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  • xBIM 基础05 3D墙案例


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Diagnostics;
      4 using System.Linq;
      5 using Xbim.Common;
      6 using Xbim.Common.Step21;
      7 using Xbim.Ifc;
      8 using Xbim.IO;
      9 using Xbim.Ifc4.ActorResource;
     10 using Xbim.Ifc4.DateTimeResource;
     11 using Xbim.Ifc4.ExternalReferenceResource;
     12 using Xbim.Ifc4.PresentationOrganizationResource;
     13 using Xbim.Ifc4.GeometricConstraintResource;
     14 using Xbim.Ifc4.GeometricModelResource;
     15 using Xbim.Ifc4.GeometryResource;
     16 using Xbim.Ifc4.Interfaces;
     17 using Xbim.Ifc4.Kernel;
     18 using Xbim.Ifc4.MaterialResource;
     19 using Xbim.Ifc4.MeasureResource;
     20 using Xbim.Ifc4.ProductExtension;
     21 using Xbim.Ifc4.ProfileResource;
     22 using Xbim.Ifc4.PropertyResource;
     23 using Xbim.Ifc4.QuantityResource;
     24 using Xbim.Ifc4.RepresentationResource;
     25 using Xbim.Ifc4.SharedBldgElements;
     28 namespace HelloWall
     29 {
     30     class Program
     31     {
     32         /// <summary>
     33         ///  此示例演示了创建包含单个标准事例墙的符合IFC模型的最小步骤。
     34         /// </summary>
     35         static int Main()
     36         {
     37             // 首先创建并初始化一个名为hello wall的模型
     38             Console.WriteLine("Initialising the IFC Project 初始化 IFc 项目....");
     39             using (var model = CreateandInitModel("HelloWall"))
     40             {
     41                 if (model != null)
     42                 {
     43                     IfcBuilding building = CreateBuilding(model, "Default Building 默认建筑");
     44                     IfcBuildingStorey storey = CreateStorey(building);
     45                     IfcWallStandardCase wall = CreateWall(model, 4000, 300, 2400);
     47                     if(wall != null)
     48                     {
     49                         AddPropertiesToWall(model, wall);
     50                     }
     51                     using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Add Wall 添加墙"))
     52                     {
     53                         building.AddToSpatialDecomposition(storey);
     54                         storey.AddElement(wall);
     55                         txn.Commit();
     56                     }
     58                     if (wall != null)
     59                     {
     60                         try
     61                         {
     62                             Console.WriteLine("Standard Wall successfully created....");
     64                             model.SaveAs("HelloWallIfc4.ifc", StorageType.Ifc); // 保存到文件中
     66                             Console.WriteLine("HelloWallIfc4.ifc has been successfully written");
     67                         }
     68                         catch (Exception e)
     69                         {
     70                             Console.WriteLine("Failed to save HelloWall.ifc");
     71                             Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
     72                         }
     73                     }
     74                 }
     75                 else
     76                 {
     77                     Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialise the model");
     78                 }
     79             }
     80             Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit to view the IFC file....");
     81             Console.ReadKey();
     82             LaunchNotepad("HelloWallIfc4.ifc");
     83             return 0;
     84         }
     86         private static IfcBuildingStorey CreateStorey(IfcBuilding building)
     87         {
     88             var model = building.Model;
     89             IfcBuildingStorey storey;
     90             using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Storey creation"))
     91             {
     92                 storey = model.Instances.New<IfcBuildingStorey>(s =>
     93                 {
     94                     s.Name = "Default storey";
     95                     s.Elevation = 0.0;
     96                 });
     97                 txn.Commit();
     98             }
