#ifndef _CMYSQLMGR_H_ #define _CMYSQLMGR_H_ #include <iostream> #include "mysql.h" using namespace std; class CMySQLMgr { public: CMySQLMgr(); ~CMySQLMgr(); bool Connect(const char * sHost, const char * sUser, const char * sPwd, const char * sDbName, const char * sPort); void CloseConnect(); bool excute(const char * sQuery); MYSQL * GetpMysql(); private: MYSQL * m_pMysql; }; #endif
#include "CMySQLMgr.h" CMySQLMgr::CMySQLMgr() { m_pMysql = NULL; } CMySQLMgr::~CMySQLMgr() { } bool CMySQLMgr::Connect( const char * sHost, const char * sUser, const char * sPwd, const char * sDbName, const char * sPort ) { bool bReturn = true; do { CloseConnect(); m_pMysql = mysql_init(NULL); if (!m_pMysql) { bReturn = false; //can write log break; } //参数设置 char optvalue = 6; mysql_options(m_pMysql, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (char*)&optvalue); optvalue = 1; mysql_options(m_pMysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (char*)&optvalue); optvalue = 2; mysql_options(m_pMysql, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, (char*)&optvalue); if (!mysql_real_connect(m_pMysql, sHost, sUser, sPwd, sDbName, atoi(sPort), NULL, 0) ) { bReturn = false; //can write log cout << "mysql error:" << mysql_error(m_pMysql); break; } } while (0); return bReturn; } void CMySQLMgr::CloseConnect() { if (m_pMysql) { mysql_close(m_pMysql); } } bool CMySQLMgr::excute( const char * sQuery ) { bool bReturn = true; try { if (0 != mysql_query(m_pMysql, sQuery)) { bReturn = false; cout << "mysql error:" << mysql_error(m_pMysql); //can write log } } catch (std::exception &e) { cout << "exception:" << e.what() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Unknown exception." << endl; } return bReturn; } MYSQL * CMySQLMgr::GetpMysql() { if (m_pMysql) { return m_pMysql; } }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "CMySQLMgr.h" using namespace std; int main() { CMySQLMgr mysql; bool bRet = mysql.Connect("", "root", "123456", "scistock", "3306"); char buf[1024*2] = {0}; const char * sSql = "select * from calcgsdataflash where gscode = 'ZTJB' "; bRet = mysql.excute(sSql); if (!bRet) { cout << "sSql:" << sSql << " excute error" << endl; } MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_FIELD *fields; res = mysql_store_result(mysql.GetpMysql()); if (res) { int nFields = mysql_num_fields(res); fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { string gpcode; int ymd = 0; int hms = 0; float f10 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nFields; j++) { if (row[j]) { if (strncmp(fields[j].name, "gpcode", strlen("gpcode")) == 0) { gpcode = row[j]; } else if (strncmp(fields[j].name, "ymd", strlen("ymd")) == 0) { ymd = atoi(row[j]); } else if (strncmp(fields[j].name, "hms", strlen("hms")) == 0) { hms = atoi(row[j]); int hour = hms / 3600; int minute = hms / 60 % 60; int second = hms % 60; hms = hour * 10000 + minute * 100 + second; } else if (strncmp(fields[j].name, "f10", strlen("f10")) == 0) { f10 = atoi(row[j]); } } } sprintf(buf, "update calcgsdataflash set hms = %d WHERE gscode = 'ZTJB' AND ymd = %d AND gpcode = '%s' AND f10 = %f", hms, ymd, gpcode.c_str(), f10); cout << "sSql:" << buf << endl; bool bRet = mysql.excute(buf); if (!bRet) { cout << "sSql:" << buf << " excute error" << endl; } } mysql_free_result(res); } mysql.CloseConnect(); return 0; }
Api 连接库下载地址(
Windows :
2.解压 1 中下载的压缩包
3.vs 项目中加入 2 中库文件目录下的 include文件夹、lib文件夹下的 libmysql.lib。
(将 libmysql.dll 拷贝至可执行程序目录下)
项目配置(Debug or Release、Win32 or x64)要与下载的库版本保持一致。
若 Release 模式下需要断点调试,参见:
1.从官网下载 Linux 对应版本的连接库
sudo cp -r include/ /usr/include/mysql/
sudo cp -r lib/ /usr/lib64/mysql/
2.如果下载的是 .rpm 文件,直接安装
sudo rpm -ivh mysql-connector-c-devel-6.1.11-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (rpm 命令的用法参见:
3.makefile 引用安装的库
1.静态库 libmysqlclient.a
2.动态库 (如果安装之后没有 ,只有,就链接一下 ln ,或者重命名也行)
//InnoDB表引擎下关闭mysql自动事务提交可以大大提高数据插入的效率,这是因为如果需要插入1000条数据, mysql会自动发起(提交)1000次的数据写入请求,如果把autocommit关闭掉,通过程序来控制,只要一 次commit就可以搞定。
#define WRITE_ONCE_COUNT 1000 //设一个宏,表示多少条数据提交一次 int count = 0; //设一个计数值 mysql_autocommit(mysql,0);//关闭自动提交 sprintf(buf,"insert into dxjl_infobase(Date,gpcode,Type) values(%d,'%s',%d)",nDate,codes,1); ASC2UTF8(buf,buf,sizeof(buf));//转编码,将ASC转为UTF8 以便数据库可以识别sql语句 int iSuccess = mysql_query(mysql,buf); if(iSuccess !=0) { printf("mysql_query:%s ",mysql_error(mysql)); } else { count ++; } if(WRITE_ONCE_COUNT == count)//每WRITE_ONCE_COUNT条数据提交一次 { mysql_commit(mysql); count = 0; } 出了循环之后加个判断,避免最后一次循环数据未达到WRITE_ONCE_COUNT,无法commit提交写库: if(0 < count) { mysql_commit(mysql); }