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  • 《左耳听风》-ARTS-打卡记录-第九周


     680. 验证回文字符串 Ⅱ 



    class Solution {
        bool validPalindrome(string s) {
            string s1 = s;
            if(s1 == s)
                return true;
                for(int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++)
                    string s2 = s1;
                    string s3 = s2;
                    if(s3 == s2)
                        return true;
                return false;



    class Solution {
        bool validPalindrome(string s) {
            int i = 0;
            int j = s.size()-1;
            int diffCount = 0;
            while(i < j) //之前只写成i != j, "bddb"有问题
                if(s[i] == s[j])
                    if(s[i+1] == s[j])
                        s.erase(i, 1);
                        //i++; //i应该不变
                    else if(s[i] == s[j-1])
                        s.erase(j, 1);
                        return false;
                if(diffCount > 1)
                    return false;
            return true;



    这还没完,在跑一个"aguokepatgbnvfqmgmlcupuufxoohdfpgjdmysgvhmvffcnqxjjxqncffvmhvgsymdjgpfdhooxfuupuculmgmqfvnbgtapekouga"例子时,上面的代码出现了问题,因为当i=20,j=79时,s[i+1] == s[j]和s[i] == s[j-1]都是满足的,但程序选择了前者,导致删除掉了i处的'c',导致剩下的字符串不再回文,让程序错认为不是回文字符串;



    class Solution {
        bool validPalindrome(string s) {
            int i = 0;
            int j = s.size()-1;
            int diffCount = 0;
            while(i < j) //之前只写成i != j, "bddb"有问题
                if(s[i] == s[j])
                    if(j - i > 3)
                        if((s[i+1] == s[j]) && (s[i+2] == s[j-1]))
                            s.erase(i, 1);
                            //i++; //i应该不变
                        else if((s[i] == s[j-1]) && (s[i+1] == s[j-2]))
                            s.erase(j, 1);
                            return false;
                        if(s[i+1] == s[j])
                            s.erase(i, 1);
                            //i++; //i应该不变
                        else if(s[i] == s[j-1])
                            s.erase(j, 1);
                            return false;
                if(diffCount > 1)
                    return false;
            return true;


    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way(3/8)

    Stack Overflow

    Search, then ask on Stack Exchange

    In recent years, the Stack Exchange community of sites has emerged as a major resource for answering technical and other questions and is even the preferred forum for many open-source projects.

    Start with a Google search before looking at Stack Exchange; Google indexes it in real time. There's a very good chance someone has already asked a similar question, and the Stack Exchange sites are often near the top of the search results. If you didn't find anything through Google, search again on the specific site most relevant to your question (see below). Searching with tags can help narrow down the results.

    If you still didn't find anything, post your question on the one site where it's most on-topic. Use the formatting tools, especially for code, and add tags that are related to the substance of your question (particularly the name of the programming language, operating system, or library you're having trouble with). If a commenter asks you for more information, edit your main post to include it. If any answer is helpful, click the up arrow to upvote it; if an answer gives a solution to your problem, click the check under the voting arrows to accept it as correct.

    Stack Exchange has grown to over 100 sites, but here are the most likely candidates:

    Super User is for questions about general-purpose computing. If your question isn't about code or programs that you talk to only over a network connection, it probably goes here.

    Stack Overflow is for questions about programming.

    Server Fault is for questions about server and network administration.

    Several projects have their own specific sites, including Android, Ubuntu, TeX/LaTeX, and SharePoint. Check the Stack Exchange site for an up-to-date list.

    Web and IRC forums

    Your local user group, or your Linux distribution, may advertise a Web forum or IRC channel where newbies can get help. (In non-English-speaking countries newbie forums are still more likely to be mailing lists.) These are good first places to ask, especially if you think you may have tripped over a relatively simple or common problem. An advertised IRC channel is an open invitation to ask questions there and often get answers in real time.

    In fact, if you got the program that is giving you problems from a Linux distribution (as is common today), it may be better to ask in the distro's forum/list before trying the program's project forum/list. The project's hackers may just say, “use our build”.

    Before posting to any Web forum, check if it has a Search feature. If it does, try a couple of keyword searches for something like your problem; it just might help. If you did a general Web search before (as you should have), search the forum anyway; your Web-wide search engine might not have all of this forum indexed recently.

    There is an increasing tendency for projects to do user support over a Web forum or IRC channel, with e-mail reserved more for development traffic. So look for those channels first when seeking project-specific help.

    In IRC, it's probably best not to dump a long problem description on the channel first thing; some people interpret this as channel-flooding. Best to utter a one-line problem description in a way pitched to start a conversation on the channel.