     99             return storey;
    100         }
    102         /// <summary>
    103         ///  在记事本中打开指定的文件
    104         /// </summary>
    105         /// <param name="fileName"></param>
    106         private static void LaunchNotepad(string fileName)
    107         {
    108             try
    109             {
    110                 var p = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = fileName, CreateNoWindow = false } };
    111                 p.Start();
    112             }
    113             catch (Exception ex)
    114             {
    115                 Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
    116             }
    117         }
    119         /// <summary>
    120         ///  创建建筑对象
    121         /// </summary>
    122         /// <param name="model"></param>
    123         /// <param name="name">建筑名称</param>
    124         /// <returns></returns>
    125         private static IfcBuilding CreateBuilding(IfcStore model, string name)
    126         {
    127             using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Create Building 创建建筑对象"))
    128             {
    129                 var building = model.Instances.New<IfcBuilding>();
    130                 building.Name = name;
    131                 building.CompositionType = IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT; // 组成类型
    133                 var localPlacement = model.Instances.New<IfcLocalPlacement>();
    134                 building.ObjectPlacement = localPlacement;
    136                 var placement = model.Instances.New<IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
    137                 localPlacement.RelativePlacement = placement;
    138                 placement.Location = model.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>(p => p.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0));
    140                 // 获取第一个或者默认的项目
    141                 var project = model.Instances.OfType<IfcProject>().FirstOrDefault();
    142                 if(project != null)
    143                 {
    144                     project.AddBuilding(building);
    145                 }
    147                 txn.Commit();
    149                 return building;
    150             }
    151         }
    153         /// <summary>
    154         ///  设置任何模型必须提供的基本参数、单位、所有权等
    155         /// </summary>
    156         /// <param name="projectName">项目名称</param>
    157         /// <returns></returns>
    158         private static IfcStore CreateandInitModel(string projectName)
    159         {
    160             // 首先,我们需要为新模型中的数据所有权设置一些凭证
    161             var credentials = new XbimEditorCredentials
    162             {
    163                 ApplicationDevelopersName = "xBimTeam",
    164                 ApplicationFullName = "Hello Wall Application",
    165                 ApplicationIdentifier = "HelloWall.exe",
    166                 ApplicationVersion = "1.0",
    167                 EditorsFamilyName = "Team",
    168                 EditorsGivenName = "xBIM",
    169                 EditorsOrganisationName = "xBimTeam"
    170             };
    172             // 现在我们可以创建一个ifcstore,它是ifc4格式的,将保存在内存中而不是数据库中。
    173             // 如果模型的容量大于50MB,或者需要健壮的事务,那么数据库在性能方面通常更好。
    175             var model = IfcStore.Create(credentials, XbimSchemaVersion.Ifc4, XbimStoreType.InMemoryModel);
    177             // 开始事务,因为对模型的所有更改都是ACID
    178             using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Initialise Model 初始化模型"))
    179             {
    180                 var project = model.Instances.New<IfcProject>(); // 创建一个项目
    181                 project.Initialize(ProjectUnits.SIUnitsUK); // 将单位设置为si(mm和米)
    182                 project.Name = projectName;
    184                 txn.Commit(); // 现在提交更改,否则它们将在using语句的范围结束时回滚。
    185             }
    187             return model;
    188         }
    190         /// <summary>
    191         ///  创建一个墙和它的几何图形,许多几何图形表示是可能的,并选择挤压矩形示意图,因为这通常用于标准情况下的墙。
    192         /// </summary>
    193         /// <param name="model"></param>
    194         /// <param name="length">矩形足迹的长度</param>
