-module(ex_aui). -behaviour(wx_object). %% Client API -export([start/1, new/0]). %% wx_object callbacks -export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_event/2]). -define(DETS_FILENAME, "abc.conf"). -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). -record(state, { parent, config, aui, one, two, three, right, center }). start(Config) -> wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, Config, []). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% init(Config) -> wx:batch(fun() -> do_init(Config) end). -define(pi, wxAuiPaneInfo). do_init(Config) -> Parent = proplists:get_value(parent, Config), {Width, Height} = wxFrame:getSize(Parent), io:format("===>init get Frame Size ~p~n", [{Width, Height}]), Panel = wxPanel:new(Parent, []), %% Setup sizers MainSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), Manager = wxAuiManager:new([{managed_wnd, Panel}]), % RightPos = value(right_pos, {-1, -1}), RightSize = value(right_size, {trunc( Width / 3), trunc(Height / 3)}), io:format("=====>>RightSize = ~p~n", [RightSize]), Pane = ?pi:new(), ?pi:closeButton(Pane), ?pi:right(Pane), ?pi:dockable(Pane, [{b, true}]), ?pi:floatingSize(Pane, 300,200), % ?pi:minSize(Pane, {50,50}), ?pi:paneBorder(Pane), ?pi:floatable(Pane, [{b, true}]), ?pi:name(Pane, "Right"), ?pi:bestSize(Pane, RightSize), Right = create_pane(11, {right_pos, {-1, -1}}, {right_size, {trunc( Width / 3), trunc(Height / 3)}}, Panel, Manager, Pane), OneSize = value(one_size, {300, 200}), io:format("OneSize = ~p~n", [OneSize]), One = create_pane(12, {one_pos, {-1, -1}}, {one_size, {300, 200}}, Panel, Manager, ?pi:gripper(?pi:bestSize(?pi:name(?pi:caption(?pi:top(?pi:new(Pane)), "One"), "One"), {trunc(Width), trunc(Height / 3)}), [{visible, false}])), TwoSize = value(two_size, {300, 200}), io:format("TwoSize = ~p~n", [TwoSize]), Two = create_pane(13, {two_pos, {-1, -1}}, {two_size, {300, 200}}, Panel, Manager, ?pi:bestSize(?pi:name(?pi:caption(?pi:left(?pi:new(Pane)), "two"), "two"), {trunc( Width / 3), trunc(Height / 3)})), ThreeSize = value(three_size, {300, 200}), Three = create_pane(14, {three_pos, {-1, -1}}, {three_size, {300, 200}}, Panel, Manager, ?pi:bestSize(?pi:name(?pi:caption(?pi:bottom(?pi:new(Pane)), "Three"), "Three"), {trunc(Width), trunc(Height / 3)})), Pane2 = wxAuiPaneInfo:new(Pane), ?pi:name(?pi:centrePane(Pane2), "Center"), % CenterSize = value(center_size, {300, 200}), Center = create_notebook(15, {center_pos, {-1, -1}}, {center_size, {-1, -1}}, Panel, Manager, ?pi:new(Pane2)), wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, MainSizer), wxAuiManager:connect(Manager, aui_pane_button, [{skip,true}]), wxAuiManager:connect(Manager, aui_pane_maximize, [{skip,true}]), wxAuiManager:update(Manager), process_flag(trap_exit, true), wxFrame:connect(Parent, size, []), wxFrame:show(Parent), {Panel, #state{parent=Panel, config=Config, one = One, two = Two, center = Center, right = Right, aui=Manager, three = Three}}. value(Key, Default) -> dets:open_file(?DETS_FILENAME, [{type, set}]), GetValue = case dets:lookup(?DETS_FILENAME, Key) of [] -> Default; {error, Reason} -> io:format("get login error, Reason :~p~n", [Reason]), Default; [{_, Value}] -> io:format("get login name, Name :~p~n", [Value]), Value end, dets:close(?DETS_FILENAME), GetValue. store(Key, Value) -> dets:open_file(?DETS_FILENAME, [{type, set}]), dets:insert(?DETS_FILENAME, {Key, Value}), dets:close(?DETS_FILENAME). store(Object) -> dets:open_file(?DETS_FILENAME, [{type, set}]), dets:insert(?DETS_FILENAME, Object), dets:close(?DETS_FILENAME). getPosition(Tab) -> PossiblePosition = [wxAuiPaneInfo:isLeftDockable(Tab), wxAuiPaneInfo:isRightDockable(Tab), wxAuiPaneInfo:isTopDockable(Tab), wxAuiPaneInfo:isBottomDockable(Tab)], io:format("PossiblePosition = ~p~n", [PossiblePosition]), {Pos, _Seq} = lists:foldl(fun(Position, {ThePos, Seq}) -> case Position of false -> {ThePos, Seq + 1}; true -> {Seq, Seq + 1} end end, {0, 0}, PossiblePosition), Pos. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Callbacks handled as normal gen_server callbacks handle_info(Msg, State) -> io:format("Got Info ~p ", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_call(shutdown, _From, #state{parent=Panel, aui=Manager} = State) -> wxAuiManager:unInit(Manager), wxAuiManager:destroy(Manager), wxPanel:destroy(Panel), {stop, normal, ok, State}; handle_call(Msg, _From, State) -> io:format("Got Call ~p ", [Msg]), {reply,{error, nyi}, State}. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> io:format("Got cast ~p~n",[Msg]), {noreply,State}. %% Async Events are handled in handle_event as in handle_info handle_event(#wx{obj = Notebook, event = #wxCommand{type = command_button_clicked}}, #state{parent = Parent, aui = Manager, one = One, two = Two, center = Center, right = Right, three = Three} = State) -> % (1) % Tab = wxPanel:new(Notebook, []), % wxButton:new(Tab, ?wxID_ANY, [{label,"New tab"}]), % wxAuiNotebook:insertPage(Notebook, 1, Tab, "OMG TAB!! ", [{select, false}]), % (2) % io:format("Parent Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(Parent)]), % io:format("Three Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(Three)]), % io:format("Two Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(Two)]), % io:format("One Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(One)]), % io:format("Right Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(Right)]), % io:format("Center Size = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getSize(Center)]), % io:format("---------------------------~n"), % io:format("Parent Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Parent)]), % io:format("Three Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Three)]), % io:format("Two Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Two)]), % io:format("One Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(One)]), % io:format("Right Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Right)]), % io:format("Center Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Center)]), % io:format("---------------------------~n"), % (2.2) Its wrong// % Pos1 = getPosition(wxAuiManager:getPane(Manager, "One")), % Pos2 = getPosition(wxAuiManager:getPane(Manager, "Two")), % Pos3 = getPosition(wxAuiManager:getPane(Manager, "Center")), % Pos4 = getPosition(wxAuiManager:getPane(Manager, "Right")), % Pos5 = getPosition(wxAuiManager:getPane(Manager, "Three")), % io:format("Positions =One:~p, Two = ~p, Center = ~p, Right = ~p, Three = ~p~n", % [Pos1, Pos2, Pos3, Pos4, Pos5]), % (3)wxAuiPaneInfoArray % What = wxAuiManager:getAllPanes(Manager), % io:format("What = ~p~n", [What]), % (4) O = get_input({wxTextCtrl, 12}) , io:format("R = ~p~n", [O]), io:format("One = ~p~n", [One]), io:format("tests : ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(One)]), Pos1 = wxWindow:getPosition(One), io:format("Pos1 = ~p~n", [Pos1]), Pos2 = wxWindow:getPosition(Two), Pos3 = wxWindow:getPosition(Three), Pos4 = wxWindow:getPosition(Right), Pos5 = wxWindow:getPosition(Center), Size1 = wxWindow:getSize(One), Size2 = wxWindow:getSize(Two), Size3 = wxWindow:getSize(Three), Size4 = wxWindow:getSize(Right), Size5 = wxWindow:getSize(Center), % Pos5 = wxWindow:getPosition(wxWindow:findWindowById(14, [])), % Size1 = wxWindow:getSize(wxWindow:findWindowById(12, [])), {Width, Height} = wxFrame:getSize(Parent), store([{one_pos, Pos1}, {two_pos, Pos2}, {three_pos, Pos5}, {right_pos, Pos4}, {center_pos, Pos3}, {one_size, {trunc(Width), trunc(Height / 3)}}, {two_size, {trunc( Width / 3), trunc(Height / 3)}}, {three_size, {trunc(Width), trunc(Height / 3)}}, {right_size, Size4}, {center_size, Size3}]) , {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxSize{type = size, size ={_W, _H}}}, State) -> #state{parent=Panel, config=Config} = State, Parent = proplists:get_value(parent, Config), {Width, Height} = wxWindow:getVirtualSize(Panel), {ParentWidth, ParentHeight} = wxWindow:getVirtualSize(Parent), io:format("Panel size = ~p, frame size = ~p~n", [{Width, Height}, {ParentWidth, ParentHeight}]), {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{obj = Notebook, event = #wxAuiNotebook{type = command_auinotebook_page_changed, selection = Sel}}, State) -> io:format("You have changed page to ~p. ", [wxAuiNotebook:getPageText(Notebook, Sel)]), {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxAuiNotebook{type = command_auinotebook_page_close}}, State) -> io:format("You have closed a page. ",[]), {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxAuiManager{type = aui_pane_button, button = Button}}, State) -> case Button of ?wxAUI_BUTTON_CLOSE -> io:format("You have closed a pane. ",[]); ?wxAUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE -> ok; ?wxAUI_BUTTON_PIN -> io:format("You have pinned a pane. ",[]) end, {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxAuiManager{type = aui_pane_maximize}}, State) -> io:format("You have maximized a