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  • Monte Carlo Primer

    MCCCS Towhee: Monte Carlo Primer


            This section provides a quick overview of statistical mechanics and discusses the reasons why somebody might want to perform a Monte Carlo molecular simulation. This was adapted from the Ph.D. thesis of Marcus Martin.Why would you perform a Molecular Simulation?  

            Statistical mechanics is a theory that takes as its input the total energy of a system of molecules as a function of their positions and momenta and yields as an output any thermodynamic property of interest. This involves an integral in which momenta (kinetic energy) and positions (potential energy) are easily separated and the part involving the momenta can be integrated analytically. Unfortunately, except for some very trivial (and not realistic) functional forms for the potential energy, it is not possible to analytically integrate the part involving the positions, and a numeric solution is useless because a derivative of the original integral must be taken in order to compute most of the thermodynamic properties.

           Rewriting this problem in the language of probability theory allows some (but not all) of the thermodynamic properties to be computed as the expected value or variance of some distribution. For the canonical ensemble, where we have a constant number of molecules (N), a constant total volume (V), and a constant temperature (T), the expected value of any observable j can be written

    Equation 1
    Equation 1

     where r is the set of positions of all N molecules, B is 1/( kB T), kB is Boltzmann's constant, and U(r) is the potential energy of the system. This integral is not analytic either (in fact the denominator is the same integral as discussed above) but numerical integration now yields the desired thermodynamic properties.

             Numerical integration works by evaluating the integrand at many points inside the integration region and using the average value to estimate the integral. The accuracy of numeric integration is highest when you evaluate at a large number of points and when the function does not change rapidly over short distances. Neither of these are the case for Equation 1 because this is a 3N dimensional integral and if any two particles are overlapping then they have a very large, positive potential energy that leads to a zero in the exponential. Since we are integrating over all of the positions, then even for a system of only 10 particles we would have 30 degrees of freedom (x, y, and z coordinates for each particle). Breaking each of these up into just 10 points to evaluate per degree of freedom would result in 1030 computations. My old Pentium computer could do about 50 million computations per second so it would take about 1014 years to complete this calculation. As this is appreciably longer than the 1010 years the universe has existed it is clearly not a viable option without an amazing improvement in computational power.

             It is possible to take advantage of the very property that makes this a difficult numerical integration, namely the fact that even though the configurational phase space (the 3N dimensional volume that we need to sample) is huge, most of it does not contribute anything significant to the integral. What we do instead is start the system in one of the "good" states (set of positions) and propagate it through either time or ensemble space in such a way that the fraction of time it spends in any particular state is given by

    Equation 2
    Equation 2

             where pi is the probability that the system is in state i. This is the idea behind molecular simulation. There are two different ways in which we can sample a system according to this probability distribution in such a way that we compute the average value of our observable without wasting computer time on the states that are unimportant. The two different ways of moving from one state to the next are called Molecular Dynamics (time average) and Monte Carlo (ensemble average) and they form the two branches of molecular simulation. While they are distinctly different approaches, they are equivalent from the viewpoint of statistical mechanics because the second postulate of statistical mechanics states that time averages are equivalent to ensemble averages.Why choose Monte Carlo?     

            Molecular dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) are equivalent methods, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Molecular dynamics follows the natural time evolution of the system and this allows the calculation of time-dependent quantities like diffusion constants and viscosities. In MD you calculate the current forces on the system, compute the instantaneous velocities that would result from those forces, and assume that the molecules move with that velocity for a small increment of time. This "time step" typically ranges from around 0.5 to 10 fs, and this limits MD simulations to time scales under a microsecond. Monte Carlo does not follow the time evolution so dynamical quantities cannot be computed, but this also means that processes which take a long physical time can be studied if the simulation is designed properly. The Monte Carlo method also enables the use of certain ensembles specifically designed for computing phase equilibria (particularly the Gibbs ensemble) that are very difficult to simulate using molecular dynamics.

             The phrase "Monte Carlo simulation" is used in a wide variety of contexts throughout the scientific literature. The main idea of all Monte Carlo simulations is to generate a large set of configurations and to measure the average (and sometimes variance) of some quantity of the system. These simulations are named after the famous gambling location Monte Carlo due to the random numbers that are used in order to generate and accept or reject trial moves. In our case, a Monte Carlo simulation is used in order to sample configurations according to a statistical mechanical ensemble.