    As a second step, use project mailing lists

    When a project has a development mailing list, write to the mailing list, not to individual developers, even if you believe you know who can best answer your question. Check the documentation of the project and its homepage for the address of a project mailing list, and use it. There are several good reasons for this policy:

    • Any question good enough to be asked of one developer will also be of value to the whole group. Contrariwise, if you suspect your question is too dumb for a mailing list, it's not an excuse to harass individual developers.

    • Asking questions on the list distributes load among developers. The individual developer (especially if he's the project leader) may be too busy to answer your questions.

    • Most mailing lists are archived and the archives are indexed by search engines. If you ask your question on-list and it is answered, a future querent could find your question and the answer on the Web instead of asking it again.

    • If certain questions are seen to be asked often, developers can use that information to improve the documentation or the software itself to be less confusing. But if those questions are asked in private, nobody has the complete picture of what questions are asked most often.

    If a project has both a user” and a developer” (or hacker”) mailing list or Web forum, and you are not hacking on the code, ask in the user” list/forum. Do not assume that you will be welcome on the developer list, where they're likely to experience your question as noise disrupting their developer traffic.

    However, if you are sure your question is non-trivial, and you get no answer in the user” list/forum for several days, try the developer” one. You would be well advised to lurk there for a few daysor at least review the last few days of archived messages, to learn the local folkways before posting (actually this is good advice on any private or semi-private list).

    If you cannot find a project's mailing list address, but only see the address of the maintainer of the project, go ahead and write to the maintainer. But even in that case, don't assume that the mailing list doesn't exist. Mention in your e-mail that you tried and could not find the appropriate mailing list. Also mention that you don't object to having your message forwarded to other people. (Many people believe that private e-mail should remain private, even if there is nothing secret in it. By allowing your message to be forwarded you give your correspondent a choice about how to handle your e-mail.)

    Use meaningful, specific subject headers

    On mailing lists, newsgroups or Web forums, the subject header is your golden opportunity to attract qualified experts' attention in around 50 characters or fewer. Don't waste it on babble like Please help me” (let alone PLEASE HELP ME!!!!”; messages with subjects like that get discarded by reflex). Don't try to impress us with the depth of your anguish; use the space for a super-concise problem description instead.

    One good convention for subject headers, used by many tech support organizations, is object - deviation”. The object” part specifies what thing or group of things is having a problem, and the deviation” part describes the deviation from expected behavior.


    HELP! Video doesn't work properly on my laptop!


    X.org 6.8.1 misshapen mouse cursor, Fooware MV1005 vid. chipset


    X.org 6.8.1 mouse cursor on Fooware MV1005 vid. chipset - is misshapen

    The process of writing an object-deviation” description will help you organize your thinking about the problem in more detail. What is affected? Just the mouse cursor or other graphics too? Is this specific to the X.org version of X? To version 6.8.1? Is this specific to Fooware video chipsets? To model MV1005? A hacker who sees the result can immediately understand what it is that you are having a problem with and the problem you are having, at a glance.

    More generally, imagine looking at the index of an archive of questions, with just the subject lines showing. Make your subject line reflect your question well enough that the next person searching the archive with a question similar to yours will be able to follow the thread to an answer rather than posting the question again.

    If you ask a question in a reply, be sure to change the subject line to indicate that you're asking a question. A Subject line that looks like Re: test” or Re: new bug” is less likely to attract useful amounts of attention. Also, pare quotation of previous messages to the minimum consistent with cluing in new readers.

    Do not simply hit reply to a list message in order to start an entirely new thread. This will limit your audience. Some mail readers, like mutt, allow the user to sort by thread and then hide messages in a thread by folding the thread. Folks who do that will never see your message.

    Changing the subject is not sufficient. Mutt, and probably other mail readers, looks at other information in the e-mail's headers to assign it to a thread, not the subject line. Instead start an entirely new e-mail.

    On Web forums the rules of good practice are slightly different, because messages are usually much more tightly bound to specific discussion threads and often invisible outside those threads. Changing the subject when asking a question in reply is not essential. Not all forums even allow separate subject lines on replies, and nearly nobody reads them when they do. However, asking a question in a reply is a dubious practice in itself, because it will only be seen by those who are watching this thread. So, unless you are sure you want to ask only the people currently active in the thread, start a new one.