    195         /// <param name="width">矩形足迹的宽度(墙的宽度)</param>
    196         /// <param name="height">挤出墙的高度,挤出是垂直的</param>
    197         /// <returns></returns>
    198         static private IfcWallStandardCase CreateWall(IfcStore model, double length, double width, double height)
    199         {
    200             using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Create Wall 创建墙"))
    201             {
    202                 var wall = model.Instances.New<IfcWallStandardCase>(); //IfcWallStandardCase:IFC墙标准案例
    203                 wall.Name = "A Standard rectangular wall 标准矩形墙";
    205                 // 将墙表示为矩形轮廓,墙的矩形剖面
    206                 var rectProf = model.Instances.New<IfcRectangleProfileDef>(); //IfcRectangleProfileDef:IFC矩形轮廓定义
    207                 rectProf.ProfileType = IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA;
    208                 rectProf.XDim = width;
    209                 rectProf.YDim = length;
    211                 var insertPoint = model.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>(); //IfcCartesianPoint:IFc 笛卡尔点
    212                 insertPoint.SetXY(0, 400); //在任意位置插入
    213                 rectProf.Position = model.Instances.New<IfcAxis2Placement2D>();
    214                 rectProf.Position.Location = insertPoint;
    216                 // 模型区域实心
    217                 var body = model.Instances.New<IfcExtrudedAreaSolid>(); //IfcExtrudedAreaSolid:IFC拉伸区域实体
    218                 body.Depth = height;
    219                 body.SweptArea = rectProf;
    220                 body.ExtrudedDirection = model.Instances.New<IfcDirection>();//IfcDirection:IFC方向
    221                 body.ExtrudedDirection.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);
    223                 // 在模型中插入几何参数
    224                 var origin = model.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>(); //IfcCartesianPoint:IFc 笛卡尔点
    225                 origin.SetXYZ(0, 0, 0);
    226                 body.Position = model.Instances.New<IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
    227                 body.Position.Location = origin;
    229                 // 创建定义形状以保存几何图形
    230                 var shape = model.Instances.New<IfcShapeRepresentation>();//IfcShapeRepresentation:IFC形状表示
    231                 var modelContext = model.Instances.OfType<IfcGeometricRepresentationContext>().FirstOrDefault(); //IfcGeometricRepresentationContext:IFC几何表示上下文
    232                 shape.ContextOfItems = modelContext;
    233                 shape.RepresentationType = "SweptSolid";
    234                 shape.RepresentationIdentifier = "Body";
    235                 shape.Items.Add(body);
    237                 // 创建产品定义并将模型几何图形添加到墙中
    238                 var rep = model.Instances.New<IfcProductDefinitionShape>(); //IfcProductDefinitionShape:IFC产品定义形状
    239                 rep.Representations.Add(shape);
    240                 wall.Representation = rep;
    242                 // 现在将墙放置到模型中
    243                 var lp = model.Instances.New<IfcLocalPlacement>();
    244                 var ax3D = model.Instances.New<IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
    245                 ax3D.Location = origin;
    246                 ax3D.RefDirection = model.Instances.New<IfcDirection>();
    247                 ax3D.RefDirection.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0);
    248                 ax3D.Axis = model.Instances.New<IfcDirection>();
    249                 ax3D.Axis.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);
    250                 lp.RelativePlacement = ax3D;
    251                 wall.ObjectPlacement = lp;
    253                 // Where Clause: ifcwallstandardard 依赖于 ifcmmateriallayersetusage 的规定。
    254                 var ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage>();
    255                 var ifcMaterialLayerSet = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterialLayerSet>();
    256                 var ifcMaterialLayer = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterialLayer>();
    257                 ifcMaterialLayer.LayerThickness = 10;
    258                 ifcMaterialLayerSet.MaterialLayers.Add(ifcMaterialLayer);
