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  • field.Type

    dbBigInt= 16
    dbBinary= 9
    dbBoolean= 1
    dbByte= 2
    dbChar= 18
    dbCurrency= 5
    dbDate= 8
    dbDecimal= 20
    dbDouble= 7
    dbFloat= 21
    dbGUID= 15
    dbInteger= 3
    dbLong= 4
    dbLongBinary= 11
    dbMemo= 12
    dbNumeric= 19
    dbSingle= 6
    dbText= 10
    dbTime= 22
    dbTimeStamp= 23
    dbVarBinary= 17

    e1: access 97
    Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("t1")
    For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print tdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & tdf.Fields(i).Type
    //t1_col1--4 dbLong= 4 自动编号 长整型
    //t1_col2--2 dbByte= 2 数字 字节
    //t1_col3--3 dbInteger= 3 数字 整型
    //t1_col4--4 dbLong= 4 数字 长整型
    //t1_col5--6 dbSingle= 6 数字 单精度型
    //t1_col6--7 dbDouble= 7 数字 双精度型
    //t1_col7--15 dbGUID= 15 数字 同步复制 ID
    //t1_col8--10 dbText= 10 文本
    //t1_col9--12 dbMemo= 12 备注
    //t1_col10--8 dbDate= 8 日期/时间
    //t1_col11--5 dbCurrency= 5 货币
    //t1_col12--15 dbGUID= 15 自动编号 同步复制 ID
    //t1_col13--1 dbBoolean= 1 是/否
    //t1_col14--11 dbLongBinary= 11 OLE对象
    //t1_col15--12 dbMemo= 12 超级链接
    //t1_col16--10 dbText= 10 文本


    sql server 2000 dao
    3 t1_col1 int 4 0---t1_col1--4 dbLong= 4
    0 t1_col2 int 4 1 t1_col2--4 dbLong= 4
    0 t1_col3 image 16 1 t1_col3--11 dbLongBinary= 11
    0 t1_col4 bigint 8 1 t1_col4--16 dbBigInt= 16
    0 t1_col5 binary 50 1 t1_col5--9 dbBinary= 9
    0 t1_col6 bit 1 1 t1_col6--1 dbBoolean= 1
    0 t1_col7 char 10 1 t1_col7--18 dbChar= 18
    0 t1_col8 datetime 8 1 t1_col8--23 dbTimeStamp= 23
    0 t1_col9 decimal 9 1 t1_col9--20 dbDecimal= 20
    0 t1_col10 float 8 1 t1_col10--21 dbFloat= 21
    0 t1_col11 image 16 1 t1_col11--11 dbLongBinary= 11
    0 t1_col12 int 4 1 t1_col12--4 dbLong= 4
    0 t1_col13 money 8 1 t1_col13--20 dbDecimal= 20
    0 t1_col14 nchar 10 1 t1_col14--0
    0 t1_col15 ntext 16 1 t1_col15--0
    0 t1_col16 numeric 9 1 t1_col16--19 dbNumeric= 19
    0 t1_col17 nvarchar 50 1 t1_col17--0
    0 t1_col18 real 4 1 t1_col18--6 dbSingle= 6
    0 t1_col19 smalldatetime 4 1 t1_col19--23 dbTimeStamp= 23
    0 t1_col20 smallint 2 1 t1_col20--3 dbInteger= 3
    0 t1_col21 smallmoney 4 1 t1_col21--20 dbDecimal= 20
    0 t1_col22 sql_variant 1 t1_col22--9 dbBinary= 9
    0 t1_col23 text 16 1 t1_col23--12 dbMemo= 12
    0 t1_col24 timestamp 8 1 t1_col24--9 dbBinary= 9
    0 t1_col25 tinyint 1 1 t1_col25--2 dbByte= 2
    0 t1_col26 uniqueidentifier16 1 t1_col26--1055
    0 t1_col27 varbinary 50 1 t1_col27--17 dbVarBinary= 17
    0 t1_col28 varchar 50 1 t1_col28--10 dbText= 10
    0 t1_col29 empid (char) 9 1 t1_col29--18 dbChar= 18
    0 t1_col30 id (varchar) 11 1 t1_col30--10 dbText= 10
    0 t1_col31 tid (varchar) 6 1 t1_col31--10 dbText= 10

    e3: 1/5 tabledef.field.type
    1.Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("t1")
    For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print tdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & tdf.Fields(i).Type
    //t1_col1--4 (dbLong=4)
    Debug.Print "-------------------------"
    Set fld = tdf.CreateField("new", dbInteger)
    fld.Type = dbLong
    Debug.Print fld.Type //4
    tdf.Fields.Append fld
    Debug.Print "-------------------------------------"
    For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print tdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & tdf.Fields(i).Type
    //t1_col1--4 (dbLong=4)
    2.Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("t1")
    For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print tdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & tdf.Fields(i).Type
    3.Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("t1")
    For i = 0 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print tdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & tdf.Fields(i).Type
    Debug.Print dbInteger //3

    tdf.Fields("t1_col2").Type = dbInteger //error
    e4: 2/5 index.field.type
    Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs("t1")
    Set idx = tdf.Indexes("ind1")
    For i = 0 To idx.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print idx.Fields(i).Name
    Debug.Print "------------------"
    Debug.Print idx.Fields("t1_col2").Name //t1_col2
    Debug.Print idx.Fields("t1_col2").Type //error
    or idx.Fields("t1_col2").Type = dbInteger //error
    e5: 3/5 querydef.field.type
    Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", "select * from t1")
    Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()
    Debug.Print rst(0).Name & "--" & rst(1).Name
    Do Until rst.EOF
    Debug.Print rst(0) & "--" & rst(1)
    Debug.Print "--------------------------------------"
    For i = 0 To qdf.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print qdf.Fields(i).Name & "--" & qdf.Fields(i).Type

    Debug.Print "--------------------------------"
    Debug.Print qdf.Fields("t1_col2").Type //3
    qdf.Fields("t1_col2").Type = dbInteger //error
    e6: 4/5 recordset.field.type
    Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("", "select * from t1")
    Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()
    Debug.Print rst(0).Name & "--" & rst(1).Name
    Do Until rst.EOF
    Debug.Print rst(0) & "--" & rst(1)
    Debug.Print "--------------------------------------"
    For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rst.Fields(i).Name & "--" & rst.Fields(i).Type
    Debug.Print "--------------------------------------"
    Debug.Print rst.Fields("t1_col2").Type //3
    rst.Fields("t1_col2").Type = dbInteger //error

    e7: 5/5 relation.field.type
    1.Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set rel = db.CreateRelation()
    rel.Name = "aa"
    rel.Table = "t1"
    rel.ForeignTable = "t2"
    rel.Attributes = dbRelationUpdateCascade
    rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField("t1_col1")
    rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField("t1_col2")
    rel.Fields("t1_col1").ForeignName = "t2_col2"
    rel.Fields("t1_col2").ForeignName = "t2_col3"
    db.Relations.Append rel
    2.Set db = OpenDatabase("d:sample est.mdb")
    Set rel = db.Relations("aa")
    For i = 0 To rel.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rel.Fields(i).Name
    Debug.Print "----------------------------------"
    Debug.Print rel.Fields("t1_col2").Name //t1_col2
    Debug.Print rel.Fields("t1_col2").Type //error
    or rel.Fields("t1_col2").Type = dbInteger //error

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