zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • jsmind

        <js-mind :values="mind" :options="options" ref="jsMind" height="1000px"  id="jsmind_container" style="flex:none"/>
      export default {
        data () {
          return {
        "data":"<map version="1.0.1"> <node ID="root" TEXT="jsMind" > <node ID="easy" POSITION="left" TEXT="Easy" > <node ID="easy1" TEXT="Easy to show" /> <node ID="easy2" TEXT="Easy to edit" /> <node ID="easy3" TEXT="Easy to store" /> <node ID="easy4" TEXT="Easy to embed" /> </node> <node ID="open" POSITION="right" TEXT="Open Source" > <node ID="open1" TEXT="on GitHub" /> <node ID="open2" TEXT="BSD License" /> </node> <node ID="powerful" POSITION="right" TEXT="Powerful" > <node ID="powerful1" TEXT="Base on Javascript" /> <node ID="powerful2" TEXT="Base on HTML5" /> <node ID="powerful3" TEXT="Depends on you" /> </node> <node ID="other" POSITION="left" TEXT="test node" > <node ID="other1" TEXT="I'm from local variable" /> <node ID="other2" TEXT="I can do everything" /> </node> </node> </map>"
            options : {
       container : 'jsmind_container', 			// [required] ID of the container
       editable : true, 		// Is editing enabled?
       theme : 'orange', 			// theme
       mode :'full', 			// display mode
       support_html : true, 	// Does it support HTML elements in the node?
           engine: 'canvas', 	// engine for drawing lines between nodes in the mindmap
           hmargin:100, 		// Minimum horizontal distance of the mindmap from the outer frame of the container
           vmargin:50, 			// Minimum vertical distance of the mindmap from the outer frame of the container
           line_2, 		// thickness of the mindmap line
           line_color:'#555' 	// Thought mindmap line color
           hspace:30, 			// horizontal spacing between nodes
           vspace:20, 			// vertical spacing between nodes
           pspace:13 			// Horizontal spacing between node and connection line (to place node expander)
           enable:true, 		// whether to enable shortcut
           handles:{}, 			// Named shortcut key event processor
           mapping:{ 			// shortcut key mapping
               addchild : 45, 	// <Insert>
               addbrother : 13, // <Enter>
               editnode : 69, 	// <F2>
               delnode : 46, 	// <Delete>
               toggle : 32, 	// <Space>
               left : 37, 		// <Left>
               up : 38, 		// <Up>
               right : 39, 		// <Right>
               down : 40, 		// <Down>
    <style lang="less">
     div /deep/ .hello .jmnodes.theme-orange .jmnode {
        color: #aaa;
      background-color: gray;


    import jm from 'vue-jsmind'


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    Jmeter ----关于上传图片接口
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    Robot Framework自动化测试(二)---元素定位
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/SunshineKimi/p/15015462.html
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