    259                 ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage.ForLayerSet = ifcMaterialLayerSet;
    260                 ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage.LayerSetDirection = IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum.AXIS2;
    261                 ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage.DirectionSense = IfcDirectionSenseEnum.NEGATIVE;
    262                 ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage.OffsetFromReferenceLine = 150;
    264                 // 将材料添加到墙商
    265                 var material = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterial>();
    266                 material.Name = "some material";
    267                 var ifcRelAssociatesMaterial = model.Instances.New<IfcRelAssociatesMaterial>();
    268                 ifcRelAssociatesMaterial.RelatingMaterial = material;
    269                 ifcRelAssociatesMaterial.RelatedObjects.Add(wall);
    271                 ifcRelAssociatesMaterial.RelatingMaterial = ifcMaterialLayerSetUsage;
    273                 // ifcPresentationLayerAssignment 对于 ifcwall 或 ifcwallstandardcase 中的 CAD 演示是必须的 
    274                 var ifcPresentationLayerAssignment = model.Instances.New<IfcPresentationLayerAssignment>();
    275                 ifcPresentationLayerAssignment.Name = "some ifcPresentationLayerAssignment";
    276                 ifcPresentationLayerAssignment.AssignedItems.Add(shape);
    279                 // 如果 IfcPolyline 具有两个点,则对于 IfcWall 是必需的
    280                 var ifcPolyline = model.Instances.New<IfcPolyline>();
    281                 var startPoint = model.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>();
    282                 startPoint.SetXY(0, 0);
    283                 var endPoint = model.Instances.New<IfcCartesianPoint>();
    284                 endPoint.SetXY(4000, 0);
    285                 ifcPolyline.Points.Add(startPoint);
    286                 ifcPolyline.Points.Add(endPoint);
    288                 var shape2D = model.Instances.New<IfcShapeRepresentation>();
    289                 shape2D.ContextOfItems = modelContext;
    290                 shape2D.RepresentationIdentifier = "Axis";
    291                 shape2D.RepresentationType = "Curve2D";
    292                 shape2D.Items.Add(ifcPolyline);
    293                 rep.Representations.Add(shape2D);
    294                 txn.Commit();
    296                 return wall;
    297             }
    298         }
    300         /// <summary>
    301         ///  向墙添加一些属性,
    302         /// </summary>
    303         /// <param name="model">XbimModel</param>
    304         /// <param name="wall"></param>
    305         static private void AddPropertiesToWall(IfcStore model, IfcWallStandardCase wall)
    306         {
    307             using (var txn = model.BeginTransaction("Create Wall"))
    308             {
    309                 CreateElementQuantity(model, wall);
    310                 CreateSimpleProperty(model, wall);
    311                 txn.Commit();
    312             }
    313         }
    315         private static void CreateSimpleProperty(IfcStore model, IfcWallStandardCase wall)
    316         {
    317             var ifcPropertySingleValue = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertySingleValue>(psv =>
    318             {
    319                 psv.Name = "IfcPropertySingleValue:Time";
    320                 psv.Description = "";
    321                 psv.NominalValue = new IfcTimeMeasure(150.0);
    322                 psv.Unit = model.Instances.New<IfcSIUnit>(siu =>
    323                 {
    324                     siu.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.TIMEUNIT;
    325                     siu.Name = IfcSIUnitName.SECOND;
    326                 });
    327             });
    328             var ifcPropertyEnumeratedValue = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue>(pev =>
    329             {
    330                 pev.Name = "IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue:Music";
    331                 pev.EnumerationReference = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyEnumeration>(pe =>
