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  • hihoCoder 1427 : What a Simple Research(大㵘研究)

    hihoCoder #1427 : What a Simple Research(大㵘研究)


    Description - 题目描述

      Peking University Student Folk Music Band has a history of more than 90 years. They play Chinese traditional music by Chinese traditional instruments, such as Pipa, Erhu and Guzheng, etc. Doctor Li is a member of that band, and also a former ACMer. Now he is doing some research on Chinese ancient music. Many Chinese ancient music has only five kinds of tones, which can be denoted by 'C','D','E','G', and 'A'. Given a piece of music score, Li wants to do some simple statistics.

    北京大学音乐团有着超过90年的历史。他们使用诸如琵琶、二胡与古筝等中国传统乐器演奏传统音乐。Doctor Li是乐团的一位成员,同时也是前ACMer。现在他正在研究中国古乐。许多中国古乐由五声组成,此处用 'C', 'D', 'E', 'G', 与 'A' 表示。这有一段乐谱,Li想用来做些简单的统计。

    Input - 输入

      There are no more than 20 test cases.

      In each test case:

      The first line contains two integers n and m (2<= n,m <= 20), indicating that a piece of music score is represented by an n×m matrix of tones. Only 'C','D','E','G' and 'A' can appear in the matrix.

      Then the n×m matrix follows.

      The input ends with a line of "0 0".

    第一行为两个整数n与m (2<= n,m <= 20),表示一段乐谱中n×m大小的音阶矩阵。矩阵中只有 'C', 'D', 'E', 'G', 与 'A'。
    输出以一行"0 0"为结束标志。

    Output - 输出

      For each test case:

      For each kind of tone shown in the matrix, calculate the appearing times of it, and print the result in descending order according to the appearing times. If more than one kind of tones has the same appearing times, print them in the lexicographical order.


    Sample Input - 样例输入

    4 5
    2 4
    0 0

    Sample Output - 样例输出

    D 8 E 7 A 2 G 2 C 1
    C 2 D 2 E 2 A 1 G 1



    代码 C++

     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <cstring>
     3 #include <algorithm>
     4 struct Tone{
     5     char ton;
     6     int cnt;
     7     bool operator<(const Tone &b)const{
     8         if (cnt != b.cnt) return cnt > b.cnt;
     9         return ton < b.ton;
    10     }
    11 };
    12 int main(){
    13     int n, m, i, j;
    14     char data[25];
    15     while (scanf("%d%d ", &n, &m), n + m){
    16         Tone opt[6] = { 'A', 0, 'C', 0, 'D', 0, 'E', 0, 'G', 0, 0, 0 };
    17         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){
    18             gets(data);
    19             for (j = 0; j < m; ++j){
    20                 switch (data[j]){
    21                 case 'A': ++opt[0].cnt; break;
    22                 case 'C': ++opt[1].cnt; break;
    23                 case 'D': ++opt[2].cnt; break;
    24                 case 'E': ++opt[3].cnt; break;
    25                 default: ++opt[4].cnt;
    26                 }
    27             }
    28         }
    29         std::sort(opt, opt + 5);
    30         for (i = 0; opt[i].cnt; ++i){
    31             printf("%c %d%c", opt[i].ton, opt[i].cnt, " 
    "[opt[i + 1].cnt == 0]);
    32         }
    33     }
    34     return 0;
    35 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Simon-X/p/6109070.html
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