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  • SDWebImage 加载Https自签名证书时的图片问题


    传了SDWebImageAllowInvalidSSLCertificates 还是没效果没效果(这种情况只适用于CA我觉得),

    并且一直 HTTP load failed (error code: -999 [1:89]),



    .h 文件

    #import "SDWebImageDownloader.h" 2 3 @interface SDWebImageDownloader (AFNHttps) 4 5 @end
     1 #import <SDWebImageDownloader.h>
     2 #import "SDWebImageDownloader+AFNHttps.h"
     4 @implementation SDWebImageDownloader (AFNHttps)
     6 + (void)load {
    7 [SDWebImageDownloader sharedDownloader].urlCredential = [self myUrlCredential]; 8 } 9 10 + (NSURLCredential *)myUrlCredential { 11 12 NSString *thePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"p12证书名" ofType:@"p12"]; 13 //倒入证书 NSLog(@"thePath===========%@",thePath); 14 NSData *PKCS12Data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:thePath]; 15 CFDataRef inPKCS12Data = (__bridge CFDataRef)PKCS12Data; 16 17 SecIdentityRef identity = NULL; 18 // extract the ideneity from the certificate 19 [self mosM_extractIdentity:inPKCS12Data toIdentity:&identity]; 20 21 SecCertificateRef certificate = NULL; 22 SecIdentityCopyCertificate (identity, &certificate); 27 28 return [NSURLCredential credentialWithIdentity:identity certificates:nil persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistencePermanent];; 29 } 30 31 32 + (OSStatus)extractIdentity:(CFDataRef)inP12Data toIdentity:(SecIdentityRef*)identity { 33 OSStatus securityError = errSecSuccess; 34 CFStringRef password = CFSTR("p12证书密码"); 35 const void *keys[] = { kSecImportExportPassphrase }; 36 const void *values[] = { password }; 37 CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL); 38 CFArrayRef items = CFArrayCreate(NULL, 0, 0, NULL); 39 securityError = SecPKCS12Import(inP12Data, options, &items); 40 if (securityError == 0) 41 { 42 CFDictionaryRef ident = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items,0); 43 const void *tempIdentity = NULL; 44 tempIdentity = CFDictionaryGetValue(ident, kSecImportItemIdentity); 45 *identity = (SecIdentityRef)tempIdentity; 46 } 47 if (options) { 48 CFRelease(options); 49 } 50 return securityError; 51 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SUPER-F/p/9876522.html
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