    332                     {
    333                         pe.Name = "Notes";
    334                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Do"));
    335                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Re"));
    336                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Mi"));
    337                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Fa"));
    338                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("So"));
    339                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("La"));
    340                         pe.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Ti"));
    341                     });
    342                 pev.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Do"));
    343                 pev.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Re"));
    344                 pev.EnumerationValues.Add(new IfcLabel("Mi"));
    346             });
    347             var ifcPropertyBoundedValue = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyBoundedValue>(pbv =>
    348             {
    349                 pbv.Name = "IfcPropertyBoundedValue:Mass";
    350                 pbv.Description = "";
    351                 pbv.UpperBoundValue = new IfcMassMeasure(5000.0);
    352                 pbv.LowerBoundValue = new IfcMassMeasure(1000.0);
    353                 pbv.Unit = model.Instances.New<IfcSIUnit>(siu =>
    354                 {
    355                     siu.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.MASSUNIT;
    356                     siu.Name = IfcSIUnitName.GRAM;
    357                     siu.Prefix = IfcSIPrefix.KILO;
    358                 });
    359             });
    361             var definingValues = new List<IfcReal> { new IfcReal(100.0), new IfcReal(200.0), new IfcReal(400.0), 
    new IfcReal(800.0), new IfcReal(1600.0), new IfcReal(3200.0), }; 362 var definedValues = new List<IfcReal> { new IfcReal(20.0), new IfcReal(42.0), new IfcReal(46.0),
    new IfcReal(56.0), new IfcReal(60.0), new IfcReal(65.0), }; 363 var ifcPropertyTableValue = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyTableValue>(ptv => 364 { 365 ptv.Name = "IfcPropertyTableValue:Sound"; 366 foreach (var item in definingValues) 367 { 368 ptv.DefiningValues.Add(item); 369 } 370 foreach (var item in definedValues) 371 { 372 ptv.DefinedValues.Add(item); 373 } 374 ptv.DefinedUnit = model.Instances.New<IfcContextDependentUnit>(cd => 375 { 376 cd.Dimensions = model.Instances.New<IfcDimensionalExponents>(de => 377 { 378 de.LengthExponent = 0; 379 de.MassExponent = 0; 380 de.TimeExponent = 0; 381 de.ElectricCurrentExponent = 0; 382 de.ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent = 0; 383 de.AmountOfSubstanceExponent = 0; 384 de.LuminousIntensityExponent = 0; 385 }); 386 cd.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.FREQUENCYUNIT; 387 cd.Name = "dB"; 388 }); 389 390 391 }); 392 393 var listValues = new List<IfcLabel> { new IfcLabel("Red"),
    new IfcLabel("Green"),
    new IfcLabel("Blue"),
    new IfcLabel("Pink"),
    new IfcLabel("White"),
    new IfcLabel("Black"), }; 394 var ifcPropertyListValue = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyListValue>(plv => 395 { 396 plv.Name = "IfcPropertyListValue:Colours"; 397 foreach (var item in listValues) 398 { 399 plv.ListValues.Add(item); 400 } 401 }); 402 403 var ifcMaterial = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterial>(m => 404 { 405 m.Name = "Brick"; 406 }); 407 var ifcPrValueMaterial = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 408 { 409 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:Material"; 410 prv.PropertyReference = ifcMaterial; 411 }); 412 413 414 var ifcMaterialList = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterialList>(ml => 415 { 416 ml.Materials.Add(ifcMaterial); 417 ml.Materials.Add(model.Instances.New<IfcMaterial>(m => { m.Name = "Cavity"; })); 418 ml.Materials.Add(model.Instances.New<IfcMaterial>(m => { m.Name = "Block"; })); 419 }); 420 421 422 var ifcMaterialLayer = model.Instances.New<IfcMaterialLayer>(ml => 423 { 424 ml.Material = ifcMaterial; 425 