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  • UVA_11468_Substring_(AC自动机+概率动态规划)






     1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     2 using namespace std;
     4 const int maxt=50+5,maxk=20+5,maxl=100+5,maxnode=20*20+5,type=26+26+10;
     5 int t,k,l,n,kase;
     6 char p[maxk][20];
     7 double pro[type];
     8 inline int idx(char c){
     9     if(c>='0'&&c<='9') return c-'0';
    10     if(c>='a'&&c<='z') return c-'a'+10;
    11     return c-'A'+36;
    12 }
    13 struct Aho_Corasick{
    14     int ch[maxnode][type];
    15     int f[maxnode];
    16     double dp[maxnode][maxl];
    17     bool match[maxnode];
    18     int sz;
    19     void init(){
    20         sz=1;
    21         match[0]=false;
    22         memset(pro,0,sizeof pro);
    23         memset(ch[0],0,sizeof ch[0]);
    24         memset(dp,-1,sizeof dp);
    25     }
    26     void insert(char *s){
    27         int u=0;
    28         for(;*s;s++){
    29             int c=idx(*s);
    30             if(!ch[u][c]){
    31                 memset(ch[++sz],0,sizeof ch[sz]);
    32                 match[sz]=false;
    33                 ch[u][c]=sz;
    34             }
    35             u=ch[u][c];
    36         }
    37         match[u]=true;
    38     }
    39     void get_fail(){
    40         queue <int> q;
    41         f[0]=0;
    42         for(int c=0;c<type;c++){
    43             int u=ch[0][c];
    44             if(u){ f[u]=0; q.push(u); }
    45         }
    46         while(!q.empty()){
    47             int r=q.front(); q.pop();
    48             for(int c=0;c<type;c++){
    49                 int u=ch[r][c];
    50                 if(!u){ ch[r][c]=ch[f[r]][c]; continue; }
    51                 q.push(u);
    52                 int v=f[r];
    53                 f[u]=ch[v][c];
    54                 match[u]|=match[f[u]];
    55             }
    56         }
    57     }
    58     double get_pro(int u,int l){
    59         if(!l) return 1.0;
    60         if(dp[u][l]>=0) return dp[u][l];
    61         double &ans=dp[u][l];
    62         ans=0.0;
    63         for(int c=0;c<type;c++)if(!match[ch[u][c]]) ans+=pro[c]*get_pro(ch[u][c],l-1);
    64         return ans;
    65     }
    66 }ac;
    67 int main(){
    68     scanf("%d",&t);
    69     while(t--){
    70         ac.init();
    71         scanf("%d",&k);
    72         for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){
    73             scanf("%s",p[i]);
    74             ac.insert(p[i]);
    75         }
    76         ac.get_fail();
    77         scanf("%d",&n);
    78         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    79             char c;
    80             while(c=getchar(),c=='
    81             scanf("%lf",&pro[idx(c)]);
    82         }
    83         scanf("%d",&l);
    84         printf("Case #%d: %lf
    85     }
    86     return 0;
    87 }
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    Given a set of pattern strings, and a text, you have to find, if any of the pattern is a substring of the
    text. If any of the pattern string can be found in text, then print ‘yes’, otherwise ‘no’ (without quotes).
    But, unfortunately, thats not what is asked here.
    The problem described above, requires a input file generator. The generator generates a text of
    length L, by choosing L characters randomly. Probability of choosing each character is given as priori,
    and independent of choosing others.
    Now, given a set of patterns, calculate the probability of a valid program generating “no”.
    First line contains an integer T , the number of test cases. Each case starts with an integer K, the
    number of pattern strings. Next K lines each contain a pattern string, followed by an integer N ,
    number of valid characters. Next N lines each contain a character and the probability of selecting that
    character, p i . Next an integer L, the length of the string generated. The generated text can consist of
    only the valid characters, given above.
    There will be a blank line after each test case.
    For each test case, output the number of test case, and the probability of getting a “no”.
    • T ≤ 50
    • K ≤ 20
    • Length of each pattern string is between 1 and 20
    • Each pattern string consists of only alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9)
    • Valid characters are all alphanumeric characters

    p i = 1
    • L ≤ 100
    Sample Input
    a 0.5
    b 0.5
    a 0.2
    b 0.8
    Sample Output
    Case #1: 0.250000
    Case #2: 0.840000

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Sunnie69/p/5550627.html
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