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  • Verilog学习笔记简单功能实现(五)...............序列检测设计



     1 module seqdet(x,out,clk,rst);
     2   input x,clk,rst;
     3   output out;
     4   reg [2:0]state;
     5   wire out;
     6   parameter IDLE=3'b0, 
     7             A=3'd1,
     8             B=3'd2,
     9             C=3'd3,
    10             D=3'd4,
    11             E=3'd5,
    12             F=3'd6,
    13             G=3'd7;
    14   assign out=(state==D&&x==0)?1:0;
    15   always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
    16   begin
    17   if(!rst)
    18     state=IDLE;
    19     else
    20     case(state)
    21       IDLE:if(x==1) state<=A;
    22            else state<=IDLE;
    23       A:if(x==0) state<=B;
    24         else state<=A;
    25       B:if(x==0) state<=C;
    26         else state<=F;
    27       C:if(x==1) state<=D;
    28         else state<=G;
    29       D:if(x==0) state<=E;
    30         else state<=A;
    31       E:if(x==0) state<=C;
    32         else state<=A;
    33       F:if(x==0) state<=B;
    34         else state<=A;
    35       G:if(x==1) state<=F;
    36         else state<=G;
    37       default: state<=IDLE;
    38     endcase 
    40   end
    41 endmodule


     1 `timescale 1ns/1ns
     2 `define halfperiod 20
     4 module testseqdet;
     5   reg clk,rst;
     6   reg [23:0]data;
     7   wire out,x;
     8   assign x=data[23];
     9   initial begin
    10   clk=0;
    11   rst=1;
    12   #2 rst=0;
    13   #30 rst=1;
    14   data=20'b1100_1001_0000_1001_0100;
    15   end
    16   always #(`halfperiod) clk=~clk;
    17   always @(posedge clk)
    18   begin  
    19   #2 data={data[22:0],data[23]};
    20   end
    21   seqdet m(.x(x),.out(out),.clk(clk),.rst(rst));
    22 endmodule


     1 module seqdet(x,out,clk,rst,state);
     2   input x,clk,rst;
     3   output out;
     4   output [2:0]state;
     5   reg [2:0]state;
     6   wire out;
     7   parameter IDLE=3'd0,
     8             A=3'd1,
     9             B=3'd2,
    10             C=3'd3,
    11             D=3'd4,
    12             E=3'd5;
    13   assign out=(state==D&&x==0)?1:0;
    14   always @(posedge clk)
    15   begin
    16   if(!rst)  state<=IDLE;
    17   else
    18     case(state)
    19       IDLE:if(x==1) state<=A;
    20            else state<=IDLE;
    21       A:if(x==0) state<=B;
    22         else state<=A;
    23       B:if(x==0) state<=C;
    24         else state<=A;
    25       C:if(x==1) state<=D;
    26         else state<=IDLE;
    27       D:if(x==0) state<=E;
    28         else state<=A;
    29       E:if(x==0) state<=C;
    30         else state<=A;
    31       default: state<=IDLE;
    32     endcase
    33   end
    34 endmodule


     1 `timescale 1ns/1ns
     2 module test_seqdet;
     3   reg clk,rst;
     4   reg [22:0]data;
     5   wire [2:0]state;
     6   wire x,out;
     7   assign x=data[22];
     8   initial
     9   begin
    10   clk=0;
    11   rst=1;
    12   #2  rst=0;
    13   #30 rst=1;
    14   data=20'b1100_1001_0000_1001_0100;
    15   end
    17   always #20 clk=~clk;
    18   always @(posedge clk)
    19   begin
    20   data={data[21:0],data[22]};  
    21   end
    22   seqdet m(.x(x),.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.out(out),.state(state));
    23 endmodule
     1 module seqdet 
     2 ( 
     3    input wire x, 
     4    input wire clk, 
     5    input wire rst, 
     6    output wire z, 
     7    output reg [4:0] q 
     8 ); 
    10 wire [4:0] q_next; 
    12 assign q_next ={q[3:0],x}; 
    13 assign z = (q_next== 5'b10010) ? 1'b1:1'b0; 
    15 always @ (posedge clk,negedge rst) 
    16    if(!rst) 
    17       q <= 5'd0; 
    18    else
    19       q <= q_next; 
    21 endmodule

    寄存器的实现参照http://www.cnblogs.com/qiweiwang/archive/2011/04/18/2019952.html ,在这里感谢齐威王!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SYoong/p/5953339.html
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