pane. ",[]), {noreply, State}; handle_event(#wx{event = #wxAuiManager{type = aui_pane_restore}}, State) -> io:format("You have restored a pane. ",[]), {noreply, State}; handle_event(Ev = #wx{}, State) -> io:format("~p ", [Ev]), {noreply, State}. code_change(_, _, State) -> {stop, ignore, State}. terminate(_Reason, #state{parent = Panel, one = One, two = Two, center = Center, right = Right, three = Three} = State) -> % O = get_input({wxTextCtrl, 12}) , % io:format("R = ~p~n", [O]), % io:format("One = ~p~n", [One]), % io:format("Parent Pos = ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(Panel)]), % io:format("tests : ~p~n", [wxWindow:getPosition(One)]), % Pos1 = wxWindow:getPosition(One), % io:format("Pos1 = ~p~n", [Pos1]), % Pos2 = wxWindow:getPosition(Two), % Pos3 = wxWindow:getPosition(Three), % Pos4 = wxWindow:getPosition(Right), % Pos5 = wxWindow:getPosition(Center), % Size1 = wxWindow:getSize(One), % Size2 = wxWindow:getSize(Two), % Size3 = wxWindow:getSize(Three), % Size4 = wxWindow:getSize(Right), % Size5 = wxWindow:getSize(Center), % % Pos5 = wxWindow:getPosition(wxWindow:findWindowById(14, [])), % % Size1 = wxWindow:getSize(wxWindow:findWindowById(12, [])), % store([{one_pos, Pos1}, {two_pos, Pos2}, {three_pos, Pos5}, % {right_pos, Pos4}, {center_pos, Pos3}, % {one_size, Size1}, {two_size, Size2}, {three_size, Size5}, % {right_size, Size4}, {center_size, Size3}]) , ok. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Local functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% create_notebook(ID, {Pos, DefaultPos}, {Size, DefaultSize}, Parent, Manager, Pane) -> Style = (0 bor ?wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE bor ?wxAUI_NB_TOP bor ?wxAUI_NB_WINDOWLIST_BUTTON bor ?wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB bor ?wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE bor ?wxAUI_NB_SCROLL_BUTTONS ), WindowPos = value(Pos, DefaultPos), WindowSize = value(Size, DefaultSize), Notebook = wxAuiNotebook:new(Parent, [{id, ID}, {style, Style}, {size, WindowSize}, {pos, WindowPos}]), Tab1 = wxPanel:new(Notebook, []), wxPanel:setBackgroundColour(Tab1, ?wxBLACK), wxButton:new(Tab1, ?wxID_ANY, [{label,"New tab"}]), wxAuiNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Tab1, "You can", []), Tab2 = wxPanel:new(Notebook, []), wxPanel:setBackgroundColour(Tab2, ?wxRED), wxButton:new(Tab2, ?wxID_ANY, [{label,"New tab"}]), wxAuiNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Tab2, "rearrange", []), Tab3 = wxPanel:new(Notebook, []), wxPanel:setBackgroundColour(Tab3, ?wxGREEN), wxButton:new(Tab3, ?wxID_ANY, [{label,"New tab"}]), wxAuiNotebook:addPage(Notebook, Tab3, "these tabs", []), wxAuiManager:addPane(Manager, Notebook, Pane), wxAuiNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_button_clicked), wxAuiNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_auinotebook_page_close, [{skip, false}]), wxAuiNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_auinotebook_page_changed), Notebook. create_pane(ID, {Pos, DefaultPos}, {Size, DefaultSize}, Parent, Manager, Pane) -> WindowPos = value(Pos, DefaultPos), WindowSize = value(Size, DefaultSize), TextCtrl = wxTextCtrl:new(Parent, ID, [{size, WindowSize}, {pos, WindowPos}, {value, "An empty pane"}, {style, 0 bor ?wxDEFAULT bor ?wxTE_MULTILINE}]), wxAuiManager:addPane(Manager, TextCtrl, Pane), TextCtrl. new() -> _WX = wx:new(), Size = {size, {1400, 800}}, Pos = {pos, {0, 0}}, Style = {style, ?wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE bor ?wxMAXIMIZE}, NOptions = [Pos, Size, Style], Frame = makeFrame("aui Test", NOptions), start([{parent, Frame}]). makeFrame(Title, Options) -> Frame = wxFrame:new(wx:null(), ?wxID_ANY, Title, Options), MenuSet = wxMenu:new(), MenuHelp = wxMenu:new(), wxMenu:append(MenuHelp, 1, "About..."), MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(), wxMenuBar:append(MenuBar, MenuSet, "Setting"), wxMenuBar:append(MenuBar, MenuHelp, "Help"), wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar), wxFrame:createStatusBar(Frame), wxFrame:setStatusText(Frame,"deal wxTextCtrl"), wxFrame:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected), Frame. get_input({Type, WxId}) -> Wx = wxWindow:findWindowById(WxId, []), case Type of wxTextCtrl -> wx:typeCast(Wx, wxTextCtrl); wxComboBox -> wx:typeCast(Wx, wxComboBox); wxCheckBox -> wx:typeCast(Wx, wxCheckBox); wxAuiNotebook -> wx:typeCast(Wx, wxAuiNotebook); _ -> lager:error("Type ~p is not supported"), undefined end.