区释放到非限制库存
103+105 : 两步收货
122 Return delivery to supplier or to production122退货给供应商或生产
123 Reversal of return deliver123退货给供应商的冲销
124 Return delivery to vendor from GR blocked stock124从GR冻结区退货给供应商
125 Return delivery from GR blocked stock – reversal125收货退给冻结库存冲销
131 Goods receipt for run schedule header131运行计划抬头的收货
141 Goods receipt for subsequent adjustment for active ingredient141有关活性成分的收货后续调整
161 Return for purchase order161采购订单收货退回
201 Goods issue for a cost center201有关成本中心的发货
221 Goods issue for a project221有关项目的发货
231 Goods issue for a customer order (without Shipping)231有关销售订单的发货(不带装运)
241 Goods issue for an asset241资产及在建工程发货
251 Goods issue for sales (without customer order)251有关销售的发货(不带客户订单)
321 Transfer posting stock in quality inspection - unrestricted-use stock321质量检验到非限制的转帐
323 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - stock in quality inspection323质检库存从库存地点到库存地点的转帐
325 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock325冻结库存从库存地点到库存地点的转帐
333 Withdrawal of sample from unrestricted-use stock333对非限制库存抽样提取
335 Withdrawal of sample from blocked stock335对冻结库存抽样提取
340 Revaluation of batch340批次重估
341 Change in status of a batch (available to unavailable)341批次状态的更改(从可用到不可用)
343 Transfer posting blocked stock - unrestricted-use stock343从冻结库存到非限制使用的转帐
349 Transfer posting from blocked stock to stock in quality inspection349从冻结库存到质检库存的转帐
351 Goods issue for a stock transport order (without Shipping)351对库存转储订单发货(不带装运)
411 Transfer posting of special stocks E, K, and Q to company's own stock411特殊库存E,K,Q到公司自有库存的转帐
413 Transfer posting to sales order stock413库存地点到销售订单的转帐
415 Transfer posting to project stock415库存地点到项目库存
441 Transfer posting non-tied to tied empties
451 Returns from customer (without Shipping)451客户退货到冻结库存(不带装运)
453 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to unrestricted-use stock453退货冻结库存到非限制使用库存的转帐
455 Transfer posting storage location to storage location - blocked stock returns455退货冻结库存从库存地点到库存地点的转帐
457 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to quality inspection stock457从退货冻结库存到质检库存的转帐
459 Transfer posting blocked stock returns to blocked stock459从退货冻结库存到冻结库存的转帐
501 Goods receipt without purchase order - unrestricted-use stock501无采购订单到非限制使用库存的收货
503 Goods receipt without purchase order - stock in quality inspection503无采购订单到质检库存的收货
505 Goods receipt without purchase order - blocked stock505无采购订单到冻结库存的收货
511 Free-of-charge delivery from vendor511供应商免费交货
521 Goods receipt without order - unrestricted-use stock521无生产订单到非限制使用库存的收货
523 Goods receipt without order - stock in quality inspection523无生产订单到质量检验库存的收货
525 Goods receipt without order - blocked stock525无生产订单到冻结库存的收货
531 Goods receipt from by-product from the order531副产品到非限制使用库存的收货
541 Transfer posting unrestricted-use stock - stock of material provided to vendor541从非限制自有库存到分包库存的转帐
543 Consumption from stock of material provided to vendor543分包库存的消耗
545 Goods receipt from by-product from subcontracting545对分包中的副产品的收货
551 Scrapping from unrestricted-use stock551从非限制使用库存中报废(发货)
553 Scrapping from stock in quality inspection553从质检库存中报废(发货)
555 Scrapping from blocked stock555从冻结库存中报废(发货)
561 Initial entry of stock - unrestricted-use stock561期初库存分录(到非限制使用库存)
563 Initial entry of stock - quality inspection563期初库存分录(到质检库存)
565 Initial entry of stock - blocked stock565期初库存分录(到冻结库存)
571 Goods receipt for assembly order to unrestricted-use571装配订单到非限制使用库存的收货
573 Goods receipt for assembly order to quality inspection573装配订单到质检库存的收货
575 Goods receipt for assembly order to blocked stock575装配订单到冻结库存的收货
581 Goods receipt of a by-product from the network581网络中副产品的收货
601 Goods issue for delivery (Shipping)601为交货的发货(装运)
603 Goods issue for stock transport order (Shipping) with additional item603为带附加项目的库存转储订单发货(带装运)
605 Goods receipt for a stock transport order (Shipping) with additional item605为带附加项目的库存转储订单收货(带装运)
621 Transfer posting unrestricted-use - returnable packaging (Shipping)621从非限制自有库存到客户可退回包装库存的转帐(带装运)
623 Goods issue from returnable packaging stock at customer (Shipping)623从客户可退回包装库存发货/借出(带装运)
631 Transfer posting unrestricted use - customer consignment stock (Shipping)631从非限制自有库存到客户代销库存的转帐(带装运)
633 Goods issue from customer consignment (Shipping)633从客户代销库存发货/消耗(带装运)
641 Goods issue for a stock transport order (Shipping)641为库存转储订单发货(带装运)
643 Goods issue for a cross-company stock transport order (Shipping)643为跨公司库存转储订单发货(带装运)
645 Goods issue for a cross-company stock transport order in one step (Shipping)645为一步式跨公司库存转储订单发货(带装运)
647 Goods issue for a stock transport order in one step (Shipping)647为一步式工厂间库存转储订单发货(带装运)
651 Returns from customer (Shipping)651客户退货到退货冻结库存(带装运)
653 Returns from customer (Shipping) to unrestricted-use stock653客户退货到非限制使用库存(带装运)
655 Returns from customer (Shipping) to stock in quality inspection655客户退货到质检库存(带装运)
657 Returns from customer (Shipping) to blocked stock657客户退货到冻结库存(带装运)
661 Returns to vendor via Shipping661通过装运退货给供应商
671 Returns for stock transport order via Shipping671通过装运对库存转储订单退货
673 Returns for cross-company stock transport order (Shipping)673对跨公司库存转储订单退货(带装运)
675 Returns for cross-company stock transport order (Shipping) in one step675对一步式跨公司库存转储订单退货(带装运)
677 Returns for stock transport order in one step (Shipping)677对一步式库存转储订单退货(带装运)
701 Inventory differences in unrestricted-use stock (MM-IM)701 IM非限制使用库存盘点差异(盘盈=收货)
703 Inventory differences in quality inspection stock (MM-IM)703 IM质检库存盘点差异(盘盈=收货)
707 Inventory differences in blocked stock (MM-IM)707 IM冻结库存盘点差异(盘盈=收货)
711 Inventory differences in unrestricted-use stock (LE-WM)711 WM非限制使用库存盘点差异(盘亏=发货)
713 Inventory differences in quality inspection stock (LE-WM)713 WM质检库存盘点差异(盘亏=发货)
715 Inventory differences in blocked stock returns (LE-WM)715 WM退货冻结库存盘点差异(盘亏=发货)
717 Inventory differences in blocked stock (LE-WM)717 WM冻结库存盘点差异(盘亏=发货)
721 - Sales value receipt - not affecting margins (Retail)
731 - Sales value receipt - affecting margins (Retail)