             The main algorithmic challenge of designing a Monte Carlo molecular simulation lies in devising ways to adequately and efficiently sample the equilibrium distribution of the correct statistical mechanical ensemble. If we can devise an algorithm that samples states with the probability distribution given in Equation 2 then we will be able to compute the canonical ensemble averages.

             Metropolis et al. were the first to show that you can sample such a distribution by treating the problem as if it were a Markov chain. A Markov chain is a collection of states where the probability of moving from one state to another depends only upon the state that the system is currently residing in, independent of how the system got into that current state. The trick is to select the probabilities of moving from one state to another in such a way that the system converges to a stationary distribution with the probabilities given in Equation 2.

      This is best illustrated by considering a system of monatomic molecules in a periodic box. A periodic box is one in which molecules that exit out of one side of the box re-enter on the other side, and this is used to eliminate the effects of placing walls around the system. A Monte Carlo move is an attempt to change the system from one state to another. In this system the only move that is required to equilibrate the system (reach the stationary distribution) is a translational move. The algorithm for a translational move is as follows.
    1) Select a molecule in the system at random.2) Displace that molecule in a random direction by a distance Z1*M where Z1 is a random number uniformly distributed over the interval (0,1), and M is the maximum displacement.3) Compute the potential energy change [U(rnew) - U(rold)] caused by moving this particle from its old location to the new location.4) Accept or reject the move according to the acceptance probability
    Equation 3
    Equation 3
      If the energy change is negative, then the exponential term is greater than 1 and the move is accepted with probability 1. If the energy change is positive, then the move is accepted with probability 
    exp(-B [U(rnew) - U(rold)] ). This is done by computing a random number Z2 that is uniformly distributed over the interval (0,1). If Z2 is less than exp(-B [U(rnew) - U(rold)] ), then the move is accepted and the new location is counted in the averaging, otherwise the molecule is returned to its original location and the old configuration is counted again in the averaging.
      The reason for using this particular acceptance probability is revealed by analyzing the move according to the detailed balance condition in order to determine the stationary distribution of the Markov chain. For any two states in the system (
    i and j) the following must be true of the stationary distribution
    Equation 4
    Equation 4
    ρx is the stationary probability the Markov chain is in state xTx → y is the transition probability of attempting a move from state x
      to state 
    y, and Ax → y is the probability of accepting an attempted move from state x to state y. Let the potential energy of state i be higher than the potential energy of state j, (i.e. U(ri) > U(rj)). We can then combine Equation 3 and Equation 4 and rewrite as
    Equation 5
    Equation 5
      where the transition probabilities cancel out because the underlying Markov chain transition matrix is symmetric, that is 
    Tj → i = Ti → j for all i and j. We can also compute this ratio using Equation 2.
    Equation 6
    Equation 6

            Since these two quantities are equal, this demonstrates that the stationary distribution of this Markov chain is identical to the canonical distribution. This proof needs to be performed whenever a new move is proposed in order to insure that you are sampling from the desired statistical mechanical ensemble.

    The next step

            In theory, the Metropolis translation move is sufficient to sample the canonical ensemble. In practice, many other different kinds of moves are also utilized in order to reduce the amount of computer time required to get good convergence to the stationary distribution, and also to sample ensembles other than canonical. The broadly stated goal of Monte Carlo algorithm development is to achieve the best statistical precision using the least amount of computer time. Biased Monte Carlo methods is an active area of research and the Configurational-bias Monte Carlo page explains how these methods enable efficient simulation of molecules with complex architectures (long, branched and cyclic molecules) by utilizing an asymmetric underlying Markov chain transition matrix that makes it more likely to attempt to move to a molecular conformation with a lower energy than to attempt to move to one with a higher energy.

      While algorithm power controls the precision of the simulation, the intermolecular potential functions (also known as force fields) control the accuracy of a simulation that is attempting to reproduce the behavior of real molecules. More information about the force fields implemented into Towhee is found on the 
    Towhee Capabilities pageReturn to the Towhee algorithm page

    Last updated: March 28, 2018 Send comments to: Marcus Martin

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Simulation-Campus/p/8784790.html
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