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    if(b.HasYes  is null,0,b.HasYes) as  HasYes,
    when d.name='单一采购'
    then '单一采购' when d.name='邀请招标'
    then '邀请招标'
    when d.name='快速采购'
    then '快速采购(5-50万)' end
    as proMethod,
    when tb.Suppliers_Recommended_Date_Fact = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
    then null  
    else tb.Suppliers_Recommended_Date_Fact end ) as supReDateFact,
    when tb.evaluation_Methods_Date_Fact = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
    then null  
    else tb.evaluation_Methods_Date_Fact end) as evaMethDateFact,
     count(case when tb.bid_Date_Fact = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'then
    null  else tb.bid_Date_Fact end) as bidDateFact,
    count(case when tb.inquiry_Issued_Date_Fact = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'then
    null  else tb.inquiry_Issued_Date_Fact end) as inqIssDateFact,
    count(case when tp.purchase_mrzheng_endtime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'then
    null  else tp.purchase_mrzheng_endtime end) as proRecConfirmDateFact,
    count(case when tp.contract_mrzheng_endtime = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'then null  
    else tp.contract_mrzheng_endtime end) as conAppDateFact
     from tb_pmi_project_management tb
    left join
    tb_purchase_check tp
    on tb.requisition_Num = tp.requisition_Num
    left join system_dict d on d.code=tb.procurement_Method
    left join
    (select case when d.name='邀请招标' then '邀请招标(>=50万)'
    when d.name='单一采购' then '单一采购' when d.name='快速采购' then '快速采购(5-50万)' end as proMethod,s.procurement_Method,count(s.isPRproject )as HasNo
    from  tb_pmi_project_management s
    left join system_dict d on d.code=s.procurement_Method
    where s.is_Count =1 and s.isDelete = 0 and s.isPRproject = 0
    and year(s.PR_Reception_Time) = YEAR(NOW( )) and s.budgetyear = YEAR(NOW( )) group by s.isPRproject,s.procurement_Method
    ) a
    tb.procurement_Method = a.procurement_Method
    left join
    (select case when d.name='邀请招标' then '邀请招标(>=50万)'
    when d.name='单一采购' then '单一采购' when d.name='快速采购' then '快速采购(5-50万)' end as proMethod,s.procurement_Method,sum(s.isPRproject )as HasYes
    from  tb_pmi_project_management s
    left join system_dict d on d.code=s.procurement_Method
    where s.is_Count =1 and s.isDelete = 0 and s.isPRproject = 1
    and year(s.PR_Reception_Time) = YEAR(NOW( )) and s.budgetyear = YEAR(NOW( )) group by s.isPRproject,s.procurement_Method
    ) b
    tb.procurement_Method = b.procurement_Method
    where tb.is_Count =1
    and tb.isDelete = 0
    and year(tb.PR_Reception_Time) = YEAR(NOW( ))
    and tb.budgetyear = YEAR(NOW( ))  
    group by

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