QBC 参考:(Hibernate的QBC查询)
//is empty and is not empty @Test public void testQBC(){ Session session = sf.getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); //criterion 标准/准则/规范 Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Topic.class)//from Topic .add(Restrictions.gt("id", 2)) //greater than = id > 2 .add(Restrictions.lt("id", 8)) //less than = id < 8 .add(Restrictions.like("title", "t_")) .createCriteria("category") .add(Restrictions.between("id", 0, 5)) //category.id >= 0 and category.id <= 5 ; //DetachedCriteria for(Object o : c.list()){ Topic t = (Topic)o; System.out.println(t.getId() + "-" + t.getTitle() ); } session.getTransaction().commit(); }
QBE 参考:(hibernate的QBE和QBC) 和 (Hibernate 查询方式(HQL/QBC/QBE)汇总)
1 //is empty and is not empty 2 //QBC Query By Criteria 3 //QBE Query By Example 4 @Test 5 public void testQBE(){ 6 Session session = sf.getCurrentSession(); 7 session.beginTransaction(); 8 9 Topic tExample = new Topic(); 10 tExample.setTitle("T_"); 11 Example e = Example.create(tExample) 12 .ignoreCase().enableLike();//构建 example 13 14 Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Topic.class) 15 .add(Restrictions.gt("id", 3)) 16 .add(Restrictions.lt("id", 8)) 17 .add(e) 18 ; 19 20 for(Object o : c.list()){ 21 Topic t = (Topic)o; 22 System.out.println(t.getId() + "-" + t.getTitle() ); 23 } 24 session.getTransaction().commit(); 25 }
jar包链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVbVPmZ 密码: 384f
QBC链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFEHIYt 密码: nfms
QBE链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4JJa0d 密码: 2zby