ml.LayerThickness = 100.0; 426 }); 427 var ifcPrValueMatLayer = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 428 { 429 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:MaterialLayer"; 430 prv.PropertyReference = ifcMaterialLayer; 431 }); 432 433 var ifcDocumentReference = model.Instances.New<IfcDocumentReference>(dr => 434 { 435 dr.Name = "Document"; 436 dr.Location = "c://Documents//TheDoc.Txt"; 437 }); 438 var ifcPrValueRef = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 439 { 440 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:Document"; 441 prv.PropertyReference = ifcDocumentReference; 442 }); 443 444 var ifcTimeSeries = model.Instances.New<IfcRegularTimeSeries>(ts => 445 { 446 ts.Name = "Regular Time Series"; 447 ts.Description = "Time series of events"; 448 ts.StartTime = new IfcDateTime("2015-02-14T12:01:01"); 449 ts.EndTime = new IfcDateTime("2015-05-15T12:01:01"); 450 ts.TimeSeriesDataType = IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum.CONTINUOUS; 451 ts.DataOrigin = IfcDataOriginEnum.MEASURED; 452 ts.TimeStep = 604800; //7 days in secs 453 }); 454 455 var ifcPrValueTimeSeries = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 456 { 457 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:TimeSeries"; 458 prv.PropertyReference = ifcTimeSeries; 459 }); 460 461 var ifcAddress = model.Instances.New<IfcPostalAddress>(a => 462 { 463 a.InternalLocation = "Room 101"; 464 a.AddressLines.AddRange(new[] { new IfcLabel("12 New road"), new IfcLabel("DoxField") }); 465 a.Town = "Sunderland"; 466 a.PostalCode = "DL01 6SX"; 467 }); 468 var ifcPrValueAddress = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 469 { 470 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:Address"; 471 prv.PropertyReference = ifcAddress; 472 }); 473 var ifcTelecomAddress = model.Instances.New<IfcTelecomAddress>(a => 474 { 475 a.TelephoneNumbers.Add(new IfcLabel("01325 6589965")); 476 a.ElectronicMailAddresses.Add(new IfcLabel("bob@bobsworks.com")); 477 }); 478 var ifcPrValueTelecom = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertyReferenceValue>(prv => 479 { 480 prv.Name = "IfcPropertyReferenceValue:Telecom"; 481 prv.PropertyReference = ifcTelecomAddress; 482 }); 483 484 // ifcelementQuantity 创建模型元素数量 485 var ifcPropertySet = model.Instances.New<IfcPropertySet>(ps => 486 { 487 ps.Name = "Test:IfcPropertySet"; 488 ps.Description = "Property Set"; 489 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPropertySingleValue); 490 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPropertyEnumeratedValue); 491 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPropertyBoundedValue); 492 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPropertyTableValue); 493 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPropertyListValue); 494 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueMaterial); 495 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueMatLayer); 496 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueRef); 497 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueTimeSeries); 498 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueAddress); 499 ps.HasProperties.Add(ifcPrValueTelecom); 500 }); 501 502 // 需要建立关系 503 model.Instances.New<IfcRelDefinesByProperties>(rdbp => 504 { 505 rdbp.Name = "Property Association"; 506 rdbp.Description = "IfcPropertySet associated to wall"; 507 rdbp.RelatedObjects.Add(wall); 508 rdbp.RelatingPropertyDefinition = ifcPropertySet; 509 }); 510 } 511 512 private static void CreateElementQuantity(IfcStore model, IfcWallStandardCase wall) 513 { 514 // 创建模型元素数量 515 // 首先我们需模型简单物理量,首先将使用模型量长度 516 var ifcQuantityArea = model.Instances.New<IfcQuantityLength>(qa => 517 { 518 qa.Name = "IfcQuantityArea:Area"; 519 qa.Description = ""; 520 qa.Unit = model.Instances.New<IfcSIUnit>(siu => 521 { 522 siu.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT; 523 siu.Prefix = IfcSIPrefix.MILLI; 524 siu.Name = IfcSIUnitName.METRE; 525 }); 526 qa.LengthValue = 100.0; 527 528 }); 529 530 // 然后,上下文相关单元的数量计数 531 var ifcContextDependentUnit = model.Instances.New<IfcContextDependentUnit>(cd => 532 { 533 cd.Dimensions = model.Instances.New<IfcDimensionalExponents>(de => 534 { 535 de.LengthExponent = 1; 536 de.MassExponent = 0; 537 de.TimeExponent = 0; 538 de.ElectricCurrentExponent = 0; 539 de.ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent = 0; 540 de.AmountOfSubstanceExponent = 0; 541 de.LuminousIntensityExponent = 0; 542 }); 543 cd.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT; 544 cd.Name = "Elephants"; 545 }); 546 var ifcQuantityCount = model.Instances.New<IfcQuantityCount>(qc => 547 { 548 qc.Name = "IfcQuantityCount:Elephant"; 549 qc.CountValue = 12; 550 qc.Unit = ifcContextDependentUnit; 551 }); 552 553 554 // 使用转换单位 555 var ifcConversionBasedUnit = model.Instances.New<IfcConversionBasedUnit>(cbu => 556 { 557 cbu.ConversionFactor = model.Instances.New<IfcMeasureWithUnit>(mu => 558 { 559 mu.ValueComponent = new IfcRatioMeasure(25.4); 560 mu.UnitComponent = model.Instances.New<IfcSIUnit>(siu => 561 { 562 siu.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT; 563 siu.Prefix = IfcSIPrefix.MILLI; 564 siu.Name = IfcSIUnitName.METRE; 565 }); 566 567 }); 568 cbu.Dimensions = model.Instances.New<IfcDimensionalExponents>(de => 569 { 570 de.LengthExponent = 1; 571 de.MassExponent = 0; 572 de.TimeExponent = 0; 573 de.ElectricCurrentExponent = 0; 574 de.ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent = 0; 575 de.AmountOfSubstanceExponent = 0; 576 de.LuminousIntensityExponent = 0; 577 }); 578 cbu.UnitType = IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT; 579 cbu.Name = "Inch"; 580 }); 581 var ifcQuantityLength = model.Instances.New<IfcQuantityLength>(qa => 582 { 583 qa.Name = "IfcQuantityLength:Length"; 584 qa.Description = ""; 585 qa.Unit = ifcConversionBasedUnit; 586 qa.LengthValue = 24.0; 587 }); 588 589 // 创建 IfcElementQuantity 590 var ifcElementQuantity = model.Instances.New<IfcElementQuantity>(eq => 591 { 592 eq.Name = "Test:IfcElementQuantity"; 593 eq.Description = "Measurement quantity"; 594 eq.Quantities.Add(ifcQuantityArea); 595 eq.Quantities.Add(ifcQuantityCount); 596 eq.Quantities.Add(ifcQuantityLength); 597 }); 598 599 // 创建关系 600 model.Instances.New<IfcRelDefinesByProperties>(rdbp => 601 { 602 rdbp.Name = "Area Association"; 603 rdbp.Description = "IfcElementQuantity associated to wall"; 604 rdbp.RelatedObjects.Add(wall); 605 rdbp.RelatingPropertyDefinition = ifcElementQuantity; 606 }); 607 } 608 } 609 }


    FILE_DESCRIPTION ((''), '2;1');
    FILE_NAME ('', '2016-10-31T10:18:08', (''), (''), 'Xbim File Processor version', 'Xbim version', '');
    FILE_SCHEMA (('IFC4'));
    #6=IFCAPPLICATION(#7,'1.0','Hello Wall Application','HelloWall.exe');
    #20=IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT('Building Model','Model',3,1.E-05,#19,$);
    #23=IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT('Building Plan View','Plan',2,1.E-05,#22,$);
    #24=IFCBUILDING('0jQ$yvAIv6URCwLuvWnAo0',#2,'Default Building',$,$,#25,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
    #29=IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE('3NBPkknun6EuV9fpeE6rFh',#2,'A Standard rectangular wall',$,$,#39,#38,$,$);
    #46=IFCMATERIAL('some material',$,$);
    #48=IFCPRESENTATIONLAYERASSIGNMENT('some ifcPresentationLayerAssignment',$,(#37),$);
    #63=IFCELEMENTQUANTITY('2NzDD6BkfDFAUH5zVe3vf0',#2,'Test:IfcElementQuantity','Measurement quantity',$,(#53,#57,#62));
    #64=IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES('2rxEDLnp59XvLpgGjoNnBQ',#2,'Area Association','IfcElementQuantity associated to wall',(#29),#63);
    #84=IFCREGULARTIMESERIES('Regular Time Series','Time series of events','2015-02-14T12:01:01','2015-05-15T12:01:01',.CONTINUOUS.,.MEASURED.,$,$,604800.,());
    #86=IFCPOSTALADDRESS($,$,$,'Room 101',('12 New road','DoxField'),$,'Sunderland',$,'DL01 6SX',$);
    #88=IFCTELECOMADDRESS($,$,$,('01325 6589965'),$,$,('bob@bobsworks.com'),$,$);
    #90=IFCPROPERTYSET('2qJSTdQSj0wQKmIdFVroG2',#2,'Test:IfcPropertySet','Property Set',(#65,#67,#69,#71,#74,#76,#81,#83,#85,#87,#89));
    #91=IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES('3n83nuxoj0gA5F$UnucPP3',#2,'Property Association','IfcPropertySet associated to wall',(#29),#90);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SavionZhang/p/10956729.html
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