select * from (select t.row_id, t.supplier_name, t.tel, address, t.contact, t.contact_post, t.contact_mobi, t.contact_tel, case when project_supp_type = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate, 0)) when project_supp_type2 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate2, 0)) when project_supp_type3 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate3, 0)) when project_supp_type4 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate4, 0)) when project_supp_type5 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate5, 0)) when project_supp_type6 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate6, 0)) end as rate from md_supplier t where t.supplier_type = 4 and (project_supp_type = 0 or project_supp_type2 = 0 or project_supp_type3 = 0 or project_supp_type4 = 0 or project_supp_type5 = 0 or project_supp_type6 = 0) and t.status = 1 and exists (select * from md_project mp, md_project_supplier mps where mp.row_id = mps.project_id and mp.status = 1 and supplier_id = t.row_id) order by rate desc, t.supplier_name) where rownum <= 5
执行计划没有问题,驱动表全表扫描也只是返回27条,无伤大雅,被驱动表view VW_SQ_1
被驱动表内走了 merge jion,merge jion比nl要强一下,进行全表扫描之后再排序,之后再连接
问题要看exists中的表 返回227行,在view中 exists中的表有相当于一个驱动表了,他要驱动id 10,每次查询都要全表 ,还要227次,就慢了,就需要改写

with ttt as (select * from md_project mp, md_project_supplier mps where mp.row_id = mps.project_id and mp.status = 1 ) select * from (select t.row_id, t.supplier_name, t.tel, address, t.contact, t.contact_post, t.contact_mobi, t.contact_tel, case when project_supp_type = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate, 0)) when project_supp_type2 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate2, 0)) when project_supp_type3 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate3, 0)) when project_supp_type4 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate4, 0)) when project_supp_type5 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate5, 0)) when project_supp_type6 = 0 then to_number(nvl(t.discount_rate6, 0)) end as rate from md_supplier t where t.supplier_type = 4 and (project_supp_type = 0 or project_supp_type2 = 0 or project_supp_type3 = 0 or project_supp_type4 = 0 or project_supp_type5 = 0 or project_supp_type6 = 0) and t.status = 1 and exists (select * from ttt where supplier_id = t.row_id) order by rate desc, t.supplier_name) where rownum <= 5