    Stack Overflow

    搜索,然后 在 Stack Exchange 问。

    近年来,Stack Exchange community 社区已经成为回答技术及其他问题的主要渠道,尤其是那些开放源码的项目。

    因为 Google 索引是即时的,在看 Stack Exchange 之前先在 Google 搜索。有很高的机率某人已经问了一个类似的问题,而且 Stack Exchange 网站们往往会是搜索结果中最前面几个。如果你在 Google 上没有找到任何答案,你再到特定相关主题的网站去找。用标签(Tag)搜索能让你更缩小你的搜索结果。

    Stack Exchange 已经成长到超过一百个网站,以下是最常用的几个站:

    • Super User 是问一些通用的电脑问题,如果你的问题跟代码或是写程序无关,只是一些网络连线之类的,请到这里。
    • Stack Overflow 是问写程序有关的问题。
    • Server Fault 是问服务器和网管相关的问题。


    本地的使用者群组(user group),或者你所用的 Linux 发行版本也许正在宣传他们的网页论坛或 IRC 频道,并提供新手帮助(在一些非英语国家,新手论坛很可能还是邮件列表), 这些地方是开始提问的好首选,特别是当你觉得遇到的也许只是相对简单或者很普通的问题时。经过宣传的 IRC 频道是公开欢迎提问的地方,通常可以即时得到回应。

    事实上,如果程序出的问题只发生在特定 Linux 发行版提供的版本(这很常见),最好先去该发行版的论坛或邮件列表中提问,再到程序本身的论坛或邮件列表提问。(否则)该项目的黑客可能仅仅回复 "用**我们的**版本"。


    通过论坛或 IRC 频道来提供使用者支持服务有增长的趋势,电子邮件则大多为项目开发者间的交流而保留。所以最好先在论坛或 IRC 中寻求与该项目相关的协助。




    • 任何好到需要向个别开发者提出的问题,也将对整个项目群组有益。反之,如果你认为自己的问题对整个项目群组来说太愚蠢,也不能成为骚扰个别开发者的理由。
    • 向列表提问可以分散开发者的负担,个别开发者(尤其是项目领导人)也许太忙以至于没法回答你的问题。
    • 大多数邮件列表都会被存档,那些被存档的内容将被搜索引擎索引。如果你向列表提问并得到解答,将来其它人可以通过网页搜索找到你的问题和答案,也就不用再次发问了。
    • 如果某些问题经常被问到,开发者可以利用此信息来改进说明文件或软件本身,以使其更清楚。如果只是私下提问,就没有人能看到最常见问题的完整场景。

    如果一个项目既有"使用者" 也有"开发者"(或"黑客")邮件列表或论坛,而你又不会动到那些源代码,那么就向"使用者"列表或论坛提问。不要假设自己会在开发者列表中受到欢迎,那些人多半会将你的提问视为干扰他们开发的噪音。

    然而,如果你**确信**你的问题很特别,而且在"使用者" 列表或论坛中几天都没有回复,可以试试前往"开发者"列表或论坛发问。建议你在张贴前最好先暗地里观察几天以了解那里的行事方式(事实上这是参与任何私有或半私有列表的好主意)




    一个好标题范例是目标 -- 差异式的描述,许多技术支持组织就是这样做的。在目标部分指出是哪一个或哪一组东西有问题,在差异部分则描述与期望的行为不一致的地方。


    聪明问题:X.org 6.8.1的鼠标游标会变形,某牌显卡 MV1005 芯片组。

    更聪明问题:X.org 6.8.1的鼠标游标,在某牌显卡 MV1005 芯片组环境下 - 会变形。

    编写目标 -- 差异 式描述的过程有助于你组织对问题的细緻思考。是什么被影响了? 仅仅是鼠标游标或者还有其它图形?只在 X.org 的 X 版中出现?或只是出现在6.8.1版中? 是针对某牌显卡芯片组?或者只是其中的 MV1005 型号? 一个黑客只需瞄一眼就能够立即明白你的环境****你遇到的问题。


    如果你想在回复中提出问题,记得要修改内容标题,以表明你是在问一个问题, 一个看起来像 Re: 测试 或者 Re: 新bug 的标题很难引起足够重视。另外,在不影响连贯性之下,适当引用并删减前文的内容,能给新来的读者留下线索。

    对于讨论串,不要直接点击回复来开始一个全新的讨论串,这将限制你的观众。因为有些邮件阅读程序,比如 mutt ,允许使用者按讨论串排序并通过折叠讨论串来隐藏消息,这样做的人永远看不到你发的消息。

    仅仅改变标题还不够。mutt 和其它一些邮件阅读程序还会检查邮件标题以外的其它信息,以便为其指定讨论串。所以宁可发一个全新的邮件。






    07 | 解决了很多技术问题,为什么你依然在“坑”里? 

    ——<10x程序员工作法> 郑烨
  • 相关阅读:
    (转)《代码大全》学习笔记:第10,11,12,13章 关于变量的使用,命名等
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Stephen-Qin/p/13383017.html
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